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Potted jasmine: care and how to prune it

When we talk about jasmine we are not really referring to a whole genus of plants with more than 200 species, the Jasminum. These are ornamental plants of the shrub or climbing type, very popular for their beautiful flowers, which in many species are also pleasant and characteristic fragrance. Jasmine is known to be a plant that requires large amounts of light, but it is possible to keep some species indoors with proper care. One of the most common species to have a potted jasmine plant is Jasminum Polyanthum , which is particularly aromatic at night.

If you want to learn more about how to care for your potted jasmine, continue reading this AgroCorrn article in which we talk about taking care of potted jasmine and how to prune it .

  1. How to care for a potted jasmine – basic care
  2. Climate, light and location
  3. Potted jasmine: substrate
  4. Potted jasmine: watering
  5. Potted jasmine: compost
  6. Potted Jasmine: Yellow Leaves
  7. How to prune a potted jasmine

How to care for a potted jasmine – basic care

These are the basic care of a potted jasmine :

  • Light: jasmine needs a lot of light, even indoors. Put it next to a window or on a balcony.
  • Substrate: it is necessary that the substrate offers very good drainage and a good amount of nutrients.
  • Temperature: if you want it to flower every year, you must place it somewhere below 10 ºC in winter.
  • Fertilizer: in the warm season, it will be good to apply fertilizer once a month.
  • Irrigation: it needs its substrate to be kept humid almost always, although never flooded.

In addition to knowing the care of potted jasmine, we recommend this guide on 9 types of jasmine so that you can find the one you like the most.

Climate, light and location

Light is the first point to mention and also the most important when we talk about jasmine. These plants are known to need direct exposure to about 4 hours of light a day .

With this in mind, you will need to place the potted jasmine in a place where it receives a lot of light , ideally next to a window or even outside, on a balcony or terrace, in the warm months. In addition, the plant will grow healthier and more vigorous if it is in an airy place, with air circulation to help it maintain adequate levels of humidity, which will result in the production of large and fragrant flowers.

Regarding the climate in the cold months, if the plant spends the winter exposed to stable temperatures above 10 ºC, it is likely that it will not produce flowers in the following warm season, since it will not have entered its dormant period. vegetative. For this not to happen, it will be necessary to take it outside during the winter, but somewhere protected from frost, which could kill the jasmine. As soon as spring arrives, put it back in the house if you want, but do it especially if the place where it is has a strong sun incidence for many hours.

Potted jasmine: substrate

At the point of the substrate and the container, it is essential that the pot has drainage holes , since the jasmine will need frequent watering and does not tolerate waterlogging in its substrate.

Prepare a base of medium-sized gravel and pebbles in the bottom of the pot so that drainage holes don’t get clogged or soil can escape through them, and then add a light substrate with very good drainage . We recommend a mixture with a part of peat, a part of coconut fiber and a part of worm castings, which results in a mixture that is very rich in nutrients and with a good ability to avoid waterlogging. If you need a higher water release capacity, you can add some sand to the mix.

Potted jasmine: watering

Jasmine requires the soil or substrate to be almost permanently humid, but not flooded, in the warm months. It’s best to water high and low , and if your pot has a saucer underneath, be sure to remove any excess water about 10-15 minutes after you’ve watered it. In winter you should reduce watering a lot, to once a week or every fifteen days.

Potted jasmine: compost

If you use a good amount of worm castings at the base of the substrate, you will have already contributed a good amount of nutrients to the plant. However, in the warm months it is convenient to give it an extra contribution on a monthly basis. You can use fertilizer and specific compost, or prepare a homemade organic compost with banana skin or vegetable ashes, which are very rich in potassium.

In these other articles we explain How to make homemade organic compost for plants and How to make worm castings .

Potted Jasmine: Yellow Leaves

If your jasmine has yellow leaves, it is most likely because you are watering it too much, or because the substrate does not offer enough drainage. If that is the case, space the waterings or transplant it , preparing a mixture with better drainage. It can also happen that it is lacking in nutrients , which you should supplement with compost for flowering plants or with one of the homemade fertilizers rich in potassium that can be made.

In this other post we talk more about yellow leaves on plants: why they come out and solutions .

How to prune a potted jasmine

The pruning potted jasmine is important because it will give strength to the plant to bloom again the following season. It is recommended to prune potted jasmine at the end of winter , after frost and before the growing season begins. Follow these simple steps to prune potted jasmine:

  1. Make sure to sanitize your pruning tool before using it, and start by pruning off all bad or dead stems and branches.
  2. Continue with the stems that grow inward, interfering with the other new ones on the plant, prioritizing the tangles between them.
  3. Cut also those that grow in unwanted directions and those that are too old to give flowers.

In this link you will see a specific guide on Pruning jasmine: when and how to do it . In addition, in this video you will see this guide on the care of potted jasmine and some more details.

If you want to read more articles similar to Potted Jasmine: care and how to prune it , we recommend that you enter our category of Growing and caring for plants .

Maria Anderson
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