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The guava is a tropical tree that produces an exquisite edible fruit as much to eat alone as to make salads, smoothies or to season many dishes. Its leaves are simple and measure between 5 and 15 centimeters, while its flowers are green and yellow. The appearance of its fruit is similar to that of the pear and is very rich in vitamins A, B and C, in addition to being very good at a nutritional level since its pulp helps lower cholesterol levels.

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How to care for guava

Take note of this information on the care and cultivation of guava :

  • Sowing : Doing it as a monoculture is how you get the best results since it is the way you like the most to develop.
  • Irrigation : It is a tree that consumes a lot of water so you should water it daily. The best thing is that you put an automatic watering system so as not to risk that one day you get lost or nobody can do it if you go on vacation.
  • Light : It also needs a lot of light so find the sunniest space in your garden to plant it.
  • Temperature : It needs a medium temperature but there is humidity since its natural habitat is near rivers or lakes.
  • Substrate : It does not have much problem in this sense since it adapts to almost all types of soil, although those that are alluvial and sandy do much better, especially if they have some clay.
  • Multiplication : Spring is the perfect time to do the grafting since it is a time when the new plant is achieved in a relatively short time and that goes from 6 to 8 months.
  • Flowering : It is a very long time that goes from the months of August to March.
  • Pests and diseases: It is especially susceptible to attack by any fungus and also by ants.

If you want to read more articles similar to Guava tree care , we recommend that you enter our category of Growing and caring for plants .

Maria Anderson

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