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Green advertising campaigns

Green advertising campaigns play with originality and surprise to sell ideas or products by striking consciences, moving to action or simply raising awareness about issues that are considered of great environmental importance. Their tone and credibility change very much depending on where they come from, since a Greenpeace or WWF warning of the melting of the Arctic has little to do, say, than the sale of an electric car or the People and Planet Positive campaign of Ikea, where the company promised to reforest little less than half the planet.

Direct marketing can also go green, as happened, for example, with Smart’s new eco-model, which flooded mailboxes with recycled paper brochures containing a seed to grow a plant. Their campaign was also reflected on billboards and in general on all kinds of media, as with many other products whose ecological characteristics are to be highlighted. At AgroCorrn, we address the issue of green advertising campaigns.

You may also be interested in: Ecological Marketing

Environmental respect, animal conservation

But is what is advertised true? By definition, advertising highlights strengths and lies, lies, does not lie, or perhaps it does it in an indirect way, that is, not telling the truth or not telling the whole truth. But, in a way, the same thing happens with ecological advertising campaigns that sell such laudable ideas as respect for the environment or animal conservation. We will always find a more complete, more reliable analysis, if we use our critical spirit to inquire about the question in question, even if we share the approach in question.

Another very different thing is greenwhashing , advertising practices that use social concern for the environment to clean the image of a company as the main objective. This is what was done with the Chevron we agree campaign, whose television advertisement (you can see it in the video) was too suspicious.

Remember that the oil company Chevron had an open court case (known as the Trial of the Century) for polluting millions of hectares of Ecuadorian jungle, and just then they issued an advertisement in which they declared that oil companies should bet on renewable energy.

In short, it is not easy nor everything serves to convince and, in short, to win in the environmental cause, but it is true that the advertisements that succeed have an added viral component with a beastly communicating force, which serves to mobilize the population in around an idea, for a cause or an ideal. What to sell or not to sell is another story, related, yes, but light years away from the ethical value that conservationist and animalistic causes distill, whose message penetrates when the force of the facts, of injustice, unworthy, moves until it can set everything on fire . Fortunately.

If you want to read more articles similar to Ecological advertising campaigns , we recommend that you enter our Other ecology category .

Maria Anderson
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