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25 animals in danger of extinction in Mexico

Mexico is a country in North America that occupies more than 1,964 m2 of surface and has a population of over 127.5 million people. Something that also draws attention is the immense biodiversity that exists, both on its lands and in its waters. However, as it happens all over the planet, the evolution of the species and some human actions cause species to be in danger of extinction in Mexico and their population decreases year after year. Today there are more than 2,500 species protected by Mexican law, and yet many others are already on the way to extinction.

At AgroCorrn we want to raise awareness about the importance of caring for biodiversity around the world, but in this article we detail a list of 25 animals in danger of extinction in Mexico that should be known in order to contribute to their protection. Keep reading and you will be able to know which animals are in danger of extinction in Mexico, as well as discover the main causes and consequences of this problem.

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  1. Red macaw
  2. Amazon or yellow-headed parrot
  3. Axolotl, one of the most seriously endangered Mexican animals
  4. Mexican prairie dog
  5. Jaguar
  6. Ocelote
  7. Black bear
  8. Vaquita marina, another animal species in danger of extinction in Mexico
  9. West Indian manatee
  10. Mexican gray wolf
  11. Central American tapir
  12. Teporingo or bunny of the volcanoes
  13. Tortuga caguama the fool
  14. Quetzal
  15. Other animal species in danger of extinction in Mexico
  16. Animals in danger of extinction in Mexico: causes and consequences
  17. How to help endangered animals in Mexico

Red macaw

To begin with this list of endangered animals in Mexico we will talk about the scarlet macaw or scarlet macaw . This species of parrot, with the scientific name Ara chloropterus , lives in more areas of America, especially in the south, and counting its world population it is not in danger. However, in Mexico it is at risk and is on the way to extinction, especially if we look at free specimens and not captives. In this country it is also very important at a cultural level, since it is a representation of a Mayan god: Vucub-Caquix. It can usually be found in areas such as Veracruz, Oaxaca, Tamaulipas, Campeche and Tabasco, but currently these areas are reduced and there are only between 20,000 and 30,000 specimens left .

Discover in this other AgroCorrn article all about Parrots in serious danger of extinction .

Amazon or yellow-headed parrot

Another of the Mexican species of animals in danger of extinction is the yellow-headed parrot . It is one of the species of Amazon parrot that lives in the American continent and its name is due to the fact that its head feathers are yellow (those of other Amazon species are of other colors, such as red or blue) and the rest its body is green, also showing some blue and red feathers.

The Amazona oratrix species is one of the parrots that has the best ability to imitate different sounds with ease. The yellow-headed amazon is disappearing because they are hunted for sale as pets around the world, as well as the destruction of their habitat. According to the IUCN, the trend of its population is currently still decreasing.

Axolotl, one of the most seriously endangered Mexican animals

The Mexican axolotl or Ambystoma mexicanum , its scientific name, has been in serious danger of extinction since 2006. Its common name means “water monster”, since its appearance is really peculiar. It is an amphibian with a tail and gills, which can be white, brown or black. Due to its unusual appearance, reminiscent of a large, legged tadpole, it has become a very popular animal. However, only a few specimens remain in the wild in Xochimilco, Mexico.

Learn more about why the axolotl is in danger of extinction in this other AgroCorrn article.

Mexican prairie dog

The Mexican prairie dog , scientifically called Cynomys mexicanus , is a small-sized rodent that lives in burrows in the prairies of Mexico, hence its common name. Specifically, originally they were in Saltillo and Coahuila, but according to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, for years we have not known the exact number of individuals in freedom and in which areas are the few that remain, as well as what is the trend of its population really.

One of the main causes of the danger of extinction of the Mexican prairie dog is that farmers in the area got rid of them, setting traps and hunting them, because they damaged their crops and orchards. Another cause is the destruction of their habitat, as it is increasingly polluted and we build more in it.


This large feline is found in part of North, Central and South America, but in North and Central America the number of specimens decreases year by year and there are currently only about 15,000 free individuals in Mexico , so it is considered that in this country it is in danger, although its world population indicates that it is threatened. Panthera onca is its scientific name and it is one of the most important symbols of Mexican culture before the arrival of the Hispanics, that is, pre-Hispanic culture, where it was given the role of spiritual protector. The jaguar lives in jungle and swampy areas, which are being destroyed faster and faster.

Learn more about why the jaguar is in danger of extinction here.


The ocelot or Leopardus pardalis is another species at risk in this country, although at the moment it is registered at the lowest danger level within this scale of survival risk for the species. The alert is due to the fact that the number of free individuals has been constantly decreasing in recent years and currently between 800,000 and 1,000,000 individuals can be found in the Chiapas area .

Here we reveal more information about why the ocelot is in danger of extinction .

Black bear

It is the last species of bear left in Mexico . The Ursus americanus extends especially North America, but in the central part of the continent population decreases significantly. Thus, although its world population is not a concern since the figures indicate that its number is rising, in this country with a tropical climate it may disappear in a few years, either due to poaching or due to the displacement it suffers due to change. of their surroundings in this place.

Vaquita marina, another animal species in danger of extinction in Mexico

The Phocoena sinus species is one of the endangered animal species in Mexico that urgently needs humans to react to save it, since in this last year only 30 specimens of vaquita porpoise have been registered . This cetacean, which is in a critical state of danger of extinction, and which could disappear in the near future, is only found in the Gulf of California.

West Indian manatee

The manatee of the Caribbean, manatee of the Antilles or Trichechus manatus is a species that lives from the Gulf of Mexico to the mouth of the Amazon. Its world population status is vulnerable and specifically in Mexico it is already considered as near threatened and its population is decreasing. This means that, if it continues like this, in a short time you will be totally threatened and at risk in this country.

Mexican gray wolf

This species of wolf is another of the Mexican animals in danger of extinction , it is native to this North American country and scientifically called Canis lupus baileyi . Also a symbol of pre-Hispanic culture, as it symbolized strength and courage and was related to Chantico, the goddess of fire, and Xólotl, a deity with the image of a wolf. The Mexican gray wolf is small in size, as it is usually the size of a medium dog. Sadly, this curious and unique canid in this part of the planet is becoming extinct, as there are only about 520 specimens left among those in captivity and in the wild, between Mexico and the United States.

In this other AgroCorrn article you can learn more about why the Mexican gray wolf is in danger of extinction .

Central American tapir

Also called Baird’s or northern tapir, the species Tapirus bairdii lives mainly in the jungles of southern Mexico and northern Ecuador. Due to deforestation and new diseases, its population is decreasing rapidly, especially in Mexico. Currently an estimated 1,500 specimens in freedom . In addition, because this animal travels long distances throughout the jungles of this part of the planet and helps in the propagation and reproduction of plant species, scientists believe that many of these could disappear if the Central American tapir becomes extinct. .

Learn more about their situation in this other article on Why the tapir is in danger of extinction .

Teporingo or bunny of the volcanoes

The Romerolagus diazi species is commonly known as the volcano bunny, teporingo or Zacatuche and is currently in danger of extinction. As its name suggests, it is a rabbit that lives in high-altitude volcanic areas, specifically between the areas of four Mexican volcanoes Popocatepetl, Iztaccihuatl, El Pelado and Tlaloc. In these areas there are forests with a lot of vegetation and mainly pine trees.

According to the IUCN, its population is highly fragmented , with few individuals remaining in different parts of the aforementioned areas and the populations being separated, which makes their reproduction difficult. In addition, we are destroying their habitat through deforestation and pollution.

Tortuga caguama the fool

It is scientifically known as Caretta caretta and inhabits the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans. Although it lives in such a wide area of ​​the Earth, this sea turtle is in a state of vulnerability and, in the Gulf of Mexico , less and less are seen. Today it is estimated that there are only about 60,000 females of nesting age on the beaches of subtropical climate. They are exposed to many risks from the hand of humans, such as waste in seawater and poaching for their shells and eggs, but they are also a species that has various predators from the egg and, above all, at the time of born on the way to the water.


The quetzal bird or Pharomachrus mocinno is another of the animals in danger of extinction in Mexico , because although it is one of the most emblematic of the area, it is not saved from various dangers. Among the main causes that the quetzal is at risk of extinction are the reduction and destruction of its habitat, mainly due to forest fires and logging for urbanization, and illegal hunting and trafficking of this species.

If you want to learn more about this species and its situation, we recommend this other article about Why the quetzal is in danger of extinction in Mexico .

Other animal species in danger of extinction in Mexico

Here you can see a list with more names of Mexican animals in danger of extinction or in a vulnerable state.

  • Baggins tortoise, Mexican tortoise, large tortoise, Mapimí tortoise, plainsmen tortoise or mole turtle ( Gopherus flavomarginatus ).
  • Rana fisgona mayor (Eleutherodactylus grandis).
  • Tuxtlas shrew ( Cryptotis nelsoni ).
  • Tuza de Xuchil o lanuda (Orthogeomys lanius).
  • San José Island scrub rabbit ( Sylvilagus mansuetus ).
  • Mapache pigmeo o de Cozumel ( Procyon pygmaeus ).
  • Mascarita transvolcánica (Geothlypis speciosa).
  • Imperial woodpecker, imperial woodpecker or cuauhtotomomi ( Campephilus imperialis ).
  • Warrior Coquette ( Lophornis brachylophus ).
  • Townsend sparrow the Revillagigedo sparrow ( Puffinus auricularis ).
  • Picote tequila (Zoogoneticus tequila).

Animals in danger of extinction in Mexico: causes and consequences

To expand this information on animals in danger of extinction in Mexico, below we comment on some of the main causes of the risk of extinction in these Mexican species:

  • The natural course of the evolution of the species.
  • Appearance of new diseases for these species.
  • Deforestation of land for construction or to use wood.
  • Deforestation due to natural causes such as acid rain or forest fires.
  • Climate change.
  • Poaching for the purposes of illegal trafficking as pets, hunting trophies, and even for display in zoos.
  • Irresponsible tourism with nature.
  • Direct problems and conflicts with humans due to property damage and livestock predation.

Among the consequences of the extinction of these Mexican species we can find changes in the environment, some plants will lose their expansion capacity and others will gain it and, also, there will be changes in other species that fed on them or were hunted by them. There will also be the loss of cultural references that will become part of history due to the loss of biodiversity . Ultimately, there will be the consequences that always exist when there is a loss of both terrestrial and aquatic species.

How to help endangered animals in Mexico

To help protect endangered animals in Mexico you can keep these points in mind:

  • Collaborate with associations that are dedicated to the protection of these animals, as well as that of nature in general, whether at a local, regional, national or global level. You can do this by becoming an active volunteer and / or through donations.
  • Contribute to reducing pollution. To do this, you can focus on a Zero Waste life, that is, not just recycling.
  • Respect protected natural areas.
  • If you detect any indication of illegal hunting or trafficking of animals, do not hesitate to report it to the authorities.

These have been some tips, but if you want to learn more we leave you here information on How to save endangered animals and Why it is important to protect endangered animals .

If you want to read more articles similar to 25 animals in danger of extinction in Mexico , we recommend that you enter our category of Animals in danger of extinction .

Maria Anderson
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