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Not only our genetics influence our health, but also the food we eat in our day to day. That is why the way food was produced is important to us and not only for our health, but also to preserve the environment.

In this AgroCorrn article we talk about what organic food is , what characterizes it, how organic food is produced and we tell you why it is better than conventional food.

  1. What is organic food – simple explanation
  2. How is the production of organic food
  3. What characterizes organic food
  4. Is organic food better than conventional?

What is organic food – simple explanation

This type of diet is based on the use of ingredients grown or manufactured through production methods that meet various requirements : use of natural procedures and techniques, respect for animal welfare, use of methods that respect the environment and protection of the health of consumers.

Organic food rejects the use of chemical components ( chemical components added in excess) and is characterized by the limitation in the use of additives, even canceling them. In this way, animal welfare and respect for biodiversity are promoted, avoiding any type of environmental contamination.

How is the production of organic food

A first characteristic of organic farming and according to the guidelines of the European Union is that during the production and elaboration process limitations are established in the use of products that are not of agricultural origin .

This limitation applies to the use of chemical components and additives in food. Furthermore, chemical substances such as pesticides, fertilizers, herbicides or fungicides are not used in the production process , although products made naturally and that serve this purpose can be used. Only a small amount of chemical ingredients and additives are allowed to be used in their manufacture.

This also prevents the possible long-term adverse effects of health additives. The FAO establishes that to certify organic production, the land must be free of chemical inputs from 2 to 3 years prior to the start of the production process. This establishes that producers who certify this type of production can only use pesticides, herbicides or insecticides of natural origin .

One of the methods practiced in the cultivation of these products is biological control, consisting of incorporating insects and other animals into crops that help keep pests at bay. The use of this control method must be based on knowledge to know which species are suitable to control certain pests.

What characterizes organic food

These products are increasingly in demand due to growing concerns about the long-term effects of excess additives, preservatives and other chemicals, the health effects of the use of pesticides and herbicides in crops, resistance to antibiotics or chemicals. animal diseases that can affect humans. Some examples of this are mad cows, bird flu, or foot and mouth disease. Many of the feed consumed by animals contain chemical substances , such as traces of pesticides, heavy metals and other substances that can have negative effects on health .

You may be interested in learning more about a specific case of this problem, such as the Negative Effects of the herbicide Glyphosate .

Another characteristic of these products that come from organic or organic production animals , such as milk or meat, is that they avoid using antibiotic drugs, seeking a treatment that is as natural as possible and based on prevention, such as the selection of healthy strains naturally, due to its genetics, life in appropriate environments and a balanced and quality diet through the use of organic feed.

Another benefit of these products is for the environment, for example damage to the environment is reduced and even avoided because the whole process is more natural. In fact, in industrialized production, the abuse of pesticides and other chemical substances release toxic gases into the atmosphere that are the source of atmospheric pollution, or when cows feed on pastures with higher chemical content, they end up releasing more gases into the atmosphere than if they ate more naturally.

Learn more about this type of more natural diet with this colt article by AgroCorrn on What are organic foods: definition and examples .

Is organic food better than conventional?

Throughout all these years, multiple studies have been developed that compare organic foods with conventional ones and, although they do not show conclusive data regarding differences in quality, in the case of some foods such as apples or tomatoes, they have been seen that they have more flavor than conventional ones .

What has been proven are the benefits for the environment of practicing more ecological agriculture. In addition, organic farming is closely linked to sustainable rural development and fair trade .

If you want to read more articles similar to What is organic food , we recommend that you enter our Healthy Eating category .

Maria Anderson
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