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How to tell if a tree is dead

Did you know that a tree can have some leaves and be upright and yet be dead at the same time? This occurs because some trees die slowly and most die from the inside out. Therefore, to know if a tree is dead we should not look at obvious aspects, but rather internal ones.

Today in Ecologiaverde we are going to explain to you what are the signals that the tree sends when it is dying and in this way learn how to know if a tree is dead .

You may also be interested in: How to kill a tree
  1. Search the trunk or branches
  2. Sawdust, ants and mushrooms
  3. Factors that can weaken the tree

Search the trunk or branches

One of the first things you will need to do to know if your tree is dead is to look for orange fungus on the trunk. On the other hand, you can scrape a branch with a knife and see if it is green. If so, it means that the specimen is still alive, but if it is brown, it means that it has died. It is also recommended that you move the branches and check their flexibility. If they break quickly, crack, or sound dry, they are dead. On the other hand, if the tree does not have buds at the end of spring , this will mean that it is no longer living.

Sawdust, ants and mushrooms

Another way to check if the tree is dead is to look for sawdust and ants on the ground where the tree is planted. If so, the item could be undergoing a process of decomposition. In addition, mushrooms or fungi usually grow in the soil around the trunk of a dead tree .

Factors that can weaken the tree

In the same way, you will have to look at the conditions in which each of its branches is found, since if some are dead it can weaken the tree, so you have to prune them . If you do it in time, the tree will be able to recover and it will become stronger.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to know if a tree is dead , we recommend that you enter our Garden Care category .

Maria Anderson
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