The 24 departments of Peru cover an area of 1,285,215.60 km 2 , whose continental surface represents 99.60% of the total area with 1,280,085 km 2 . In addition, it has an island area of 133.40 km 2 and a lake area of 4,996.28 km². In total in Peru, eight natural regions are identified based on their altitudinal floors characterized by certain conditions of relief, climate, fauna, flora and other resources.
If you want to know what the 8 natural regions of Peru are , in addition to knowing the varied climate of Peru, continue reading this interesting AgroCorrn article in which they will be explained in detail. Also, in the image here you can see a map of Peru and its natural regions .
Chala region
The Chala natural region extends from the seashore to an altitude of 500 meters, extending its territory from the border with Ecuador in Tumbes and the border with Chile in Taca. Chala is characterized by being a desert and arid area, by a flora composed of mangroves and hills and by having among its species of fauna guano birds, huaca owls and sea lions. With regard to the climate of Peru in this region , an arid subtropical climate is manifested on the central and southern coast, while on the north coast the climate is semitropical.
Low Forest or Omagua Region
The low jungle region is located in the eastern part of Peru at an altitude that ranges from 80 to 400 meters above sea level. It presents plains with vegetation, hills and mighty rivers, it could be said that its geography is slightly rugged. Among the fauna of this region are species of mammals, such as the otter, the otorongo, the anteater, the squirrel, the sloth, as well as many species of reptiles, birds and fish. In the lowland jungle the climate is humid and warm and tree species such as cedar and mahogany predominate.
Learn more about the lowland jungle: characteristics, flora and fauna by entering here.
High jungle region or Rupa Rupa
Like the Low Forest, the High Forest region is located in eastern Peru , extending between 400 and 1,000 meters of altitude. The surface of the High Forest is mountainous and full of hills, streams, valleys, slopes and ponds. In addition, it has numerous natural caves and rocky hills. The fauna of this region is very varied and there are very diverse species of fish, mammals, reptiles, birds and insects. As for the flora, it is also very extensive and there are tree species such as weak rubber, breadfruit, oil palm, tamishe, aguaje, balsa stick, torourco and yarina bombonaje .
If you want to know more about the high jungle: characteristics, flora and fauna , this article will be useful.
Yunga region
The Yunga region has two types of altitudes: one called river Yunga from 1,000 to 2,300 meters above sea level and another maritime Yunga from 500 and 2,300 meters above sea level. It is located in the lower part of the mountain range and the jungle part, characterized by having mountainous reliefs and narrow, deep and steep valleys. On the one hand, among the species of fauna that can be found are pigeons, lizards, hummingbirds, tigrillos, foxes, snakes, pumas and spectacled bears . On the other hand, its flora is characterized by fruit bushes such as custard apple, plum, avocado, lucumo and guava.
Quechua region
The Quechua region located at an altitude ranging from 2,300 to 3,500 meters above sea level, on the western and eastern slopes of the Andes of Peru . The climate that is present in this region is marked by a difference between cold nights and hot days, experiencing abundant rainfall between the months of December and March. Regarding the fauna of the region, there are species such as eagles, foxes, vizcachas, hawks, pumas, auquénids and sheep, among others. Regarding the flora, which is very wide and varied, trees such as alder stand out.
Suni Region
The Suni region has the same location as the Quechua region, on the western and eastern slopes of the Peruvian Andes , only at an altitude ranging from 3,500 to 4,000 meters above sea level. Its fauna is very varied where wild and wild animals such as foxes, guinea pigs, white-tailed deer, eagles and puma predominate. There are also auquénids such as the alpaca and the llama. Its flora is characterized by the presence of elderberry, foxtail, quinoa, cañihua and cantuta, among others.
Puna region
The Puna region is characterized by the plateaus, lakes and lagoons that it presents, it also has a flat and undulating geographical area, thus forming a plateau . It extends between 4,000 and 4,800 meters of altitude and presents a cold climate with a great thermal oscillation between day and night and between shady and sunny areas. On the one hand, among the flora species are the titanca, the ichú and the pajonales and, on the other hand, regarding the species of fauna it is common to find Andean camelids, such as the guanaco, the alpaca, the vicuña and the llama. .
Learn much more about the Puna: what it is, characteristics, flora and fauna with this other post.
Janca Region
The Janca region is the highest of all, located at the highest point of the Peruvian Andes with an altitude that ranges from 4,800 to 6,768 meters above sea level. It is formed by steep hills in which ice and snow are persistently present , its climate being very cold, in addition to presenting a very dry atmosphere. The hills, in addition to snow and ice, are covered by lichens and mosses . Regarding its fauna, we find Andean species such as the vizcacha, the vicuña, the alpaca, the chinchilla and the condor .
Now that you have known the 8 natural regions of Peru , here we show you what is the natural heritage of Peru so you can discover more of this beautiful country.
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