The cypress is a fast-growing tree that can reach 20 meters in height, with a diameter of about 60 centimeters. It is an evergreen coniferous species that can grow anywhere in the world if it has the right soil and temperature. In Europe it is widely used as an ornamental tree, while in Asia it is usually planted next to temples.
The ideal is to plant it in a pot and transplant it to the garden soil when it has begun to grow, said transplant being necessary so that it can develop correctly and reach its maximum splendor. In AgroCorrn, we show you how to transplant a cypress step by step.
Transplant a cypress
When you go to remove it from the pot or container in which you have it, you have to be very careful since it will weigh a lot, not only because you drop it but because of the back pain that it can bring you. It is best to put a protective girdle on your lower back so that you can have your back straight, and bend over straight and not curved.
Choose its new location keeping in mind that it is a tree that will need a lot of space to grow, so make sure that there will be nothing to get in the way. When making the hole for your planting, take into account the size of the root ball so that it fits perfectly. When you see that the earth changes color to a lighter color, you will be able to stop digging.
Then you will have to mix the garden soil with the substrate , which will allow you a faster rooting. You should also add a compost that is special for conifers and an anti-brown product so that it can retain its color and does not turn brown.
The next thing will be to put the cypress , filling the excess hole with more soil. If you find that it cannot stand vertically on its own, do a little pruning to balance it.
If you want to read more articles similar to How to transplant a cypress , we recommend that you enter our category of Growing and caring for plants .
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