Venezuela is one of the 17 countries with the greatest biodiversity in the world. However, as in other countries, in Venezuela there are also animals that are currently in danger of extinction. Among the factors that limit the survival of the species, we find deforestation, fishing, hunting or the destruction and alteration of habitats.
In this AgroCorrn article, we cite 22 endangered animals in Venezuela recognized by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
- West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus)
- Giant Nutria (Pteronura brasiliensis)
- Cardinal (Carduelis cucullata)
- Armadillo gigante (Priodontes maximus)
- Perico multicolor (Hapalopsittaca amazonina theresae)
- Giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla)
- Spider monkey (Ateles belzebuth)
- Oso Andino (Tremarctos array)
- Fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus)
- Torrent Duck (Merganetta armata)
- More endangered animals in Venezuela – list of names and photos
West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus)
Venezuela is an ideal habitat for manatees, however hunting this species has seriously endangered the manatee populations in the country. According to the IUCN in 2008, manatee populations were reduced to 2,500 mature specimens , but due to their status as a species, there are few studies about their locations.
Through various land expeditions, it has been possible to verify the presence of manatees in Lake Maracaibo, the Orinoco Delta and the Gulf of Paria. Currently, there are projects for the protection of the manatees of the West Indies in Venezuela and other areas.
Giant Nutria (Pteronura brasiliensis)
The giant otter has been considered by the IUCN to be in danger of extinction in Venezuela since 2015. Globally, the giant otter population is low and its individual subpopulations are small and fragmented.
This species is also intrinsically vulnerable to extinction due to the fact that only between a third and a quarter of its total population reproduces, its survival is short, it reaches a late maturity and, therefore, a late age of reproduction.
Individuals inhabit many rivers, streams, and lakes in the tropical forests of South America. In Venezuela, specifically, they are found in the Monagas River, Amazonas, Amaruco Delta, Apure, Bolívar and Barinas.
Cardinal (Carduelis cucullata)
This species of bird has been considered in danger of extinction in Venezuela by the IUCN since 2016, mainly as a result of its capture for trade and the reduction of its habitat being used for agriculture. Its population is estimated at 700 to 5,000 specimens and it is one of the most endangered birds in Venezuela . Currently, the cardinal is one of the highest conservation priority birds in the country.
Specifically, this bird can be found in places in Falcón, Anzoátegui, Zulia, Guárico, Miranda, Lara or Barinas.
Armadillo gigante (Priodontes maximus)
This species inhabits grassland burrows or open areas of the forest, generally in primary forests close to water. The giant armadillo is greatly affected by the loss of its habitat and factors such as hunting for meat consumption, use of the shell, tail and claws for the manufacture of certain products, its sale as a pet or as a stuffed animal on the black market. .
In Venezuela, it can be found in the Andean Cordillera, on the coast and south of the Orinoco River.
Perico multicolor (Hapalopsittaca amazonina theresae)
It is a small parrot that lives in the cloud and rainy forests of the Andes of Táchira and Mérida, feeding on fruit, flowers and seeds. Currently, it is one of the endangered animals in Venezuela and its greatest threats are hunting for sale as pets and the deforestation of forests.
Specifically, scientists consider the multi-colored parakeet an endangered animal species since 2016.
Giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla)
Giant anteaters or Myrmecophaga tridactyla are solitary animals that inhabit humid tropical forests , Savannah habitats, dry forests, and open grasslands. The giant anteater in danger of extinction in Venezuela since 2014 due to factors such as the particularity of its diet, its large size and the destruction of its habitat. These animals can mainly be found in the north and northeast of Lake Maracaibo, Bolívar or Amazonas.
Spider monkey (Ateles belzebuth)
Among the fauna of Venezuela we also find monkeys, such as the well-known spider monkeys. These animals live by balancing on branches, instead of running and walking on their legs. They feed on fruits in the upper levels of the trees and their habitat is associated with clay soils and firm lands. The threat to spider monkeys is mainly found in the destruction of mountain forests in which they live.
This is one of the endangered animals in Venezuela that can be found in the north of the country towards the Orinoco and Caura River and in humid forests of the Lake Maracaibo basin. In the main image of this article we can see a spider monkey.
In this other post we tell you more about Is the spider monkey in danger of extinction?
Oso Andino (Tremarctos array)
This bear is endemic to the tropical Andes and can be found in the Sierra de Perijá, the Macizo de El Tamá and the Cordillera de Mérida. The main threats of the Andean bear or Tremarctos ornatus are the destruction and fragmentation of the habitat and the mining and oil exploitation .
This species of bear, along with some others on this list, is also considered an endangered species in other countries, such as Peru. You can consult this other list of 8 animals in danger of extinction in Peru . To learn more about their situation, we recommend this other post on Why the spectacled bear is in danger of extinction .
Fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus)
These whales are the second largest mammals , after blue whales , and are in danger of extinction in Venezuela, but also in the waters of other countries. The main threats to the fin whale are indiscriminate hunting and human interruption of their sound waves, which we do with ships, radios used on the high seas, etc.
Sightings have been recorded on the Isla de Margarita, Sucre, Falcón and the Mochima National Park.
Torrent Duck (Merganetta armata)
These ducks inhabit the most powerful and fastest rivers in the Andes, surrounded by steep and rigid mountain slopes, building nests in inaccessible places. The main threats from torrent ducks or Merganetta armata are the destruction of Andean habitats and intensive hunting.
They can be found in Mérida and Táchira, where their populations range from 100 to 1,500 specimens.
More endangered animals in Venezuela – list of names and photos
We continue with this list of Venezuelan animals in danger of extinction in which you will find the common names, the scientists and a photo of each species.
- Jaguar ( Panthera onca )
- Tortuga arrau o charapa arrau (Podocnemis expansa)
- Andean condor or condor of the Andes ( Vultur gryphus )
- Greater harpy, harpy or harpy eagle ( Harpia harpyja )
- Tiger cat, tigrillo, maracayá, margay o caucel ( Leopardus wiedii )
- Andean deer, loach, Merida corzuela, candelillo ( Mazama bricenii )
- Monkey or nocturnal monkeys, marikiná, jujuná or marteja ( Aotus lemurinus )
- Alligator or crocodile of the Orinoco or plains alligator ( Crocodylus intermedius )
- Blue-crowned parakeet, blue-headed parakeet or common calancate ( Thectocercus acuticaudatus neoxena )
- Earwig hummingbird ( Hylonympha macrocerca )
- Helmet helmeted or stone- topped curassow ( Pauxi paux i)
- Jicotea, hicotea or orange-eared turtle ( Pseudemys scripta chichiriviche )
If you want to read more articles similar to 22 animals in danger of extinction in Venezuela , we recommend that you enter our category of Animals in danger of extinction .
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