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22 animals in danger of extinction in Panama

Panama is a paradisiacal country located in Central America and famous for the canal that connects the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean. Given its hot tropical climate and the ecosystems of the place, Panama is a country with a huge variety of fauna and flora.

However, many of the species that inhabit this region are threatened with extinction, mainly due to the careless action of man against nature and natural resources: pollution, indiscriminate hunting, destruction of natural habitats, etc.

From AgroCorrn we want you to know 22 animals in danger of extinction in Panama , with images and descriptions. However, the number is increasing incessantly every day despite the constant struggle carried out by environmental organizations.

  1. Panama golden frog (Atelopus zeteki)
  2. Quetzal (Pharomachrus mocinno)
  3. Panamanian night monkey (Aotus zonalis)
  4. Puma centroamericano (Puma concolor costaricensis)
  5. Harpy Eagle (Harpia harpyja)
  6. White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus)
  7. Other endangered animal species in Panama
  8. How to help endangered animals in Panama

Panama golden frog (Atelopus zeteki)

The golden frog of Panama is endemic to the Panamanian territory, specifically to the tropical humid forests of the country, especially streams.

Its situation is extremely critical , so much so that it has been considered extinct in the wild since 2007. The threats focus on the destruction of forests, pollution and the illegal trafficking of species. Fortunately, there are currently various conservation programs that are struggling to reproduce this species of frog in captivity.

Of golden appearance, this amphibian measures around 45 millimeters and weighs approximately 5 grams, the males being smaller than the females, the latter being able to reach up to 63 millimeters and 15 grams. A peculiarity of the species is that it communicates with other amphibians, in addition to guttural sounds, with body language, making gestures with its front legs.

Quetzal (Pharomachrus mocinno)

The quetzal, Central American quetzal or Mesoamerican quetzal is one of the most representative and symbolic birds of Panama. Its area of ​​distribution extends from the south of Mexico, through Guatemala and to the west of Panama.

The color of its plumage is the first thing that catches the attention of this animal, with colors such as iridescent green in most of the body, chest and deep red belly and reflections of gold, blue and purple. However, the colors of the females are much duller and their tail shorter.

In size, it can measure up to 40 centimeters and weigh about 200 grams. This not particularly fast flying bird is essentially frugivorous, although it also occasionally feeds on insects.

Unfortunately, this species is in near threatened status according to the IUCN and the number of specimens is decreasing. The causes, once again, focus on human action, such as the destruction of their habitat and the capture of the species.

In this other AgroCorrn post we tell you more about why the quetzal is in danger of extinction .

Panamanian night monkey (Aotus zonalis)

Another of the endangered animals in Panama is the species known as Aotus zonalis . The Panamanian nocturnal monkey, Chocoano nocturnal monkey or Panamanian nocturnal monkey is a primate with a long tail and enormous eyes adapted to its nocturnal habits. Its territory is distributed only from Panama to the Chocó region, in Colombia.

It is a monkey of a rather small size, around 900 grams, the females being somewhat smaller. Its fur has brown and reddish colors on the back, yellow on the belly and black or dark brown on the hands.

The Panamanian has arboreal habits, being able to find specimens in a great variety of forests. It usually lives in small groups of two to six individuals. In addition, it should be noted that they are territorial and monogamous. The number of individuals in the wild is not currently known, but deforestation and pollution seriously threaten their persistence.

Image: Flickr

Puma centroamericano (Puma concolor costaricensis)

Another species in a state of vulnerability that sees its habitat threatened is the Central American puma concolor, Central American puma or Costa Rican puma . With luck, you can still find specimens in humid and dry forests of Panama, Costa Rica and Nicaragua, although hunting is also one of the threats that most endangers this species.

It weighs between 24 and 65 kilos, with a small head and long legs. The colors vary between reddish, brown and yellowish. In addition, their bright yellow eyes stand out.

It is a solitary, territorial, silent and nocturnal species that can travel long distances to hunt. One of its main prey is the white-tailed deer, although it eats many other species of mammals, sometimes attacking even domestic livestock.

Harpy Eagle (Harpia harpyja)

The harpy eagle, greater harpy or harpy is the national bird of Panama . Its territory extends through Central America and South America, inhabiting mainly humid or rainy forests.

It is the largest bird on the continent, with around 100 centimeters long, 200 centimeters wide and weighing about 10 kilos, with males being somewhat smaller. Physique also stand out his eyes of chocolate color or even occasionally yellow.

In addition to the largest, the harpy eagle is also the most powerful raptor. If you like birds of prey or raptors , here we give you a long list of names and photos of them, including the harpy eagle.

It feeds on animals such as armadillos, sloths, peccaries and birds. Unfortunately, this very particular bird is in a very threatened state according to the IUCN . However, thanks to its appointment as a national bird, Panama has different institutions that ensure its safety and reduce its main threat, the destruction of its habitat.

White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus)

The white-tailed deer is considered one of the most beautiful animals of the Panamanian fauna . It inhabits dry forests, secondary forests, savannas and gallery forests. Although the threat situation of this medium-sized deer remains stabilized, it is very important to carry out protective measures to avoid the modification or destruction of its habitat and the hunting of the species.

With herbivorous and ruminant eating habits, this mammal feeds mainly on leaves, fruits, seeds, shoots and mushrooms. In addition, they work both during the day and at night and are usually found in small groups or alone.

In addition to the peculiarity of its white tail that can be seen normally upright when it runs, this deer also has the special characteristic of changing the color of its hair depending on the season. For example, in winter, its coat is brown, while in summer it shows off rather reddish tones.

Other endangered animal species in Panama

Next, we leave you a list of more animals in danger of extinction in Panama or in a state of vulnerability.

  • Geoffroy’s spider monkey ( Ateles geoffroyi )
  • Tapir centroamericano ( Tapirus bairdii )
  • Tigrillo the tiger leopard ( Leopardus tigrinus )
  • Anteater ( Vermilingua )
  • Pecarí barbiblanco (Tayassu pecari)
  • Manatí (Trichechus manatus)
  • Neotropical river lobster or otter ( Lontra longicaudis )
  • Manigordo u ocelote (Leopardus pardalis)
  • Mono tití ( Saimiri oerstedii )
  • Hawksbill turtle ( Eretmochelys imbricata ). You can see it in the image below.
  • Green sea ​​turtle ( Chelonia mydas )
  • Tortuga olivácea o golfina (Lepidochelys olivacea)
  • Leatherback turtle ( Dermochelys coriacea )
  • Tortuga caguama o boba (Caretta caretta)
  • Mallard ( Anas platyrhynchos )
  • Bush dog or hunting dog ( Speothos venaticus )

How to help endangered animals in Panama

The problem of species extinction is closely related to human action . Environmental pollution, species trafficking, destruction or modification of ecosystems, mascotism of exotic species, poaching, introduction of invasive alien species, etc.

Since the problem comes from us, it should also be relatively easy to find a solution to these problems that cause so much damage not only to the fauna of Panama, but to the planet in general. For that reason, below, we give you some tips to help animals in danger of extinction in Panama and also those in the rest of the world.

Remember that although this global problem requires large-scale measures to help species, each individual action taken by citizens is extremely helpful.

  • Avoid increasing pollution . Opt for ecological alternatives, such as replacing plastic bags with cloth bags, using public transport, etc.
  • Respect the protected areas and natural reserves of Panama . Here we tell you the importance of nature reserves and protected areas .
  • Do not be part of the exotic species pet, especially if they do not have regulatory CITES documents These animals cannot be pets!
  • Report illegal hunting cases that you are aware of.
  • Avoid consuming products whose origin comes from the illegal traffic of endangered species, such as trophies, decorative objects, derived products, etc.
  • Do not participate or avoid the introduction of invasive alien species or with the potential to become invasive in this area.
  • Get more involved in the protection of these animals in Panama by collaborating as a volunteer in associations that protect threatened species.
  • Share these tips with your friends and acquaintances to help raise awareness in society and that together we achieve results not only in Panama, but in all countries of the world.

We recommend you learn more about Why it is important to protect endangered animals and how to help them in this other post. In addition, here below you can see a video about these animals in danger of extinction in Panama, with more data and images of these.

If you want to read more articles similar to 22 animals in danger of extinction in Panama , we recommend that you enter our category of Animals in danger of extinction .

Maria Anderson

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