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Abelias are a whole genus of plants with 30 species. These are shrubs that have their origin in Mexico and Asia, with semi-evergreen foliage and a very decorative bright green. In this article we are going to focus on the Abelia grandiflora plant , the most used in gardening and green spaces due to its easy care and its beautiful white flowers that contrast with the intense green of its leaves and the reddish tone of its stems.

So, if you want to learn how to care for Abelia grandiflora , join us in this AgroCorrn article where you will find a complete and practical guide to care for Abelia grandiflora .

Characteristics of the Abelia grandiflora

The Abelia x grandiflora usually achieved heights of about 150 cm, although potentially doubles this measure. It is a shrub with reddish stems with lanceolate leaves a nice green color and serrated margin.

The flower of Abelia grandiflora is tubular and flared and just over 1 cm long, with pinkish-white petals and a pleasant aroma. When the petals fall, after flowering, the calyx remains on the plant, giving the shrub a red hue that is highly appreciated in decoration. And when does Abelia grandiflora bloom ? In the right environment, it maintains its bloom throughout the warm months, from spring to fall, which is why it is so popular in gardening.

Location and climate for Abelia grandiflora

This plant needs a large amount of sunlight , even direct incidence. In fact, unless we live in an exceptionally warm climate, the abelia needs to be exposed to direct light for as many hours as possible. However, if the sun is particularly intense in our area, the plant will appreciate a semi-shady location.

The most important thing when it comes to the location of the abelia is to keep it protected from drafts , which it doesn’t tolerate at all. Thus, in windy areas it will be necessary to plant the shrub sheltered from some other larger plant or a wall.

With regard to temperature, abelia tolerates hot and even very hot climates without problems, but it is not so with low temperatures, especially when the plant is young. This shrub does not tolerate frost until its stems have lignified, at which point it will withstand specific temperatures down to -10 ºC.

Watering the Abelia grandiflora

Another of the more particular Abelia grandiflora cares is irrigation since, despite usually needing a certain level of humidity in its substrate, it can withstand specific droughts. Thus, an Abelia grandiflora plant can bear small carelessness in its watering as long as they are not given regularly.

In the warm months it is advisable to maintain constant and regular waterings , always without flooding the plant, but providing deep watering. On the other hand, in cold months watering should be greatly reduced , every fortnight or even more spaced. Also, take note that if you have the abelia in a pot , remove the excess water from the dish ten minutes after you have watered.

We recommend reading this other gardening guide on When to water your plants .

Substrate and compost for Abelia grandiflora

This is probably, along with light, the most important of abelia care. You need a soil with the best possible drainage and very rich in organic matter . Thus, it is necessary to find an area of ​​the garden that drains the water without problems, but if the ground does not drain enough, sand will have to be added before planting the abelia.

In a pot, the universal mix made with equal parts peat , worm castings and coconut fiber works excellent, especially if we add some vermiculite and perlite .

Nor should you neglect the fertilization of this plant, very necessary for its health and flowering. Both in pot and in soil, it is necessary to apply organic fertilizer to the plant both at the beginning of spring and autumn, to enhance its flowering in the first case and to strengthen it before winter in the second.

Pruning of Abelia grandiflora

If you wonder how to prune Abelia grandiflora, you are in luck because in this aspect the plant is not demanding. Practicing a maintenance pruning every 2 years will be enough to keep it in good condition. It is enough to remove the branches and leaves in poor condition and take advantage, if you want, to control its growth and give it shape, especially in width, given its great growth in this regard.

Reproduction of the Abelia grandiflora

The easiest method to carry out the reproduction of Abelia grandiflora at home is by cuttings or by division of clumps. To reproduce abelias by cuttings , these should be done in summer, taking stems of soft wood, while the division of clumps works best in spring. In both cases of abelia multiplication, it is recommended to move the cutting or the divided bush to a controlled or indoor area and transplant it to its new final location once it has rooted and properly grasped.

Pests and diseases of Abelia grandiflora

To finish commenting on the care of abelias, we will mention the important issue of pests and diseases. One of the best characteristics of this shrub is that it is exceptionally resistant to the most common pests and diseases , and it is not usually affected.

At most, and only if the abelia is weak, it can be occasionally attacked by aphids , but it is not usual for healthy and well-nourished abelias. Here we show you some home remedies to eliminate aphids on plants .

Other species of Abelia

The grandiflora is the most common of the abelias, but not the only one. Here are some other species of abelia :

  • Abelia triflora
  • Abelia Edward Goucher
  • Abelia parvifolia
  • Abelia engleriana
  • Abelia chinensis
  • Abelia floribunda

Now that you know how to take care of Abelia grandiflora, you may want to discover more than 20 flowering bushes with this other article, among them you will see abelia but you will also know many more.

Maria Anderson

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