What are vegans and vegetarians? What about raw vegans? What do these people eat? These are doubts that arise when talking about people who stop eating meat and fish, to put it simply, and who fall within what is known as ” being veggie “, but the truth is that it is more than their diet. that changes, because they are also lifestyles.
More and more people are joining these different lifestyles. The reasons are diverse, from respect for the life of animals to health issues, although it should be noted that there are certain types of diet that are not suitable for everyone and, therefore, it is best to discuss it with your doctor , because there are those who, for example, will be healthier being vegetarians and others being omnivores.
Discover with AgroCorrn what is the difference between vegetarian, vegan and raw vegan , because in the following article we will tell you the main differences such as what vegetarians, vegans and raw vegans eat and what materials they use and which they don’t in their day-to-day lives.
What is it like to be a vegetarian
People who decide to go vegetarian are those who stop eating meat of any kind , be it meat or fish. As we have commented before, the reasons for becoming a vegetarian can be many and vary from one person to another, but mainly they tend to be ideological reasons, to avoid abuse and animal exploitation of the meat and fish industries, which also contributes to improve the environmental impact of these industries. Other reasons are their own health, as there are those who cannot metabolize the animal protein in meat well, among other possible health problems related to meat, or for the simple fact that, in general, it is considered a much healthier diet than the one that includes quantity of meats.
If a vegetarian diet balanced in nutrients is followed, there is no reason to have health problems derived from a change in diet, since vegetables provide a great diversity of nutrients and, in addition, most vegetarians do not eat meat, but they do obtain animal protein from other foods, such as dairy and eggs.
Anyway, it is convenient to know that there is a classification of vegetarians taking into account what they eat:
- Ovovegetarian: they are those who follow a plant-based diet, that is, vegetarian, but include eggs of any kind, but do not eat dairy or honey.
- Lacteovegetarianism: this other type of vegetarianism, although they eat mainly vegetables, also eat dairy, but do not take honey or eggs.
- Apivegetrian: they eat basically vegetables and add honey to their diet, but not dairy or eggs.
- Lacteal-vegan celery: although there are combinations between two of the previous three, such as lacteal-vegan, who also eat eggs and dairy products, lacteal-vegan celery are those who mainly consume vegetables but include eggs, dairy and honey in their diet.
- Strict vegetarian: these are people who only eat food of plant origin, none of animal origin, neither meat nor those derived from animals.
- Frugivorism: these people are the ones who only eat fruits of all kinds, but mainly those that are seasonal, considering that they are what the body needs mainly at each time of the year and for collaborating more with local or proximity businesses .
The latter is a term that by its definition is often confused with veganism, but the truth is that, as we will see below, it goes beyond strict vegetarianism.
What is being vegan
After having known the definition of vegetarian and all the types that enter into this diet, it is time to go deeper and know what veganism is . To define what it is to be vegan in a simple way, we can refer to these people as those who do not eat anything of animal origin , neither meat nor any of the possible derivatives, such as dairy, eggs or honey but, in addition, they have a lifestyle that fully respect animals in the broadest sense.
Therefore, being vegan is having a lifestyle in which, for ethical reasons in which animals are on the same level as people , not only are the food that comes from them not consumed, but no food is used. type of material derived from animals, that is, they do not use products made of fur, wool, silk, horns, bones, etc., nor are they used transport that uses animals, such as horse-drawn carts, nor do they attend shows in which there are animals. Thus, we can say that vegans agree not to use animals for human purposes.
What is it like to be raw vegan and raw vegan?
As we mentioned at the beginning, another type of alternative diet to the common omnivore is raw food . Specifically, the definition of what is a raw vegetarian or raw eater can be detailed as a person who only consumes raw food , without cooking or at most heated to 40 ºC so that they are better preserved if necessary.
Thus, they can be considered vegetarians because the main base of their diet is made up of vegetables, be they cereals, greens, vegetables, seeds, fruits, nuts, etc., but they can also eat some products derived from animals, such as honey and milk fresh.
The main reasons that lead someone to be raw vegan are health, although in the end it will always be personal aspects that lead to one type of diet or another. However, there are also raw vegans who decide to lead a vegan lifestyle, that is, the lifestyle that includes eating only vegetables and committing not to use animal products, but in this case their totally vegetable diet. Furthermore, it is raw. Therefore, a raw vegan will only eat raw vegetables, they will not eat fresh milk or honey, which we have seen that raw vegetables or raw eaters consume, in addition to including the philosophy of life about not using any material product of animal origin, such as leather.
Main differences between vegetarian, vegan and raw vegan
Thus, in summary, the main differences between being vegetarian, vegan or raw vegan are diet and lifestyle, that is, also the products that are used daily and not just food.
- Among vegetarians there are different modalities according to the foods that are included in the diet and those that are not, but all of them can use materials and products derived from animals, such as wool or silk, since they focus on the aspect of food, whether it is to help animals and to pollute less, as if it is for their own health or for all these reasons.
- Vegans go a step beyond strict vegetarians, because not only do they not eat anything of animal origin, but they include in their philosophy of life not to use products derived from animals. So, for example, not only will they not eat meat, fish, eggs, dairy or honey, but they will not wear leather jackets or shoes, wool sweaters, etc.
- Finally, raw vegans are the ones who combine the philosophy of those who follow veganism and those who join raw foodism. Thus, they do not use products of animal origin, they only eat vegetables and also raw.
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