The plant known scientifically as Sansevieria , and in Spanish as language of mother-in-law or tiger’s tongue and in English popularly called snake plant , is from the Liliaceae family, native to Africa, Asia and especially New Guinea. This plant became very popular in the 1930s as a very hardy houseplant. It is a crass plant that tolerates drought and poor care well, the only thing that does not resist is excess water or extreme cold.
In this AgroCorrn article we reveal the care of Sansevieria Trifasciata .
- Varieties and types of Sanseviera
- Caring for Sansevieria Trifasciata outdoors
- Caring for Sansevieria Trifasciata indoors
- Reproduction of the Sansevieria Trifasciata or mother-in-law’s tongue
Varieties and types of Sanseviera
Within Sansevierias few include 60 or 70 species of plants perennial leafless. Its Latin name is due to the Neapolitan prince San Severo, who played a role in the development of natural sciences. In general, its species can be divided into two types of leaves: flat leaves and thick leaves .
The best known Sansevierias are:
- Sansevieria cylindrica : this variety has leaves that reach up to 1 meter in height. Its flowers are milky white with pink tips that form a racemose inflorescence. In turn, this species includes multiple varieties.
- Sansevieria trifasciata : it is the best known species. It has flat oval leaves that grow from the root zone. These are usually dark green in color and are separated by light transverse bands. The length of the blade ranges from 30 to 120 cm. And a width of between 2 and 10 cm. The Sansevieria trifasciata is a plant commonly used for interiors and that stands out for its few pretensions. It is often called the pike tail.
- Sansevieria laurentii : this species has ivory-colored leaves with lateral edges and perfumed flowers.
- Sansevieria zeylanica : it has leaves between 30 and 60 cm in length with white edges and white flowers that perfume the nocturnal atmosphere.
- Sansevieria Fernwood ‘Mikado’ ( Sansevieria hybrid) : It is a species of succulent plant with round dark green leaves with a mottling similar to Fernwood. As the leaves mature, they curve outward.
Other species of mother-in-law or tiger’s tongue are:
- Sansevieria grandis , the largest Sansevieria
- Sansevieria hyacinthoides o Jacinto
- Sansevieria dooneri o Dunery
- Sansevieria liberica o Sansevieria liberiana
- Sansevieria kirkii o Kirk
- Sansevieria gracilis or Graceful Sansevieria
Caring for Sansevieria Trifasciata outdoors
As we have mentioned before, this plant is very grateful and its care is not very complicated. To grow Sansevieria Trifasciata outdoors, follow these tips:
Light and location
To grow the mother-in-law’s tongue plant outdoors, keep in mind that it is not a plant that requires a lot of light, so it can also grow in the shade without suffering. If it is possible for the plant to receive a few hours of direct sunlight per day, it will be able to develop stronger and with greener leaves.
Regarding the watering , it must be borne in mind that this plant stores water in its tissues, so it must be watered from time to time , with enough space of time. It is a plant that fears excessive humidity, so the soil between waterings will have to dry out. In case the leaves turn yellow, watering should be reduced. With once a month in winter and autumn and every fortnight in spring it will be enough
The ideal temperature for this plant is between 16ºC and 30ºC , but it is sensitive to temperatures below 14ºC. For this reason, it resists summer well, but in winter it should be avoided that it is at a very low temperature.
Caring for Sansevieria Trifasciata indoors
If on the outside it is easy to take care of it, on the inside it is too. Follow these guidelines on caring for Sansevieria Trifasciata indoors :
Since Sansevieria is a warm climate plant , having it indoors is a good option to keep it at a good temperature (between 16-21ºC) in colder climates. When we have it indoors, it is a light-loving plant, so it should be placed in a well-lit area, but avoiding direct light rays.
Regarding irrigation, as we discussed previously, it must be very moderate , without providing it with so much water as to cause it to rot. If you observe that its leaves are wrinkled, inclined or bent, it should be watered. Conversely, if they become messy or greasy, they will need to be dried.
Pot and fertilizer
These plants do not require large amounts of soil, but if we place them in a pot, the length of the leaves must be taken into account and more soil must be added so that they are well supported, as the plant needs a pot with good support, as well as a good drainage . They don’t require too much fertilizer, either, although it’s fine to apply cactus fertilizer once a month, which will make them grow stronger. If the leaves are observed to fall, they should be pruned. You don’t have to straighten them, just remove them and remove dirt. It is convenient to transplant them to a larger pot once a year or to one of the same size but renewing part of the soil.
Reproduction of the Sansevieria Trifasciata or mother-in-law’s tongue
The Sansevieria Trifasciata, snake plant , tiger’s tongue or mother-in-law’s tongue can be multiplied by two methods:
- Reproduction by division: it is the easiest way to propagate it. Simply cut the rhizome with a few leaves with a knife. In addition, the suckers that appear next to the base, can be planted in pots to have new specimens. Sansevieria trifasciata , the best known, can only be multiplied by division, as the cuttings cause them to lose their ornamental yellowish margin.
- Reproduction by cutting pieces of the leaf: cut leaves into pieces of 5 cm in length and cultivate in a porous substrate and in a warm place. From its base originate the new stems and roots.
If you want to read more articles similar to Sansevieria Trifasciata Care , we recommend that you enter our Growing and plant care category .
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