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Autogas or LPG, the least polluting gasoline

Autogas, also known as liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), is a very interesting fuel that costs half that of gasoline and pollutes much less. In addition, the adaptation that a car needs to be able to use it is subsidized. In Europe there are already seven million vehicles that work thanks to autogas , although in Spain there are not even 3,000. Fortunately, the Government will promote its use with more aid and with new regulations that are more prone to it.

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Why LPG or Autogas

LPG is obtained from 60% natural gas and 40% from oil refining. It is also known as liquefied gas for vehicles (GLV) and is the most widely used alternative fuel in the world. According to the Spanish Association of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Operators (AOGLP), its main advantages are the following:

  • It pollutes less : It emits less gases and harmful particles into the atmosphere, especially when compared to a diesel vehicle. It is free of components such as sulfur and lead and reduces noise by 50%, reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 15% compared to gasoline.
  • It is cheaper : Although it requires greater consumption, it is up to 50% cheaper than conventional gasoline. Every 100 kilometers we can reduce the average cost between 30 and 40%. In the coming years the price is expected to remain significantly lower than that of gasoline and diesel. In addition, its maintenance is less expensive, since it does not leave residues and suffers fewer breakdowns.
  • It is safe : In the event of a possible gas leak, we can detect it by smell thanks to an odorant element that is added to the mixture. However, in some French underground parking lots it has banned vehicles that feed on this fuel because in the event of a leak the gas accumulates on the ground, which can be harmful.


Finally, it must be said that the adaptation for a car usually costs between 1,800 and 2,000 euros, but the Institute for the Diversification of Savings and Efficiency (IDAE) offers subsidies through the autonomous communities so that this figure is completely reduced in the case of new vehicles. If the vehicle is already registered, the grant can cause only 450 euros to be paid.

If you want to read more articles similar to Autogas or LPG, the least polluting gasoline , we recommend that you enter our Renewable Energies category .

Maria Anderson

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