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How long does a marijuana seed take to germinate?

Today, the cultivation of legal marijuana in Spain is still not fully legislated . According to article 368 of the Criminal Code , the “execution of acts of cultivation, processing or trafficking, or in any other way promoting, favoring or facilitating the illegal consumption of toxic drugs, narcotics or psychotropic substances”, including marijuana, is a crime.

This crime carries a penalty of between one and three years in prison, and a fine depending on the value of the marijuana seized. However, for self-consumption, and without a standardized limit of the amount cultivated, it does not fall within the legal types of crime .

For those who opt for this modality, and more specifically for indoor cultivation, the experts in marijuana cultivation Eurogrow explain in this AgroCorrn article how long it takes for the seed to germinate and how to do it to guarantee a good cultivation .

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Indoor or outdoor growing: which is better?

Those who consider growing marijuana at home for self-consumption , experts point out that before even opting for one type of seed or another, it is necessary to decide what type of cultivation is going to be organized: indoor or outdoor . The recommendation of Eurogrow experts recommend initially opting for indoor germination, as long as it is possible due to conditions and space; In this sense, grow cabinets are one of the most used to be able to grow indoors.

The reason? Basically because the grower has complete control of the factors outside the plant itself that can affect the germination of the seed and the growth of the marijuana. These factors range from the presence of snails and other highly recommended insects and animals, such as caterpillars, grasshoppers, mice, rabbits and even birds, to inclement weather.

This is how external agents affect the germination of the marijuana seed

All these elements have a direct impact on the cultivation of marijuana, and how long it takes to germinate, and how it does it.

Thus, for example, a marijuana or cannabis seed cannot germinate strongly if the ambient temperature is below 20 degrees. This not only determines the time of year in which the planting is going to be planned, but the method to be used.

The snails are especially harmful to seed and early stages of growth of the plant, as are the heavy rain, hail or strong temperature contrasts. Of these, excesses are also very harmful to marijuana.

Types of marijuana growing systems

In addition to deciding where to germinate, you also have to plan which system to follow. Will you use a substrate, or will you opt for hydroponic or aeroponic? Maybe because of the vertical system?

Between the substrates , it is recommended to use soil rich in nutrients and fertilizers. On the other hand, hydroponic cultivation is based on the use of water, being the aeroponic its evolution. All three methods can be arranged vertically.

How long does a marijuana seed take to germinate?

Cannabis seeds germinate in a time frame that goes from 2 days to 7 days . What is the reason for this variation? In the cultivation of marijuana, the result will depend on factors such as the genetics of the seed itself, the environmental conditions of humidity, temperature, light that is offered, the type and quality of the layer that nourishes it and the care that is provided. In fact, there is not even a single method to get the seeds to germinate and how they follow the natural growth.

If you want to read more articles similar to How long does a marijuana seed take to germinate , we recommend that you enter our Growing and plant care category .

Maria Anderson
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