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The conifers most used to make hedges

Coniferous plants are named for the cone shape they have, although there are some within this group that do not have that shape. They offer many possibilities since they can be planted both in pots for terraces or balconies and on the garden floor itself, so you can use them for many things and both inside and outside your home.

Today we would like to focus on the ones used to make hedges , for which you have to choose the most suitable ones as this way you can achieve better results. In addition, not all conifers are suitable for making hedges, and considering that we always want to make them for something in particular and in a place where they will have a function, it is important to choose the most appropriate ones. So keep reading this AgroCorrn article if you want to know which conifers are most used to make hedges .

You may also be interested in: Privacy trees, hedges and plants in the garden
  1. Leylandi cypress
  2. Chamaecyparis
  3. Juniperos
  4. Tree of Life

Leylandi cypress

Scientifically known as Cupressocyparis, it is the conifer that is most used to make hedges in gardens since it can reach a considerable height.

Once it develops, it can grow one meter each year , as long as it receives the care it needs and that the environmental conditions are appropriate. You can do all the pruning you want.


Of this you will find many varieties, and it is also widely used in gardens because its base is fantastic for it.

If you do not have much time to care for it, you should choose another, since it needs a lot of attention and, in addition, it does not develop well in any type of soil.


It is also known as junipers and has many varieties, being in addition to very different sizes but with something in common: its green berries .

They do not need much care or that these are very special, and it can also be planted in practically any type of soil.

Tree of Life

Officially called Thuja, it also has many species of different shapes and colors but which are characterized by having their leaves, which are flattened, a different orientation.

If you want it to cover very large spaces, the best option is the Thuja Aplicata .

If you want to read more articles similar to The conifers most used to make hedges , we recommend that you enter our Garden Care category .

Maria Anderson
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