Creepers are one of the best ways to give a more charming and romantic look to gardens and are also an excellent resource for covering surfaces such as walls and fences. Today we want to present you one of the most beautiful specimens of its kind, a specimen of the Bignoniaceae family known as ‘trumpet creeper’.
Grow the creeper
Would you like to know its characteristics and learn how to cultivate it ? Then take a look at what we tell you and you will have the bases to do it.
This specimen from the southeastern United States is characterized by strong, woody stems that grow in all directions, reaching heights of up to 15 meters. Although its pinnate leaves and pods are a good claim to admire this specimen, the truth is that if there is something that catches the attention of this vine, it is the beautiful orange trumpet-shaped flowers that give it its name.
The trumpet vine should be grown in spaces with full sun or partial shade, preferably in places of medium temperatures (although it supports frost) with moist, well-draining soils rich in organic matter. If you live in areas with rather low temperatures, it is best to find a place where the sun is almost guaranteed.
The plant should be watered infrequently in winter and quite often in summer, as the substrate should not dry out if we do not want our climber to show symptoms of poor health such as curling of the leaves and lack of foliage growth in general. .
Flowering usually takes place from summer to autumn, although this may not happen in the first 3 or 4 years of cultivation.
Some of its most popular varieties are ‘Crimson Trumpet’, ‘Yellow Trumpet’ or Campsis Radicans ‘Flamenco’.
If you want to read more articles similar to How to grow the trumpet vine , we recommend that you enter our category of Growing and caring for plants .
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