Nature is wise, goes the famous phrase, but that does not mean that it can do everything or that it is not vulnerable to attacks or imbalances to a point of no return. However, there are theories that point in that direction. The ecological balance , without going any further, it has to do with this supposed wisdom of nature. It is an important concept that is studied within an approach to ecology as a branch of biology that addresses the interrelationships of living beings with each other and with their environment, so it is a multidisciplinary issue.
Chaos theory
Not surprisingly, the different parts of ecosystems interact dynamically, maintaining a status quo, that is, a certain biodiversity and conditions.
At the same time, we live in a world in constant transformation, in which some species will disappear, others will be transformed more or less quickly. But, even being the result of the interaction between the different factors of a certain habitat, this evolution is compatible with the existence of that supposed ecological balance, which would be essential for life.
The relationship between individuals and their environment , according to this paradigm, is maintained in an ecological balance necessary for the life of all species, fauna and flora. According to the theory of the balance of nature, ecological systems tend to a stable equilibrium, which means that changes are corrected until that point of equilibrium is reached again, for example between organic elements, predators and prey or between herbivores and source. of food-, or as a result of inorganic factors, such as different elements of ecosystems or the atmosphere, let’s say.
However, since the middle of the last century, this belief that nature has a tendency to equilibrium has been replaced by a more realistic theory of chaos , since it is undeniable that although equilibrium is possible, and ecosystems can tend towards it It is also true that chaotic changes are common and their consequences are devastating most of the time, without the aforementioned balance occurring.
The chaos is produced by a myriad of reasons, among others and very particularly by the terrible and systematic intervention of the human being throughout the planet. In turn, on the other side of the coin, human action can help restore that lost balance, as occurs when green initiatives are carried out.
On the other hand, environmental regulations, green policies, as well as ecological projects give meaning to ecological balance as a synonym for protecting ecosystems and the environment.
Balance vs imbalance
Currently, it is common to understand ecological balance as a desirable state that must characterize a certain natural environment in order to be considered healthy from predetermined environmental criteria.
Above all, it must be ensured that it is not invasive nor does it end up falling into a regressive state that deteriorates it, perhaps even making it disappear. Basically, an ideal is pursued based on biological criteria to which other not so scientific ones are added.
The objective is to avoid changes that are detrimental by depleting the environmental capital that is considered valuable. Thus, when one speaks of ecological balance, the question is not always considered from a scientific point of view, much less objective, since not even science is in reality.
This balance, in turn, can be more or less compatible with the well-being and interests of the human being, starting from one or other assumptions that are ethical or the opposite, and suppose an attack against one or another species.
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