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Germinate apple seeds: how to do it and care

The apple tree is a fruit tree of the Rosaceae family that has been domesticated for more than 15,000 years, specifically in the area of ​​the border between Kazakhstan and China. The Romans were responsible for its introduction in Europe and, today, it is a very popular tree for its fruits, with a large number of varieties and hybridizations.

Growing your seeds may not be as easy as it seems, so if you want to learn how to germinate apple seeds and their care , join us in this AgroCorrn article.

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How to germinate apple seeds

The preparation and germination process of these seeds can be quite long, so we advise you to carefully follow all these steps and indications. The germination process tends to last between 3 and 4 months. You must take this into account, since the ideal time to sow is in autumn, so you should start germinating the seeds in early summer .

Learn how to germinate apple seeds step by step with this guide:

  1. To start, you need some apple seeds of the variety you want to plant. Be careful when opening the apple to extract the seeds, as you don’t want to accidentally damage them. Help yourself with a teaspoon to be able to extract them with the least risk for them.
  2. Thoroughly clean the seeds, making sure to completely remove any remaining pulp or fruit, and put them for a full day in a glass of water.
  3. It passes to the stratification of the seeds. To do this, you need a container that you can close and store in the refrigerator, and vermiculite. A tupper is a good option.
  4. Fill the container with vermiculite halfway, and place the seeds in it, separating them a little from each other. Then, fill the container completely with more vermiculite, and water the seeds with a water vaporizer, ensuring that the substrate is moist but never puddled or soggy.
  5. At this point, it is advisable to add some organic fungicide to the mixture. It is not necessary, but if you do not do it you risk that your seeds suffer the attack of fungi and everything is spoiled. Close the container, and store it in the fridge, at about 5 or 6 ºC.
  6. From then on, take out the container with the substrate once a week so that it breathes and be able to appreciate the evolution of the seeds. In about 3 months, they should be ready for seedlings.

Caring for sprouted apple seeds

Follow these tips to care for sprouted apple seeds :

  • In this step you can use a traditional seedbed or a homemade one of any type that you have made.
  • It is important that, in any case, it has drainage holes.
  • Use a mixture with six parts of black peat, three parts of perlite and one part of worm castings. In this other post we tell you how to make worm castings .
  • Place the substrate in the seedbed and plant a seed in each individual section or seedbed. Cover them well with substrate, carefully so that none is exposed, and apply again a little ecological fungicide.
  • Water abundantly so that the substrate remains moist, and put it somewhere where it receives direct sunlight.

How to plant apple seeds – pot and soil

In less than two months, your seeds should have sprouted. At this time, the seedlings will start to grow, and they are very fragile. When your seedlings are around 5cm tall, you can transplant them to their location outdoors or in a pot. The second is recommended, since as we have said, they are quite delicate.

Follow these steps to plant the sprouted apple seeds for a successful transplant:

  1. Do the transplant very carefully, gently untangling the roots and removing the substrate that has stuck to them. Here you can learn all about How to transplant a plant .
  2. Once transplanted, place them in a semi-shady area, to expose them more to light as they grow and gain strength.
  3. At first, water them every two to three days in hot months, and half in cold ones.
  4. Apply organic fertilizers in the months of activity of the plant to strengthen it, and protect it once a year with ecological fungicides.
  5. When the plant is one year old, it will be ready for transplantation to its final location.

Apple tree care

These are the main cares of the apple tree:

Irrigation of the apple tree and compost

The apple tree requires abundant watering to stay strong and give abundant fruiting. Make sure you water it enough and don’t let its soil get too dry, especially in its flowering season. It is also necessary to pay it in the months of activity, and pruning must be done in winter to give its branches a suitable shape.

Fungi on apple trees

Fungi are the main enemy of this tree, mainly due to its high demand for humidity. Remove the parts of the tree that dry out and apply fungicides, preferably ecological ones, when necessary. Here you can know the best homemade fungicides for fruit trees . To learn more about this topic, in this other gardening and horticulture guide from AgroCorrn we will talk more in detail about the cultivation and care of the apple tree .

In addition, when you harvest the fruits, apart from eating them directly or in different types of dishes, you can also use them to prepare your own vinegar, as this is very beneficial. Here we tell you how to make organic apple cider vinegar at home .

Maria Anderson
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