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Mediterranean plants for garden

One of the easiest ways to develop a sustainable garden is to opt for Mediterranean plants, since they are native plants of the area and will allow the garden in question to be much more efficient when it comes to using certain resources present in the environment. environment, such as water. However, to design a sustainable garden it will be necessary to take into account another series of elements in addition to water consumption. In this sense, at least for gardens located in the Iberian Peninsula, it is essential to choose Mediterranean plants for the garden., since they are the ones that will best adapt to the region’s climate and, in addition, they will also be able to create ecosystems in tune with the rest of the species in the area. Keep reading AgroCorrn and we will tell you everything you need to know about it.

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  1. What is xero-gardening or sustainable gardening
  2. Mediterranean plants for the garden and trees
  3. Natural elements for a sustainable garden

What is xero-gardening or sustainable gardening

Xero-gardening or sustainable gardening is called the set of techniques aimed at making a garden a sustainable space that is respectful with the environment. In this sense, one of the fundamental aspects that xero-gardening or sustainable gardening takes into account is to try to reduce water consumption . Certain gardens, such as those with large lawns, involve very high water consumption, since they need to be watered daily and in considerable quantities.

On the contrary, the xerojardines are configured from native plants of the area, which means that they can survive without the need for irrigation, only with the normal rains of the area. In the worst case, it will be necessary to apply a punctual irrigation from time to time, especially in times of drought. However, your water consumption will always be less than a garden that uses plants that do not adjust correctly to the climate of the area.

Likewise, beyond the consumption of water, another element that sustainable gardening takes into account is the use of native plants of the area due to the way in which they are related to neighboring ecosystems. That is, even if water consumption is reduced by selecting specific plants for this, these plants may not establish positive relationships with the rest of the flora and fauna in the area, which would harm the ecosystem as a whole.

One of the best examples is the introduction of invasive plants . They may be plants that adapt well to the climate of the area. However, if they spread through the ecosystem beyond the garden itself, they can become an important competition for the native plants of the area, thus damaging the balance of the ecosystem of the place. Therefore, when practicing xero-gardening or sustainable gardening, the choice of native plants beyond their water consumption is also an element that should be taken into account.

Mediterranean plants for the garden and trees

Naturally, the Mediterranean garden plants that we can choose from will be many and varied. Actually, any of those that are part of the Mediterranean climate will be a good option. However, some of the most interesting that should not be missing, both for their fruits or meanings, as well as for their aesthetics, are the following:

  • Olive tree : it is undoubtedly one of the most characteristic trees of the Mediterranean climate. In addition, it offers fruits that can be used in the preparation of our own olives or seasoned olives.
  • Vine: together with the olive tree , the vine is another of the most characteristic plants of the Mediterranean climate. It can be arranged as a freestanding vine or as a vine, either supported by trellises or a structure suitable for vines.
  • Lavender: another of the plants that can most brighten up any Mediterranean garden both with its colors and its aroma. In addition, lavender is a plant that bees love, the main pollinating insect in the world, so planting lavender in the garden will help them to feed more easily. Here we tell you more about the Plants and flowers that attract bees .
  • Fig tree: another of the most common Mediterranean trees that can bring more freshness to our garden, in addition to offering delicious fruits.
  • Rosemary : a very resistant and aromatic shrub, characteristic for its woody trunk and small flowers.
  • Laurel: another of the most common trees on the Mediterranean shore and which, in addition, can flavor any vegetable dish with the aroma of its leaves.
  • Thyme: a small shrub typical of the mountains of Europe and that, in addition to serving as a condiment in meals, also has a tiny flower that will beautify any flower bed or pot where it is grown.
  • Jasmine: one of the most common climbing plants in Mediterranean gardens. In addition to having a flower that will brighten up any outdoor space, the scent of jasmine at night will be the best added value so that it is not lacking in our garden.
  • Aloe vera: originally from North Africa, aloe vera is one of the plants with the most medicinal and cosmetic uses. It grows easily both in soil and in pots.
  • Sunflowers: although they are usually associated with orchards, this summer plant is one of the best decorative plants that we can include in our gardens, which will give them a rustic appearance without equal. In addition, at the end of summer, we can enjoy their pipes as an aperitif.

Natural elements for a sustainable garden

On the other hand, beyond the properly vegetal elements, sustainable gardens or xero-gardens can also be complemented with other decorative elements that do not require water consumption and that do not alter the environment or neighboring ecosystems. These are decorations made from natural elements that help the gardens have a more aesthetic and complete appearance, giving them a decorative unit that will make them more pleasant throughout the year.

Some of these elements that we can use in a xerojardín or sustainable garden are the following:

  • Natural field stones.
  • Natural mountain slate.
  • River pebbles.
  • Natural gravels .
  • Tree bark .
  • Tree trunks.
  • Clay and sand of different shades.
  • Recycled wood.

If you want to read more articles similar to Mediterranean plants for garden , we recommend that you enter our category of Outdoor Plants .

Maria Anderson
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