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Wheat germ: properties, benefits and contraindications

It is common to hear in many places about the beneficial properties of wheat germ for our health and, in fact, it is a product that is becoming more and more popular. For example, it is a great antioxidant, it facilitates digestion and regulates intestinal transit. In addition, it is widely used to improve the appearance of the skin and hair, as well as to have optimal digestion and help regulate cholesterol.

If you want to learn more about this natural product, as well as its beneficial properties and the possible contraindications it has, join us in this AgroCorrn article in which we discover the properties of wheat germ, its benefits, how to take it and contraindications , among other aspects . Get to know it well and you will see how you want to include it in your diet from now on.

What is wheat germ

As its name suggests, the germ is the part of the seed that will germinate . It is the internal part, which looks like a small bump in the grain, since it is the part that will give rise to a new plant, it is a food that is very rich in nutrients .

In addition, wheat germ is not present in most wheat products, such as flours, since the refining process removes it. This is due to the fact that the high content of fatty acids that it has favors a faster rancidity of the flour, which is not advisable.

If you want to consume wheat germ, you have to go to whole grain products, oils or the wheat seeds themselves, although there are also specialized products, such as wheat germ powder or flakes.

Wheat germ: properties

Wheat germ is above all a food of great nutritional value, with a high content of carbohydrates and proteins, but it also contains fibers, omega 3 fatty acids, vitamins A, B, C and D and minerals, such as magnesium, zinc, calcium, iron, phosphorus, and potassium. Thanks to this rich composition of nutrients, these are the main properties of wheat germ :

  • Energetic: due to its high contribution of carbohydrates and proteins, it is an exceptional food for athletes and for those who need an extra supply of energy in their diet.
  • Antioxidant: it is also a high-capacity antioxidant, helping the body to delay premature aging of cells, which we notice more in the skin or hair but it affects the health of all organs.
  • Digestive: it is a good intestinal regulator due to its fiber content.
  • Remineralizing: it is rich in calcium, zinc, iron, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium, making it useful in the prevention and treatment of anemia and osteoporosis, among other conditions.
  • Lipid-lowering: that is, it has the ability to help regulate cholesterol, helping to maintain both bad and good cholesterol levels at an optimal point for health
  • Hypoglyceminating: it can help regulate blood glucose, but you have to be very careful when consuming it if you have diabetes, as we will discuss later.

What is wheat germ for – benefits

This food can provide a large number of benefits to our health. If you wonder what it is for, discover the main benefits of wheat germ below:

  • Helps fight cholesterol and strengthens the circulatory system. Its omega 3 fatty acids and the fibers it contains are a great ally against so-called bad cholesterol. In addition, for this reason and also because of its low sodium content, it helps with heart health.
  • Regulates blood glucose levels . The zinc content of wheat germ helps the absorption of sugars in the blood, preventing it from accumulating in excessively high amounts, an effect that diabetics can take advantage of. However, they must be careful because in turn it is a source of carbohydrates, that is, of sugars and depending on the amount that is ingested and the use made of insulin it may help more or less.
  • It provides a lot of energy and, in fact, this is one of the main benefits of this food, which gives us a good dose of healthy energy. So, if you need energy, opt for products like this and not for unhealthy foods. It is ideal to eat when later you are going to do a lot of sports or you are going to do an intellectual overexertion, for example, to study or take exams.
  • Improves skin and strengthens hair and nails . Its content of riboflavin (vitamin B2) and vitamin E is a great contribution to the state of both our hair and nails and skin. For this effect, it is beneficial both to ingest the wheat germ and apply it in oil. In massages, it provides flexibility to the skin in the area applied in particular, hydrating and visibly improving it.
  • Helps prevent premature aging by keeping cells in good condition. Its antioxidant properties and its high vitamin content make it an ally to take into account in the fight against degenerative diseases.
  • Very suitable for the vegetarian and vegan diet . Vegetarians and vegans will find wheat germ an excellent source of vegetable proteins, which is why it is one more food that will serve to replace those of animal origin.
  • Improves intestinal transit: as we have already mentioned, it helps to have an easier digestion and also serves to regulate intestinal transit. Therefore, we can benefit from this food to improve our digestive system.

How to take wheat germ

Now that you know the properties and benefits of wheat germ, let’s talk about how to take wheat germ and the most common doses to consume in a single day.

How to take wheat germ – formats

You can find whole wheat germ, powder, flakes, oil, or capsules . Follow these tips to take wheat germ in the format you prefer:

  • You can sprinkle the fine flakes or powdered wheat germ in the juice to use it on our dishes or salads as if it were another spice. Adding it to milk or dairy products is also a very good option, as well as using it as part of the filling or the dough for tortillas, meatballs or hamburgers, among others.
  • If you consume wheat germ oil , you can use it as part of your salad dressing or to cook some dishes on the grill. The limit is set by your imagination in the kitchen!
  • It is very common to combine brewer’s yeast and wheat germ powder or flakes in some dishes , since as food supplements they are both very beneficial to give an extra contribution of energy. However, we can also find brewer’s yeast and wheat germ food supplements in capsules on the market, although they are also sold separately, many people choose the combined product to benefit from more properties of these natural products.
  • It should be clarified that wheat germ oil can be used both in the kitchen and for massage, depending on the specific product. Likewise, the latter can also be used to massage the scalp and as a hair mask, strengthening it naturally.

How much wheat germ to take per day – recommended dose

When taken as food, the recommended amount of consumption in adults is between 1 and 3 tablespoons of wheat germ flakes or powder per day. For children, the dose is 1/1 or 1 tablespoon a day.

This product, in most of its formats, must be kept in the refrigerator, since it spoils much faster than wheat derivatives without germ.

Wheat germ: contraindications and side effects

Despite its many beneficial properties, wheat germ also has some contraindications and side effects, like any product that is abused or misused.

Wheat germ contraindications

  • It is not suitable for gluten intolerant.
  • Those allergic to wheat or any component in it should avoid its consumption.
  • It has a high caloric content. For this reason, its consumption in low-calorie diets or for people who are in weight loss processes is not recommended, unless a specialist recommends it.

Side effects of taking wheat germ

  • Excessive consumption can cause diarrhea. The composition of wheat germ can make our stools softer, so consuming large amounts could cause them to be expelled too easily.
  • Taken in high amounts it can cause kidney problems. The germ is very rich in oxalate, so ingested regularly in amounts greater than those recommended, it can form stones that cause problems in the kidney ducts.

If you liked knowing the properties of wheat germ, its benefits and contraindications, as well as the best ways to take it and more details, we recommend that you continue discovering natural products good for your health with these two AgroCorrn articles on the Properties of maca , what it is for, benefits and how to take it and properties of cloves, what it is for and contraindications .

Maria Anderson
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