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Natural and ecological oral hygiene

By all it is known that oral hygiene and the care of the teeth is one of the most important habits in the tasks of hygiene and health care. However, how many of the products you sell are really necessary for proper dental care? There are many options and natural routines that will not compromise the correct care of the teeth and many others, those that contain alcohol or additives, which, in addition to damaging the environment, are not the best solution for our mouth. Taking care of the planet is also possible by choosing the right products for dental hygiene.

Let’s start with the toothbrush. Many dentists recommend changing it from time to time to provide adequate service. However, perhaps it is better to choose the appropriate one for our mouth, with a suitable size, morphology and characteristics for us. That is, when buying a brush, it is advisable to choose a durable and suitable one that will last much longer, instead of poor quality brushes that we will regularly replace .

You may also be interested in: How to make ecological toothpaste
  1. Proper hygiene begins with food
  2. Homemade mouthwashes
  3. Alternative mouthwash

Proper hygiene begins with food

Oral hygiene not only consists of cleaning and caring for the teeth, remembering to wash them at least 3 times a day, but also taking care of our diet. There are foods that stain and damage teeth and others that are beneficial. Coffee, tea and tobacco are the biggest enemies and that is why people who take them frequently tend to have more dental problems and will see that they tend to yellow. Chewing gum very often can also spoil the natural enamel of teeth and molars, although there are gum without sugar and with xylitol, which is a natural sweetener, which are used to help clean teeth between meals. On the other hand, other foods such as apple, celery, carrots and strawberries have beneficial properties for the teeth. Start by modifying thefeeding and the mouth will be better cared for. Not only do sugars cause cavities; also acidic foods, such as oranges, erode the tooth, so it has been said that it is good to brush your teeth before breakfast, to create a protective barrier. Experts recommend brushing your teeth half an hour after eating food.

Regarding the toothpaste, choose one that does not contain chemicals. For example, it has been shown to be effective in toothpastes made from a sage base or the like. In many ecological and specialized stores you can find the toothpaste that guarantees a more complete cleaning.

Homemade mouthwashes

In addition to the need to brush your teeth , not only frequently, but properly, without forgetting to take care of the gums and tongue, it is advisable to rinse your mouth from time to time and use mouthwash to do so. Not all elixirs are as suitable as others and can sometimes include solutions that are harmful to teeth. Likewise, there are more and more ecological stores and even herbalists that sell these products, made 100% with natural elements. One of the most famous recipes formerly used is rinsing combining 1 cup water, a tablespoon of bicarbonate of sodiumand three drops of peppermint essential oil. It is shaken and can be stored for a few weeks in a jar to make our mouthwash. However, you should not abuse its use, but use it only from time to time, combining it with other mouthwashes that can also be natural. Although baking soda may have beneficial properties for the mouth, dentists advise against its frequent use.

Other ingredients used for these rinses mouth natural are cider vinegar, herbal teas (mint or rosemary for example), nail or ginger. Chewing lemon, due to the whitening properties of this citrus fruit, has also been shown to be positive for teeth and gums, although, once again, it should not be abused because it is very acidic. As a natural trick to avoid bad breath, there is the rinse that is achieved by boiling a piece of thyme, adding a tablespoon of salt and letting it cool. This solution works very well to prevent gum disease, it can be kept for a week and should be rinsed for two minutes once a day and then reduced to twice a week.

Alternative mouthwash

Another mouthrinse also made in house and antiseptic (prevents infections) is made with three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, three of water, vegetable glycerin and ten drops of essential oils such as cinnamon. Store the mixture in a small bottle and shake.

Also as tricks natural to whiten the teeth , rubbing the teeth is recommended twice a week with pieces of strawberry, or do the same with the banana peel. Pineapple is another of the whitening and beneficial foods for teeth, because it contains an enzyme that removes stains naturally. Add it to your diet in the form of juices or natural and you will notice the difference. It is much more recommended than whitening treatments with aggressive chemicals for our teeth, which can give more immediate results, but are more harmful in the long run.

Lastly, remember to floss in addition to brushing and rinsing, not going to bed without brushing your teeth first, and visiting the dentist at least once a year.

If you want to read more articles similar to Natural and ecological oral hygiene , we recommend that you enter our category of Natural Remedies .

Maria Anderson
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