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Rainwater recovery systems

The collection of rainwater can be very useful in rainy areas, and also in those in which rainfall is concentrated in a specific season, in order to be able to take advantage of it according to the needs and quantities collected.

The recovery systems Rainwater indeed meet different needs (irrigation, filling swimming pools or ponds, drinking water, etc.), but your choice will also depend on the party that can be obtained depending on rainfall patterns that have in each zone.

You may also be interested in: Recycling rainwater for consumption
  1. The simplest solutions
  2. External or underground cisterns
  3. Practical ingenuity

The simplest solutions

The recovery of rainwater by installing a barrel that collects the water that falls from the roof through the gutters, which is automatically stored, without having to pay attention to anything, except disconnecting it in the winter months to not to form ice or to open the valves if the storm is severe, so that it does not overflow. Once installed, you just have to wait for it to rain at least the first time and start using a small tap.

Be that as it may, with barrels bought or made with our little hands, we can use them individually or install several to increase their capacity, and it would even be possible to stack several horizontally and connect them through a distribution system that flows into a single tap.

If we are looking for something even simpler, let’s put drums without a lid , like the traditional bucket, although we will be limited when it comes to extracting the water (without a tap in which to connect a hose, put love for example) and also when trying to fill them since the rain is not always so strong that the system is productive.

In addition, we will have to place a mosquito net to cover them if we do not want the water to fill with insects. Otherwise, it will be fun to decorate the barrels with green motifs (drawing flowers, a frog, raindrops) or as our imagination dictates to achieve a better integration in the garden.

External or underground cisterns

Another option, this time complicated but also much more ambitious, requires underground facilities . Basically, it is about burying a cistern that is fed with the rainwater that is collected through the gutters or other recovery systems, to finally create a water tank that we can use for different uses.

In general, underground cisterns supply water to homes or industrial facilities, such as farms or factories, delivering the water through pumps that allow it to reach any point , including a first or second floor or any other, as long as the pumping system allows it.

The cistern does not have to be underground, but normally it is convenient for aesthetic and practical reasons, since its dimensions are mammoth enough to rule out that possibility. However, there is the alternative of flexible external tanks, which allow their transfer if they are small and, in any case, their location is easier and can even be hidden.

They are bags specially designed for this use, which are filled with water, made of a very resistant material, and which allow such diverse uses as gardening, watering a garden or drinking it. As long as the water meets the hygienic-sanitary conditions necessary for one use or another, the use is decided by us. In the case of wanting to ingest it, it would be convenient to carry out previous analyzes and, if necessary, carry out a purification by means of ozonator systems or any other that guarantees a minimum healthiness of the water.

In short, it is about choosing the system that best suits the needs we have, the budget we have and the weather conditions of the specific place. Finally, it will be as easy as placing a container under the gutter, which can be from a barrel to a cistern that feeds on it or doing something as complicated as building an underground cistern, an investment that will pay off in the medium term. At an environmental level, it will be from day one.

Practical ingenuity

In addition to these popular and currently unsurprising options, curious ideas have emerged that can also inspire us when it comes to taking advantage of rainwater. At a particular level, nothing prevents us from diverting the gutter until it reaches the pool . The idea is brilliant, although it could easily overflow on days of major storms.

And, if we talk about ingenuity, we could not finish this post without winking to an imaginative project difficult to match when proposing something different but not less practical. It’s called RainDrops , and it consists of a great system of bottles that collect rainwater individually thanks to its communication with the gutter, allowing its use in situ or extracting them to use them independently.

Fun, useful and ingenious to the fullest. An environmental gesture that shows the extent to which it is possible to find new solutions that make our lives easier while helping us to take care of our pockets and the planet. In addition, AirDrop has great potential to help rural communities with water access problems in developing countries. A round invention.

If you want to read more articles similar to Rainwater Recovery Systems , we recommend that you enter our Energy Saving category .

Maria Anderson
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