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Flowers that last longer in vases

There are many people who do not have the possibility of having gardens or terraces in their homes but who like flowers. If you like gardening but you don’t have a terrace, or balcony, or patio … surely you will take advantage of the windows or some areas of your house to be able to enjoy flowers or plants in pots. But there are also people who like flowers, but not gardening.

In this case, where people want to enjoy flowers but not gardening, they choose in many cases to have beautiful flowers to decorate vases at home. It is a good way to enjoy the flowers while they are dying. We must remember that when you cut a flower, it will no longer have a chance to prosper, but with water and good care, it can survive for a long time.

In this sense, today I want to talk to you about some flowers that, in addition to being beautiful, are more resistant and that may last longer in the vases that you choose for your home. This way you will have some very beautiful flowers inside your house, you will only have to choose the ones you like the most.

You may also be interested in: The most expensive flowers in the world
  1. Hortensias
  2. Gardenias
  3. Tulips
  4. Sweet peas



Hydrangeas are flowers that need a lot of water, so if you want it to last a long time in your vase, it will be necessary to change and refill the vase with clean water at least once a day. If you notice that the water is not drinking the water well, you will have to cut the stem so it can do better.

To keep hydrangeas looking bright and sharp, use a spray bottle to moisten their petals with more water.


Gardenias are very beautiful flowers and you should take care of them in your vases to enjoy their beauty and all their splendor. But be careful, if you smell gardenias up close you could kill them. The air that you breathe into the flower is a sure way to kill them. The white petals will turn brown and this will mean that it is slowly dying.

To enjoy this flower you will have to do it from afar. Remember that it needs a lot of water, but do not suffer if you want to enjoy its aroma, it is not necessary that you smell it closely, if it has enough water you can enjoy its aroma in the distance.


Tulip flowers, even if you cut them, you should know that they continue to grow if you have fresh water . You can put them in a vase and find that they will be in good health in an upright position although over time they can twist a bit.

Tulips are also very sensitive to temperature, so you should know that if you put tulips in a warm room, they will open … but this means that they are wilting, and therefore, that they will be dying. You need to move them around and put them in a cooler room so they can be closed again.

Sweet peas

Sweet peas are a popular flower often worn in bridal bouquets because of their beauty and because they are sensitive to changes in temperature. When sweet peas are cut to keep in a vase or vase, they will need fresh and quite cold air for as long as possible, in this way they will be able to survive longer. The petals of sweet peas have a tracing paper consistency, so they are very delicate and soft.

These are some flowers that you can have in your home in vases or vases. They will beautify your home and also, they will survive for a long time with good care and clean, fresh water. What flowers do you know that are also hardy when you cut them?

If you want to read more articles similar to Flowers that last longer in vases , we recommend that you enter our Decoration category .

Maria Anderson
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