It is true that black, red, or yellow ants do little harm. But we cannot underestimate them, as they can attack the seedlings of almost all annuals, small perennials, and the grassy meadow. They are easy to detect, the symptoms of their presence are evident since the plants grow slowly and can wilt when their roots are damaged . In addition, mounds of earth arise that even bury the specimens of creeping development .
Eliminate ants from the garden
His big goal is the lawn where those colored yellow are dedicated to bringing earth to the surface while building the nest or enlarge their nests. The problem of heaps of earth is not only aesthetic as it also affects mowing. In addition, when we plant the new grass, the ants will dig up the seeds to take them to their ant hills, which will make germination not homogeneous. Therefore, before sowing, we will distribute a few seeds around the field and observe where they are transferred. Once your refuge is discovered, we will incorporate an anti-ant granulate. If they are not excessively annoying, it may be enough to shield the seeds with insecticide, so that they do not collect them.
Ants love sugar, hence one of their allies is the aphid. The honeydew it secretes is so highly prized by ants that they even have aphid farms which they protect from other enemies. We can use this to our advantage to detect aphids, as they are sometimes difficult to see. However there are other species with which the ants do not get along so well, as some parasitic wasps, larvae of ladybugs and flies neuróteras , and especially the ant lion.
Apart from using chemical products to combat them, we can use some plants that help protect the garden and orchard from this pest. The cultivation of lavender, lavender, thyme, marjoram and calendula drives them away, in the same way as if we cover the affected area with tomato leaves or ferns. We can try to spread around the ant hills, and within them, calcium algae, honey traps and hot water. In the trunks of the trees we will apply a barrier of non-toxic wet sticky material, to prevent its passage.
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