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Planting grass: how to do it

Grass is a great alternative to grass when it comes to covering large areas of meadow. It is a tougher vegetation and coarser than grass, so it withstands continuous trampling better, thus being especially suitable for parks or leisure areas. In addition, in winter the grass dries its aerial part, which turns yellowish and no longer needs care such as watering and pruning, so you only have to take care of it during the warm months. It also supports better periods of drought, which it can survive in situations where the grass would die and require replanting.

Therefore, if you are going to choose to cover your garden or any other surface with grass, in this AgroCorrn article we are going to teach you how to plant grass step by step , as well as its sowing and the different types of this plant that exist.

You may also be interested in: 8 types of grass
  1. How to plant grass from seed step by step
  2. How to plant grass plates
  3. Types of grass to plant at home

How to plant grass from seed step by step

To plant grass from seeds, follow these steps:

  1. Prepare the soil: before planting the seeds, it is necessary to condition the soil to optimize the chances of germination and growth of the grass. It is necessary to loosen and loosen the top layer of the earth, at least its first 5 cm. It does this with the help of a hoe, breaking up any large clods and leaving the soil aerated and unpacked. In addition, you must remove any residue in the form of stones, sticks or garbage. Finally, leave it as level as possible to avoid accumulations of water at certain points when watering, and apply fertilizer before sowing. Obviously, the land must be free of herbicides.
  2. Sow the grass seeds: if the area is not very large you can do it by hand, trying to distribute them evenly over the surface. If it’s a lot of land, you probably need a planter. The recommended amount of seeds is about 16 for every 2 cm square.
  3. Cover them: with the help of a rake or by hand, move the soil so that it covers the seeds by a few mm. Then water in abundance to provide the seeds with moisture and also thicken the soil, preventing them from moving.
  4. Watering: water often to keep the soil moist until the grass germinates. But be careful here, wet does not mean waterlogged, if you overdo it you can damage the seeds. It is better to water little and often than a few very abundant waterings.

How to plant grass plates

Planting grass on plates or sod is much more expensive, but it is also a much faster and more comfortable process, since you will immediately have your land covered with vegetation. Grass plates can be purchased in specialized stores or large commercial surfaces, usually on request, and it is especially recommended in the case of small surfaces for its convenience, since in large areas the financial outlay can be very large. To plant grass plates follow these steps:

  1. Before planting the plates, it is necessary to loosen and aerate the land, in a similar way to how it is done with the seeds, although in a more superficial way.
  2. The leveling of the ground is equally important, since it is still necessary to avoid flooding.
  3. At this point they can be placed carefully and in such a way that they are well even.
  4. Once the laying process is finished, it is important to water to revitalize the grass plates, and to be very attentive in the first days to the evolution of the same in the different areas, to check that it roots well and is still in good condition.

Types of grass to plant at home

There are a large number of types of grass , but here we are going to mention the main and most used in gardening.

Cynodon dactilon

This is the most common type of grass, and is commonly called bermuda grass or fine grass . It originates from southern Europe and North Africa, and its grayish leaves turn a deep green hue when irrigated frequently enough. It is characterized by developing deep roots, which can reach up to 60 centimeters. It only grows from 15ºC.

Taiwan marked

This grass is thicker than the Cynodon dactilon and is also called Bahia grass . It is a tropical plant that requires temperatures above 20 ºC, and is slower growing. It is very resistant to drought and high temperatures.

Stenotaphrum secundatum

Also called grass of San Agustín, Catalan grass or gramon , this species is very commonly used in coastal areas, since it is very resistant to high levels of salinity. He is a very robust type, which withstands continuous trampling and high traffic very well.

In this other article we will talk more about these and other types of grass and we give you some tips to choose the best one for your home. In addition, if you are going to make a garden at home or if you are going to fix a garden that has been neglected, we recommend this other Green Ecology article in which we explain How to make an ecological garden .

If you want to read more articles similar to Planting grass: how to do it , we recommend that you enter our category of Outdoor Plants .

Maria Anderson

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