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Hydroponics, a more ecological and sustainable agriculture

Hydroponics, a more ecological and sustainable agriculture

The hydroponics or hydroponics are plantations based on a method that dispenses earth to replace it with various substrates or no more, none of them, in this case using mineral water enriched with nutrient solutions.

It is, therefore, a revolutionary cultivation technique due to its minimal or zero use of resources, revealing itself as a sustainability solution without any possible comparison with traditional agriculture.

Beyond its innovative aspect, hydroponic cultivation is consolidated as a type of agriculture with great prospects for the future, although its origins are very ancient, dating back to the beginnings of the Hellenic civilization. Without going any further, the famous hanging gardens of Babylon were based on hydroponic techniques. If you are interested in knowing more details and curiosities about hydroponics, a more ecological and sustainable agriculture than industrial, keep reading this Green Ecology article.

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Ending world hunger is possible with hydroponics

Today, hydroponics has advanced thanks to the development of chemical analysis, and it has done so to such an extent that many consider it a hope for the future of humanity. In particular, it could be an essential tool to combat hunger and growing food insecurity as a result of overpopulation.

The least developed countries could take advantage of the great potential of hydroponics to end the problems of scarcity of land for agricultural use and overpopulation, mostly mired in poverty not unrelated to famines. At the same time, rich countries, such as the United States or Israel, also choose this technique to gain space and benefit from many of its advantages.

In addition to its efficiency in the use of resources such as water or nutrients, to dispense with land and to require much less space , hydroponics means savings in labor, easier and cheaper pest control, as well as a higher quality harvest.

The absence of weeds, the low or no concentration of pesticides, the possible use of desert areas or almost any other place for its development and its great sustainability are also important points in its favor that bring us closer to a more ecological world.

If you want to read more articles similar to Hydroponics, a more ecological and sustainable agriculture , we recommend that you enter our category of Ecological Technology .

Maria Anderson
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