The concern and care of our appearance and image is something that we face daily when we are in front of the mirror. The clothes we wear, our personal hygiene, the use of fragrances and colognes, help us to maintain a proper appearance, compliant and accepted by the society in which we live.
That is why, on many occasions, when complications appear that give a deteriorated vision of our appearance, we go practically crazy and try to fight them with any type of product, ignoring that, sometimes, the remedy is worse than the disease. One of the most frequent concerns is greasy hair, so at AgroCorrn, we explain what natural products for greasy hair ensuring its care and guaranteeing a good result.
What is oily hair
When we talk about oily hair, we refer to the excessive production of oil in the scalp , due to the fact that the capillary sebaceous cells produce more amount of sebum than normal. The causes of this disorder are very varied, and may be due to hormonal problems, stress, a poor diet, lack of vitamins or the cleaning and use of inappropriate products.
At first, having greasy hair does not present major complications for people’s health, in fact, the greatest concern it causes is at an aesthetic level, since the hair looks matted, without shine or movement , and can cause, in the worst cases, its downfall.
Natural products for oily hair
Apple vinager
The acidity of apple cider vinegar helps to balance the PH level of the scalp , to prevent and eliminate dandruff and sebum secretion.
To apply it, just dilute a couple of tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and apply it to damp hair after washing, leaving it to act for about 5–10 minutes and finally rinsing it with cold water. This process should be repeated regularly to achieve the expected results. Discover in this article how to make organic apple cider vinegar at home .
Lemon juice
Lemon has astringent properties, or in other words, its application on the skin helps to retract the tissues and produces healing actions. In addition, its acidity, as in the case of vinegar, helps balance the pH and sebum secretion . For its application it is only necessary to mix lemon juice with mineral water and apply it by massaging the scalp for 5 – 10 minutes, finally it is rinsed with cold water.
The egg, in addition to being a very nutritious and healthy food , is one of the best hair care products due to the properties, on the one hand, of the white, which helps to combat the oiliness of the hair and on the other hand, of the yolk, whose protein level helps to strengthen the hair.
There are several recipes to create egg-based masks, although the simplest is to beat 2 eggs and apply it directly to damp hair, leaving it to act for 15 – 20 minutes. To finish the treatment, it is advisable to do a light wash with a mild shampoo.
Aloe vera
The enzymes and vitamins present in this plant make it one of the most suitable natural products for the treatment of oily hair . Its application on the scalp favors its detoxification of impurities, cleaning and control of sebum secretion , as well as nourishing the hair root.
For its application and to achieve a better result, it is convenient to mix it with a product that we have already talked about, lemon juice and in turn with some other type of mild shampoo. This mixture gives the shampoo unique properties and guarantees optimal results.
The tomato also has an ideal acidity level to avoid greasy hair. This method consists of mixing the juice of a tomato with a glass of water and applying it gently to the scalp. It will be necessary to let it act for half an hour and finally carry out the usual washing. The process should be repeated at least 3 times a week to obtain the expected results.
Home remedies for oily hair
Some other natural remedies are based, instead of resorting to masks, shampoos or other products of natural origin, on modifying our daily habits :
Wash your hair less
Although at first glance the fact of washing less to get cleaner hair seems a setback, the reality is that, with each wash we not only eliminate impurities but also eliminate the natural layer of oil that our scalp secretes. Our body can detect excessive hair washing as a threat, secreting more oil and sebum to protect itself against each wash. In this way, reducing the number of weekly washes we can help our hair to regain balance.
Changes in our diet
Through a balanced, healthy and natural diet we can ensure our hair the adequate supply of those vitamins and minerals it needs. It is advisable to consume foods rich in:
- Vitamin B7 (soy and oats).
- Selenium (apples, cucumber and garlic).
- Zinc (celery and asparagus).
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