Rainforests like the Amazon and forests like those of Russia or Canada are two of the most important terrestrial ecosystems on Earth. These arboreal masses that can be made up of different species and occupying different regions of the planet, share the same characteristic, the importance they have for the planet and the organisms that inhabit them. The other side of the coin is that forests and jungles also share the same threats.
In AgroCorrn we are going to talk about the importance of forests and jungles on the planet, as well as their main threats. But, for this, it is necessary to first describe what forests and jungles are, so read on to find out.
What are forests
The word forest comes from the Germanic busch or busk and is defined as a place inhabited by trees and shrubs. Therefore, we can define as forest any area with a significant density of trees .
These dense stands of trees can be classified in different ways. Depending on their history or origin, primary or native forests are distinguished , which are those that have appeared naturally; the secondary forests which are those that have been regenerated after a first cutting and therefore the action of man is and, finally, are the artificial forest , planted by humans.
Depending on the type of vegetation we can differentiate between coniferous forests (for example, pines, firs, redwoods, etc.), those of hardwoods (jungles or jungles) and mixed forests. On the other hand, they can be differentiated by the seasonality of the vegetation, that is, if the trees lose their leaves or not. In this case, there would be the evergreen forests where the trees do not lose their leaves with the change of the seasons, the deciduous where the leaves normally fall during the unfavorable season and the mixed ones.
Finally, forests can also be classified based on their location and, above all, based on latitude. In this way, the forests are considered tropical or subtropical around the Equator and the Tropics (Cancer and Capricorn), the temperate forests that are between the tropics and the polar circles and, finally, the boreal forests or taigas located near the polar circle Arctic.
What are the jungles
As we have mentioned previously, jungles are lush forests that are also normally found in tropical or subtropical climates . They are dense tree masses that are home to a great diversity of plant species, especially broad-leaved, strong and covered by wax, in the shape of a closed canopy (light cannot reach the ground), understory and various plant strata.
In turn, this lack of light and high rainfall favor the development of a humid environment where, in addition, numerous species of fungi and lichens can grow. It is estimated that approximately 2/3 of the planet’s plant biodiversity can be found in forests.
What is the importance of forests and jungles
Now that we have clarified what each one is, we will explain the great importance of forests and jungles :
Carbon dioxide absorption
Jungles and forests have traditionally been considered the lungs of the planet. But these lungs are different from ours because, instead of breathing oxygen and emitting carbon dioxide (CO2), they do the opposite. Therefore, forests contribute to reducing greenhouse gas pollution , such as CO2, in the atmosphere.
Specifically, it has also been pointed out that, for example, the Amazon jungle is capable of producing 20% of the total oxygen on the planet and that this jungle only accounts for 30% of all the tropical jungle that exists. Although it is true that plants also produce CO2, the amount of oxygen they release is much greater, although the largest producer of oxygen that exists is oceanic phytoplankton. Furthermore, the production of oxygen in forests is especially high in young forests since growing plants need more CO2 to develop.
Soil conservation
Forests and jungles help prevent soil erosion . This is especially important since the soil is defined as the outermost or superficial part of the earth’s crust and that it is biologically active.that comes from the changes and physical and chemical alterations of the rocks and the residues that come from the living beings that inhabit or on it. This means that the soil is a source of nutrients, it allows the roots of the trees to penetrate the earth’s crust in order to sustain themselves, and it is also the habitat of other communities of living beings. The trees of the forests and jungles reduce the force of the water when it rains, it also prevents strong torrents and reduces the effect of floods and floods of the rivers, thus avoiding the loss of soil.
Climate regulation
Forests and jungles help regulate the climate and temperature. Although the plants absorb the falling water, they also release a significant amount, which is known as evapotranspiration.
To get a better idea of what evapotranspiration is, we could compare it with the sweating of animals. High temperatures make the plant release the water they have inside. This process is especially important in jungles or tropical forests where temperatures and rainfall are high. In these cases, due to the evapotranspiration of the plants, large clouds can form that are displaced by the wind and re-precipitate in other places or again in the jungle. These large clouds can cover the entire airspace of the jungles, which makes the Sun’s radiation reflect and therefore the planet’s temperature decreases.
Shelter and food for other living beings
Forests and jungles are made up of numerous plant species and the climatic conditions that exist in them allow other organisms such as fungi, lichens and animals to establish themselves. In these forests there are clear and shady areas, wetter areas and drier areas, etc. that become the habitat of many species. In addition, there are species that have become accustomed to living in trees, on the ground, on the same trees that form forests and jungles ( epiphytic plants such as bromeliads) and, in many cases, organisms have established mutualistic relationships with others. On the other hand, forests and jungles are at the origin of streams, rivers and other aquatic ecosystems that suppose new habitats for other forms of life.
These ecosystems also have complex relationships or trophic networks with different levels, since the food sources are numerous and varied. For example, a plant is eaten by a butterfly, which is eaten by a toad, this by a snake and finally this is eaten by an owl. In addition, when these animals die, there are decomposing organisms (fungi, bacteria, invertebrates) that transform the organic remains into nutrients and minerals that can be used again by the producing organisms.
What are the threats to forests and jungles
Finally, it is important to clarify that the survival of forests and jungles is threatened by human activity . Historically, forests were used to obtain food, medicinal plants and wood for human constructions (houses, tools, ships, railways, etc.). Especially the latter caused the disappearance of many of the forests that covered almost the entire planet thousands of years ago. Currently, forests only cover around 25-35% of the earth’s surface.
After the industrial revolutions of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and the increase in population, the felling of forests intensified to obtain wood, expand cultivation areas and obtain charcoal, among others. It also happened that forests were long thought to be a haven for criminals, criminals and poachers, and unfortunately many other hectares of forest were cut down to prevent crime.
Currently, the incessant growth of the population , the search for energy and mineral resources, forest fires and pollution are making the forests that still remain on the planet disappear and, therefore, endangering the existence of many species and ours own, since if the forests disappear the benefits that we obtain from them will also do so.
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