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16 animals in danger of extinction in Colombia

Colombia is a country enormously rich in biodiversity. With approximately 10% of the total of all species on the planet, the Colombian territory is classified as a megadiverse country .

Unfortunately, more than 1,200 endemic species in Colombia are in danger of extinction or in a state of vulnerability, not counting those species for which data has not been obtained.

The care and conservation of threatened animals is becoming increasingly necessary for the sustainability of the planet and for the good of all living beings that inhabit it. However, if human actions that are harmful to the environment do not cease, a large number of species that are threatened today have a very high risk of disappearing in the coming years.

Today, from AgroCorrn we want to present you a list with 16 animals in danger of extinction in Colombia , with their common names, scientists and images, so that you can know them before, possibly, it is too late.

You may also be interested in: The endangered manatee
  1. White-headed marmoset or white-headed marmoset (Saguinus oedipus)
  2. Sea turtles
  3. Oso from anteojos (Tremarctos costume)
  4. Tapir centroamericano ( Tapirus bairdii )
  5. Caribbean manatee (Trichechus manatus)
  6. Pink dolphin (Innia geoffrensis)
  7. Spider monkey or marimonda chocoana (Ateles hybridus)
  8. Tití gris (Saguinus leucopus)
  9. More animals in danger of extinction in Colombia
  10. How to help endangered animals in Colombia

White-headed marmoset or white-headed marmoset (Saguinus oedipus)

The white- headed marmoset ( Saguinus oedipus ) is a platyrrhian primate belonging to the Callitrichidae family Typical of jungles and forests in the northwest of Colombia, this primate of around 500 grams maintains its activity during the day and feeds on fruits, fresh leaves, nectar, lizards and insects.

It is a very territorial animal and lives in groups of around 20 individuals. In addition, it has a very unique appearance. Its white crest differs and gives it a certain personality. Another special curiosity of the species is that it can vocalize around 40 different sounds to communicate with its congeners.

Unfortunately, this endemic species from Colombia is in critical danger of extinction mainly due to the destruction of its habitat and the illegal trafficking of species.

Sea turtles

There are eight different species of sea ​​turtles in the world. Six of them are found on the Colombian coasts : hawksbill turtle ( Eretmochelys imbricata ), green turtle ( Chelonia mydas ), leatherback turtle ( Dermochelys coriacea ), loggerhead turtle ( Caretta caretta ), olive ridley turtle ( Lepidochelys olivacea ) and the black turtle ( Chelonia agassizii).

There is a great diversity of factors why sea ​​turtles are unprotected in Colombia, such as pollution, the destruction of their natural habitat, maritime traffic and fishing nets and even the consumption of eggs. This has led to the sad situation that today threatens all these turtles , some in especially critical situation, such as the hawksbill turtle.

In this other AgroCorrn article you can find out more about endangered Turtles .

Oso from anteojos (Tremarctos costume)

Another of the endangered animals in Colombia is this species native to Andean forests. This bear, also called Andean bear ( Tremarctos Ornatus ) due to its territorial customs, is the only one in South America, identified in territories of Colombia, Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru.

At spectacled bears usually avistárselos in mountain pastures, thickets and other wooded areas. They like to rest and store their food reserves in trees, where almost any type of food can be found, given their omnivorous diet. Since food is not scarce in the habitat where they live, these bears do not hibernate, and can be diurnal or diurnal / nocturnal in nature.

Despite the beauty and uniqueness of the species, the spectacled bear is in a state of vulnerability , with a population of approximately 8,000 bears of its species. Once again, the main cause of their situation is due to human factors , specifically the expansion of the agricultural frontier.

Tapir centroamericano ( Tapirus bairdii )

Native to jungle and humid regions, the Central American tapir ( Tapirus bairdii ) is the largest solid-bodied neotropical land mammal. Physically it stands out for its long curved nose in the shape of a trunk. Regarding behavior, we can highlight its solitary and territorial character and its communication system based on whistles and olfactory signals. In addition, he is a very good swimmer.

Its population is threatened, like the rest of the Tapirus family , mainly by habitat destruction . One of the few places where there is a record of the existence of these animals is in the Los Katíos National Natural Park, their main habitat.

In this other AgroCorrn post let’s talk about why the tapir is in danger of extinction .

Caribbean manatee (Trichechus manatus)

The Caribbean manatee ( Trichechus manatus ) mainly stands out for its stout appearance of up to 3 meters in length. The lack of hind limbs together with the fairly flexible forelimbs gives the species a very unique physique, similar to that of a mermaid.

In Colombia this species is found in the Orinoco basin and in some parts of the Magdalena River, it is herbivorous and normally solitary. A special curiosity of this aquatic mammal is the possibility that they have to hug their young when they suckle and even other manatees.

Although its situation is improving slightly , the Caribbean manatee continues to be one of the endemic species in Colombia with the highest probability of disappearing, mainly due to hunting of the species .

Pink dolphin (Innia geoffrensis)

The pink dolphin Innia geoffrensis ) is one of the 5 types of dolphins that live in rivers, and among all of them, this is the one that is considered the most intelligent. The species stands out for its pink color, although it can present other shades such as gray or brown, and it lives in the Amazon River .

Smaller in size than sea dolphins, this species is sociable and its specimens are practically blind, due to the murky waters where they swim. In addition, their diet is based on crabs, fish and small turtles.

Unfortunately, pollution and hunting are seriously undermining the continuity of this species on the planet. A study carried out in 2017 counted only 395 pink dolphins in 1,600 kilometers of the waters of the Putumayo Amazon River.

Here you will find more information sip The Endangered Pink Dolphins .

Spider monkey or marimonda chocoana (Ateles hybridus)

The spider monkey Ateles hybridus ) is a neotropical platyrhine primate endemic to Colombia and Venezuela. In the case of Colombia, the species lives on the banks of the Magdalena River and in parts of Cesar, La Guajira, the Serranía de Perijá, Caldas and Cundinamarca.

Its diet is mainly based on fruits, although it also complements the diet with leaves, fresh shoots, flowers and insects. With diurnal habits, these primates usually live with other individuals of their species, in groups of 20 or 30 specimens. However, they are not usually together, but spend their time looking for food, feeding and resting.

Despite the measures taken to recover the spider monkey , this primate continues to be on the list of critically endangered animals , mainly due to habitat loss and hunting . It has been on this list since 2004, so something seems to indicate that not all the necessary conservation efforts are being made to save the species.

Tití gris (Saguinus leucopus)

The gray marmoset is a common tamarin primate in northern Colombia. It is currently found in forested regions of the Andes and the Caribbean, although its population is being dramatically reduced due to loss of habitat and illegal trafficking of species .

Diurnal and arboreal in nature, the Saguinus leucopus species stands out for being especially skillful and active. These animals constantly move and jump through the trees at high speed. In addition, they live in groups of between 2 to 15 individuals, helping each other in times of need and communicating with a vocalization system based on whistles. Finally, its diet is mainly based on soft fruits, although it also eats small insects.

More animals in danger of extinction in Colombia

Unfortunately, the number of endangered animal species in Colombia is only increasing. Here we leave you another list with more animals in Colombia threatened or in a state of vulnerability.

  • Swamp Cockroach ( Cistothorus apolinari)
  • Jaguar ( Panthera Onca )
  • Black-handed marmoset ( Callicebus medemi )
  • Andes Condor ( Vultur gryphus )
  • Puma (Puma concolor)
  • Iguana ( Iguana iguana )
  • Armadillo (Dasypodidae)
  • Tortuga Morrocoy (Chelonoidis carbonaria)

How to help endangered animals in Colombia

One of the main causes why animals become extinct is the human footprint that has contaminated and destroyed the habitats of the species and has exploited natural resources at will, on numerous occasions hunting these animals even knowing the danger of their extinction.

However, there are many measures that can still be taken to help animals threatened with extinction in Colombia . Here are some ideas:

  • Avoid pollution by opting for ecological alternatives, such as using public transport and recycling waste.
  • Respect the natural reserves and protected areas of Colombia.
  • Do not introduce invasive alien species that alter the order of the autochthonous ones.
  • Do not consume products that come from the illegal trafficking of threatened animals.
  • Report known cases of illegal hunting or trafficking of species .
  • Avoid and / or report the petting of exotic species.
  • Get involved and collaborate, for example, as a volunteer, with associations that protect and defend threatened species in Colombia or in the creation of programs and conservation measures for these species.
  • Share this information to make your acquaintances aware of the importance of conserving Colombian species.

These measures not only serve to protect and help the recovery of threatened species in Colombia, but they can help us conserve animals in danger of extinction throughout the world . We encourage you to watch this video about these endangered Colombian animals to learn a little more.

If you want to read more articles similar to 16 animals in danger of extinction in Colombia , we recommend that you enter our category of Animals in danger of extinction .

Maria Anderson
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