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There are many who, due to a certain ignorance, believe that it is not good to have plants near the place where we rest, but this is not entirely true. There are indoor plants that give oxygen so it is possible to sleep with plants. The question that we want to answer you today in AgroCorrn is: which plants give oxygen at night? We assure you that with the following list you will easily find which plants are for bedrooms so that, in addition to having a much more natural corner, you will improve the quality of the air you breathe during your hours of sleep.

We already talked in another article about plants that purify the air, but now we want to expand this information a little more so that you can also decorate the bedroom with plants without fear that this could harm your health or that of yours. The different species that make up the selection that we attach to you below are quite common and easy to find in any florist or nursery in your area. Don’t miss out on these 11 plants that produce oxygen at night !

aloe vera

The aloe vera plant , known for its medicinal properties, is also one of the most recommended species for cleaning and improving air quality thanks to its high production of oxygen at night . In addition, it is highly recommended for those who do not have too much time due to their undemanding care.

Here we show you different types of aloe and aloe vera care .

Adam’s Rib or Monstera Delicious

The monstera or Adam’s rib is one of the plants most used in recent years to decorate interiors. Both the plant and its iconic leaves add an exotic and elegant touch to any room. However, it is also used for its purifying action, capable of improving the quality of the environment thanks to the production of oxygen and the elimination of harmful particles. It is important to always place it near a place where it can receive direct sunlight so that its leaves always look that intense green color.

Here you can learn more about the care of Adam’s rib .

Nim or Azadirachta indica

The Nim or Neem plant is known for its essential oils and its multiple uses both in traditional medicine as a food seasoning and is also known for being able to purify the air inside homes and offices. It is also important to remember that it works as a natural pesticide against mosquitoes. It only requires a good substrate and natural light for its optimal growth.

Bamboo palm or Dypsis lutescens

Another plant capable of purifying and improving the air in indoor spaces is known as the bamboo palm . This species is capable of reducing both formaldehyde and benzene, as well as other harmful organic compounds. It requires very little care, it only needs optimal humidity conditions.

Sansevieria or Trifasciata Zeylanica

Known as snake plant or Sansevieria, it produces oxygen at night and absorbs benzene and trichlorethylene, significantly improving air quality. This is because during the night hours the Sanseviera increases its respiratory process. For this reason, it is one of the most recommended plants to improve the atmosphere of the room throughout the day.

Ivy or Hedera helix

You will be surprised to discover that this plant is capable of reducing up to almost 60% of the waste particles and toxins found inside in less than six hours. Ivy is one of the best options for those looking for a plant capable of adapting easily and without much specific care. You can have it in a pot on a piece of furniture in your room without fear that it will absorb too much oxygen at night and harm you, since it will do the opposite.

Gerbera or Gerbera jamesonii

In addition to decorating gardens, this striking flower plant has also begun to be used indoors due to its high oxygen production at night . Like another of those exposed, it also removes benzene and trichlorethylene. Therefore, it is especially recommended for people who suffer from some type of respiratory disorder.

Here you can learn more about the care of the gerbera plant .

Geranium or Pelargonium x hortorum

Geraniums are plants known for their spectacular flowering. However, it is important to know other of its beneficial properties for the home such as air purification . In addition, they fight bacteria and bad smell thanks to the aroma that their leaves give off.

We show you Geranium Care in this guide.

Holy basil or Ocimum tenuiflorum

Like geraniums, holy basil emits a particular aroma from its leaves that helps to improve the tension of the environment. It is highly recommended for those who need to reduce anxiety and find a space to relax .

Butterfly Orchid or Phalaenopsis Orchid

Orchids are also highly valued for being plants capable of absorbing xylene from the environment . Thanks to this, they improve the quality of the environment, helping both the headache and the feeling of fatigue to be more bearable if they are suffered regularly. Similarly, they also increase oxygen production during the night .

In this post you can learn about Phalaenopsis orchid care .

Peace lily or Spathiphyllum wallisii

We finish the list with the one known as the lily of peace , capable not only of purifying the air thanks to its production of oxygen, but it is also capable of improving the humidity of any interior in a natural way. Its intense green leaves contrast with its white flowers, making it a highly sought after plant for interior decoration: it adds a beautiful aesthetic with great benefits by taking care of the air.

Learn about the care of the lily of peace here .

Difference between photosynthesis and plant respiration

The first thing you should know to be able to differentiate both concepts is that photosynthesis is a biological process carried out by the plant to transform water and carbon dioxide, thanks to the action of solar energy, into oxygen and carbohydrates. As for the cellular respiration of plants, it is a process linked to photosynthesis, since it transforms those carbohydrates and oxygen obtained into energy to improve the growth of the plant.

Therefore, they are two directly related biological processes that result in the survival of the plant, as well as the production of that oxygen that is so beneficial to us.

Learn more about this topic by reading this other AgroCorrn article: Difference between photosynthesis and plant respiration .

Maria Anderson

Hello, I am a blogger specialized in environmental, health and scientific dissemination issues in general. The best way to define myself as a blogger is by reading my texts, so I encourage you to do so. Above all, if you are interested in staying up to date and reflecting on these issues, both on a practical and informative level.

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