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Environmental problems and solutions

Planet Earth is suffering from major environmental problems as a result of the overexploitation of its natural resources, both renewable and non-renewable, to satisfy the increasingly abusive consumption of human beings. The consumption that human beings carry out is based on the acquisition of any material product, the obtaining of food or health products, on any action that consumes water or energy, among other actions.

If you want to know what are the environmental problems that our planet suffers and the solutions that could be taken to address and stop them, continue reading this interesting AgroCorrn article in which you will discover 20 environmental problems and their solutions .

You may also be interested in: Main environmental problems in Spain
  1. Climate change
  2. Atmospheric pollution
  3. Acid rain
  4. Deforestation
  5. Soil degradation
  6. Soil contamination
  7. Residuous generation
  8. Lack of recycling
  9. Use of disposable plastic
  10. Increase in the ecological footprint
  11. Non-organic production
  12. Scheduled obsolescence
  13. Biodiversity loss
  14. Illegal species trafficking
  15. Overfishing
  16. Meat-based diet
  17. Excessive food production
  18. Lack of water
  19. Burning of fossil fuels
  20. Oil accidents

Climate change

The Earth is facing climate change because temperatures are getting higher and higher, this is being very accelerated due to anthropic activities, that is, we carry out people, which have increased greenhouse gas emissions.

To face it, a worldwide commitment is required, in which all countries must reduce the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. For this, it is necessary to bet on renewable energies, on public transport and cars that run on clean energies and also regulate by law the emissions of the industries.

We recommend reading these other posts to learn more about How climate change affects us and How to avoid climate change .

Atmospheric pollution

Air pollution, that is, the presence of polluting substances in the air is due to both natural and man-made causes. Those that most contribute to the pollution of the atmosphere are: mining due to the use of chemicals and heavy machinery that is needed to develop it, deforestation, the increase in transport that works with the burning of fossil fuels, fires and the use of pesticides in agriculture.

To reduce it, measures can be taken such as promoting public transport, responsible consumption of fossil fuels, construction of more green areas or reducing consumption in order to generate less waste. Here you can learn more about Air Pollution: causes, consequences and solutions .

Acid rain

The acid rain is that which occurs when precipitation is made both by water and by toxic residues , especially acids, originating from vehicles, industries or other machinery. To prevent it from occurring , pollution emissions must be controlled and industries that do not comply must be closed, as well as reducing the levels of sulfur used for fuels or promoting and investing in renewable energies.

Learn more about Acid Rain: definition, causes and consequences here.


The FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) determines which countries in South America and Africa are the most affected by deforestation as a result of unsustainable agriculture and overexploitation of timber. Forest fires, although in a lower percentage, are also a cause of the loss of thousands of trees a year in different parts of the world. Here you can learn more about the Causes of deforestation .

One possible solution would be to have better coordination between policies on agriculture, timber industry, land use, forestry and rural development.

Soil degradation

When the soil degrades, it loses its physical-chemical properties and as a consequence it ceases to be productive for services such as agriculture or ecosystem services. The causes of soil degradation are due to different factors: intensive logging, extensive agriculture, overgrazing, forest fires, construction or overexploitation of water resources.

A solution to avoid or minimize this problem would be the implementation of environmental policies that regulate land use. Here we tell you much more about what is soil degradation .

Soil contamination

The use of harmful agricultural technology (using pesticides, pesticides and fertilizers or sewage or polluted rivers), the inappropriate disposal of urban garbage, the construction of infrastructures, mining, industries, livestock and sewage are the most common causes that contribute to soil contamination .

This pollution can be reduced thanks to good urban planning, recycling and not discarding waste in the environment, with the prohibition of illegal landfills, with a regularization of the management of mining and industrial waste, among other solutions. If you read these other AgroCorrn articles, you will be able to learn much more about Soil Pollution: causes, consequences and solutions and on How to avoid soil pollution .

Residuous generation

Overpopulation and the implanted consumer model of life is causing the generation of waste to increase and, as a consequence, the exploitation of natural resources that are threatened with being depleted increases. To prevent this, the population must be educated and emphasized on the circular economy by carrying out activities such as reduction, recycling or reuse.

Enter here to learn more about How consumerism affects the environment , What is solid waste and how it is classified and What is waste management to improve this environmental problem.

Lack of recycling

Although in many countries, especially in developed ones, if waste management is carried out and there are entities that deal with it. There are also many countries where recycling does not take place. The lack of recycling translates into a massive accumulation of waste in landfills , in addition to a greater extraction of new natural resources. For the lack of recycling it is important to raise awareness and educate the population, but there must also be a commitment on the part of governments, so that good waste management is a reality.

To improve in this area, we suggest you read these other posts about What are the benefits of recycling , Things that can be recycled and Recycling symbols and their meaning .

Use of disposable plastic

They have established a throwaway culture for us, to offer us a more comfortable way of life and this is seen above all in plastic products. But what is the price of using so much plastic? The seas are the most affected by the production of plastic, since this waste ends up reaching them, affecting the health of marine species and later on terrestrial species, including ours. The solution should be to reduce the use of plastics and look for other types of packaging that are more respectful with the environment.

Here you can learn +20 tips on how to avoid plastic contamination .

Increase in the ecological footprint

The ecological footprint is an environmental indicator that refers to the impact that a person has on the environment, indicating how much productive territory they need to produce the resources used and to obtain the waste generated. Irresponsible consumption and globalization mean that the ecological footprint both in general and at the individual level is increasing. To reduce it, you must bet on a life model based on a circular economy, in addition to always trying to obtain products of local origin.

In these links you will find information on How to reduce the ecological footprint and What are environmental indicators, types and examples .

Non-organic production

The production of the products in general is based on a production with non-ecological materials . In fact, there is an abuse in the use of plastic even to package products that do not even need packaging. With policies that oblige companies to produce ecologically, the large generation of waste that currently exists could be reduced.

Scheduled obsolescence

Currently, most electronic devices have programmed obsolescence implanted , that is, the product we have is manufactured so that it has the years of life that the manufacturer wants. This forces the consumer to have to change, for example, their mobile phone every two years. This is a big problem as more and more bulky hazardous waste is generated., which need a special treaty to be managed and thus do not pose a danger to the environment. Even so, many end up thrown into rivers, seas, in forests, etc. As a consumer, you must take this into account and buy products free of planned obsolescence, although the product is somewhat more expensive at the beginning, but in the end it will also be more durable and, therefore, the investment is more profitable.

We advise you to read this other article on What is programmed obsolescence .

Biodiversity loss

The deterioration of ecosystems due to the transformations they undergo, either to be used for agriculture, livestock, for the extension of urban centers, the implantation of industries, the overexploitation of the natural environment or actions such as the introduction of non-native species , illegal hunting and pollution, among other anthropic activities, is the main environmental problem of the loss of biodiversity . To find a solution, natural spaces must be protected through laws in addition to educating the population to respect natural environments.

In this article and in this video you can learn more about the environmental problem of Loss of biodiversity: causes and consequences .

Illegal species trafficking

There are illegal markets for the trafficking of species that capture living beings from their native area and trade with them, ending up in other territories where said species is considered invasive. Invasive species can end up displacing indigenous species due to the fight for territory and food, as well as transmitting new diseases in the area. A tightening of the laws can put a stop to this type of activity.

Here we explain how to avoid illegal animal trafficking .


The demand for food products that come from marine animals causes the depletion of many fishing grounds and sometimes those fish that have not reached their maturity are used . A regularization of fishing and a diet with less fish consumption could solve this problem.

To learn more about overfishing and other similar problems, we encourage you to read this other article: Causes and consequences of overexploitation of natural resources .

Meat-based diet

In industrialized countries, approximately 100 kilos of meat are consumed per person per year, dedicating a large part of the agricultural land to growing food for livestock, in addition to the problem of the large amount of water that is needed. With a healthier diet and reducing meat consumption , also always betting on organic meat from traditional livestock we could contribute to reducing the problems caused by the large-scale meat industry .

Excessive food production

In the world , approximately 1/3 of the food that is produced is wasted , therefore energy, water and raw materials are being used for packaging for food that will never be used, as well as the loss of the crop itself or livestock. This problem should be regularized by some law, which commits the industries not to produce more than what is consumed, it must also be a commitment at the individual level and buy only what is needed when shopping in the supermarket.

Here we talk more about food waste: causes, consequences and how to avoid it .

Lack of water

Industry and agricultural activities exploit water resources unsustainably, in addition pollution and climate change also contribute to the loss of quality of this resource. Only with laws that regulate its use can solve part of this environmental problem of water scarcity .

In this link you will see more information about Water Scarcity: what it is, causes and consequences .

Burning of fossil fuels

The fossil fuels (oil, gas and coal) are an increasingly scarce and also appeal for its use are a source of pollution and contribute to the destruction of natural areas. The use of clean and renewable energy is an alternative to the use of these resources.

Here you will see what fossil fuels are and how they were formed .

Oil accidents

The tankers that transport oil are at risk of accidents and, in fact, many of them have occurred by dumping tons of oil into the sea , affecting marine species and coasts.

Here you can check 7 natural disasters caused by man, including these oil accidents and the Environmental Impact of oil .

If you want to read more articles similar to Environmental problems and solutions , we recommend that you enter our Other environment category .

Maria Anderson

Hello, I am a blogger specialized in environmental, health and scientific dissemination issues in general. The best way to define myself as a blogger is by reading my texts, so I encourage you to do so. Above all, if you are interested in staying up to date and reflecting on these issues, both on a practical and informative level.

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