Among the wide range of beautiful and exotic trees and plants are palm trees . If you already have any of them and you want to know how to take care of it properly or, on the contrary, you want to plant it, here are some basic tips. Keep reading this article as a simple and practical AgroCorrn guide if you want to know everything about how to plant a palm tree and its care . Learn about different types, their planting and care such as irrigation and things related to their growth.
- Types of palm trees
- How to plant a palm tree
- Palm tree care
- How to water palm trees to take good care of them
- The growth of palm trees and when to transplant them
Types of palm trees
Among the many types of palm trees that exist and can be planted at home, depending on the space we have in each case, there are these:
- Canary Island Palm
- Florida palm tree
- Palm tree excelsa
- Walnut palm tree
- Blue or gray palm tree
- Sugar palm
- Fishtail palm tree
- Guadalupe palm tree
- Princess palm tree
- Curly palm
- Areca
- Princess palm tree
- Palma de Manila
And many more. They all have their great beauty in common , so it is convenient to know them as well as possible to ensure that they grow healthy and we can give the planet a healthy and strong tree.
How to plant a palm tree
One of the best initiatives we can do, especially if we have a garden or a large outdoor space, is to plant a tree or, failing that, a plant. Palm trees like many people, for their originality and that tropical aspect. It is much more advisable to plant palm trees on the ground and let them grow at ease, although, if this is not possible due to not having adequate outdoor space, the second alternative is on pots.
There are many types of palm tree seeds on the market that we can plant ourselves, in pots or in gardens. Many of them germinate in about six weeks. For the plant to develop as it should and not suffer in its growth, it is convenient to know how to do it very well, starting by choosing the type of seed or palm tree (if we are going to buy it in a nursery) that we want (large, small, with large leaves …). You have to take into account for this:
- The size that we can accommodate : it is advisable to choose a smaller one if we do not have space to let it grow as it should. There are smaller ones, but many can grow up to thirty meters.
- The climate in our city or environment : and the temperature of our home. Before deciding to plant one, find out which type is best for where you live. For example, the Canarian palm tree would go well for a Mediterranean climate, since it is used to higher temperatures and tolerates cold down to a few degrees below zero, but if we live in a city in northern Europe (not excessively cold), we will have to opt for another type.
- Their degree of tolerance to the sun, to the cold, to the currents : each type of palm tree needs particular care. Before planting, learn more about each one to become aware of how you should take care of it and to see if you can give it what it needs.
Once this is done, make a hole in the ground or in the pot that is a little larger than the trunk of the palm tree, so that it can grow later. Give it the appropriate depth and insert the tree, until it is well fixed. If it is one of the varieties that needs a lot of sun, orient it appropriately. Remember to water it well (without excess) and fertilize it, especially during the first days after planting it.
Palm tree care
Like all plants and trees, palm trees need light, water, fertilizer and proper care for each species, so we recommend that you discuss with the specialist in the store the specific care of the palm tree that you buy according to its species.
In addition, for their correct care, especially if they are indoors, do not forget to spray their leaves with water often, so that they do not wither and always look healthy and beautiful, in addition, that will prevent the leaves from accumulating a dust that, In the long run, it could be very damaging. Help yourself with a hose if a regular sprayer is not enough.
It is also necessary that they have adequate humidity , taking them outside often and trying to make the room as humid as possible.
How to water palm trees to take good care of them
The way and the frequency when watering them varies depending on the temperature of our house and the season of the year. Even if your palm is indoor, take it out to the garden or balcony for as long as possible so that its cultivation and care is much more natural, always trying to put them in the shade so they do not suffer excessively.
Especially if the palm tree is small, it should not be more than three hours in the intense sun. The palm tree is not a plant that requires a lot of water (although it does require humidity) and above all, it should not be watered too much . Every ten days will be enough in winter, and twice a week in summer. Think that palm trees are typical trees of the subtropics.
Another thing to keep in mind is that this tree needs to have a “rest” period of about two months in watering. This does not mean that we completely stop watering it, but that during this period we do it less frequently . In summer (and always depending on its modality) you can do it more frequently, as we have said about twice a week, always avoiding overwatering and checking that it is not too soaked with water.
The growth of palm trees and when to transplant them
It is also important that the palm tree is allowed to grow at its own pace , with adequate fertilizer, although the amount is usually small. For fertilizers, slow-running ones are best. The palm tree does not need too many and those that are sold in liquid are quickly absorbed. Try to make everything you “feed” the palm tree natural.
If your pot grows small after a few months, feel free to transplant it to a larger one or directly under the ground. Normally, and although they could reach several meters in height, palm trees tend to grow slowly. Discover in this other AgroCorrn article Tips for transplanting palm trees .
Although it is not necessary for the sun to shine directly on them for hours (especially the small ones), they do need natural light . Another reason why the palm tree will appreciate being in the garden or, at least, next to a window: the natural light inside the houses is not enough for them.
Take care of the palm tree with great care and, for this, never place it near an air conditioner or heater, or any other device where it suffers from drafts, since it and its leaves could suffer. Also, do not leave it outside in an area where the sun always shines in full, since during the hottest months it could burn easily, always depending on the species because there are some that withstand the sun better and there are those that hold less.
If you want to read more articles similar to How to plant a palm tree and its care , we recommend that you enter our category of Growing and caring for plants .
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