Many species of birds could become extinct very soon if effective measures are not taken to save them. According to data from the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), of the more than eleven thousand species of birds registered worldwide, 13 percent are threatened .
These and other no less disturbing data were released on the occasion of the Global Summit on Biodiversity COP 13, held in Mexico in December 2016. Disseminated through BirdLife International, a world reference association in avifauna. Keep reading this AgroCorrn article if you want to know more about endangered birds .
- Almost 1,500 species of birds in danger
- More than 700 new species of birds
- Numerous threats
Almost 1,500 species of birds in danger
The data constitute the latest update of the IUCN Red List, with which a re-evaluation of all bird species has been carried out thanks to a taxonomic review compiled by BirdLife International, in collaboration with Aves del Mundo, concluding that the number of bird species evaluated has reached a total of 11,121 .
Therefore, the future of more than a thousand species is in serious danger, specifically 1,460. Of these, 787 are in a vulnerable state, 448 in danger and 225 in critical condition , always according to the categories of the Red List.
The data update has also brought some changes in the consideration of some species. Species such as the Azores bullfinch, the Montserrat turpial or the Seychelles spectacle have improved their situation , going from critical to vulnerable in the first two cases and from “endangered” to vulnerable in the last.
Others have not had this luck. On the contrary, they have seen their situation worsen, as has happened with the gray or yaco parrot or the yellow-headed bulbul, which have gone from the vulnerable state to being in danger of extinction , among others.
The problem is not only focused on the birds registered, logically, since many species that are found against the ropes are not even discovered. At the same time, let’s not forget that birds are a very valuable environmental thermometer , which tells us about the health of the environment.
Thus, if many birds are in danger, it means that the environment is too . Not only because they are part of ecosystems whose balance depends on the existence of their flora and fauna, but also because yours also depends on the health status of the ecosystem in general.
More than 700 new species of birds
In the report released, new species of birds were also presented, as well as their situation, in many cases really critical. In figures, 742 new species were presented , of which 11 percent are threatened, and 13 of them have already become extinct .
The fact of having discovered these new species does not mean that the birds of the world are better. Quite the contrary, “as our knowledge deepens, concerns regarding their threats are confirmed,” explains Ian Burfield, BirdLife’s Global Science Coordinator.
Numerous threats
Among the main threats, the expert mentions “unsustainable agriculture, overexploitation, invasive species and other threats such as the illegal wildlife trade”, which are leading many species of birds “to extinction.”
The aforementioned Gabon gray parrot (Psittacus erithacus), whose cataloging I have worsened, is an African bird that is seeing its destiny in jeopardy because of its success as a pet . Measures such as the prohibition of its trade are not enough to tackle the problem, since it continues to be sold on the black market.
Let us remember that it is necessary to capture thousands of specimens to market only a few, those that survive the trip. To get an idea of the seriousness of the situation, in Ghana alone , the population was reduced by more than 90% .
The decline of other bird species
The report also highlights the decline of 19 endemic bird species in Indonesia, in critical condition due to a series of threats, mainly deforestation and the trade in wild birds. They are birds in serious danger of extinction, which attract the attention of conservation groups due to the seriousness of the situation, but they constitute a small example at a global level.
Likewise, not only are the birds found in other countries in danger, which we have rarely heard of or seen in the odd nature documentary, book or travel. In Spain , to give a close example, there are also numerous species of birds in extinction , whose salvation depends on taking the appropriate measures urgently.
The examples are many, in addition to taking into account the importance of our country as a refuge for many migratory birds that come from northern countries to warmer lands. Either stopping off in Spain before reaching African lands or simply staying here for the winter, an increasingly frequent option, given the average increase in temperatures as a result of climate change .
With regard to the most common birds, which are found in our most daily environment, without going any further, recently SEO BirdLife of Spain has warned about the dramatic decrease in sparrows , whose loss in Spain is estimated at around 25 million birds . Or, for example, swallows are also having a hard time, threatened above all by rural depopulation and the use of chemical pesticides in agriculture.
It is fair to say that, on the other hand, some species have increased their numbers, such as blackbirds, blue tit and robins. Although the general conclusion is pessimistic. “It is clear that we are managing the environment in an unsustainable way for most species,” they warn from the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds.
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