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Main environmental problems in Argentina

Argentina is one of the main economies in the South American continent and is home to approximately 44 million inhabitants. However, this country full of vast expanses and (almost) supernatural beauties is threatened by multiple environmental problems, which are interrelated and aggravate each other.

Keep reading this AgroCorrn article to discover the 12 main environmental problems in Argentina .

You may also be interested in: Main environmental problems in Venezuela
  1. What are the main environmental problems in Argentina
  2. Irresponsible consumption
  3. Non-organic production
  4. Use of energy from fossil fuels
  5. Waste production and management
  6. Overfishing and exploitation of the oceans in Argentina
  7. Megamining
  8. Agricultural border
  9. Loss of soil
  10. Air pollution in Argentina
  11. Climate change
  12. Retreat of glaciers due to melting ice
  13. Loss of biodiversity in Argentina

What are the main environmental problems in Argentina

In summary, we comment that there are many and diverse problems that affect the environment in this part of the world and that, in turn, are totally linked to global problems. However, here we will talk about 12 environmental problems in Argentina , explaining a little about each one:

  1. Irresponsible consumption.
  2. Non-organic production.
  3. Use of energy from fossil fuels
  4. Production and management of waste.
  5. Overfishing and exploitation of oceans.
  6. Megamining.
  7. Agricultural border.
  8. Loss of soil.
  9. Atmospheric pollution.
  10. Climate change.
  11. Glaciers retreat.
  12. Loss of biodiversity.

Irresponsible consumption

Argentina is in a phase of economic expansion of which consumption is a fundamental part. This consumption, however, is not done with responsibility towards the environment and, ultimately, towards society. The ecological footprint of products that are increasingly in demand is still too high to be satisfied in the long term.

Here we teach you how to calculate your ecological footprint .

Non-organic production

In addition to having a growing demand, generally, the production of what is consumed is not done with ecological criteria .

What we are referring to is that, from the beginning of the vast majority of production chains until the product reaches the end user, companies or companies do not make sufficient use of the so-called Best Available Techniques, they are not used efficiently. raw materials and energy and a large amount of waste is generated. An example of these wastes are landfills. In this other AgroCorrn article we talk about what are industrial discharges in water and its treatment .

Use of energy from fossil fuels

According to various Argentine entities and associations related to the environment, most of Argentine energy is based on fossil fuels , specifically 87% between oil and gas.

This contributes negatively to climate change , explained later, and depletes the available resources of this type of fuels, which are finite or non-renewable.

Waste production and management

Both citizens and Argentine industry generate large amounts of waste that should be properly managed to become environmentally friendly.

Although waste separation at source , the most successful type of separation available at the moment, has been implemented in some municipalities such as Rafaela or Buenos Aires, it is not a system that is fully extended throughout the country.

Overfishing and exploitation of the oceans in Argentina

The depletion of fishing grounds in other countries of the world, such as Spain, together with the demand for this type of food, are causing the overexploitation of Argentine marine resources . In some cases, the maximum fishing quotas are not met, and also juvenile individuals that have not yet reached reproductive age are withdrawn, so there is no generational replacement.

Learn more about the Overexploitation of natural resources, its causes and consequences in this other post.


The mining large farms or megaminería , and specifically the open pit mining , are activities contaminants end, which can affect both the land and water resources (particularly groundwater) as biota ecosystem. This activity has had special tax benefits.

Here you can learn more about how mineral extraction affects the environment .

Agricultural border

The agricultural frontier has been expanded, especially due to the massive cultivation of soybeans destined for export. Soybean cultivation went from occupying approximately 5 million hectares in the 1990s to occupying 18 million two decades later, for which immense lands that previously belonged to natural ecosystems were plowed (that is, plowed for the first time).

Let us also not forget that monoculture is one of the most damaging forms of agriculture, since it requires the use of agricultural inputs (such as fertilizers and pesticides) and accelerates the loss of soil.

Loss of soil

Agriculture, livestock and the lack of control in waste management is leading to an inevitable loss of the quality of the Argentine soil , both due to contamination processes and accelerated erosion of the substrate.

In these other articles you can consult more information about soil contamination, its causes, consequences and solutions , as well as about what soil erosion is, its causes and consequences .

Air pollution in Argentina

Argentina is among the 30 countries that most pollute the atmosphere in the world. Air pollution has been growing slowly but steadily since the 1990s. Thus, Argentina currently emits between 15 and 20% of the GHG (Greenhouse Gases) of the whole of South America. Most of the GHG in Argentina are generated by means of transport, although we must not forget that livestock is an important source of methane. But it is not only GHGs that should concern the population: the industry also generates other pollutants, such as sulfur and nitrogen derivatives, whose concentration rises in industrial areas.

Learn all about Air Pollution, its causes, consequences and solutions here.

Climate change

Carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere, along with other GHGs, are being the culprits of climate change . These GHGs prevent “excess” infrared radiation from being re-emitted into space by the planet, causing the atmosphere to overheat.

In addition to GHG emissions , deforestation caused by agricultural activity and other problems such as the melting of permafrost are negatively contributing to this phenomenon. It has already been warned of the profound impact that the change in the weather could have in Argentina, such as prolonged droughts and floods that would affect both ecosystems and economic activity.

Retreat of glaciers due to melting ice

Due to climate change, the retreat of Patagonian glaciers has already been verified , such as the Upsala glacier in Santa Cruz. Likewise, glaciers are affected at both poles and their melting is accelerating , which increases the level of ocean waters.

Here we give you several data on the melting of the poles updated this year.

Loss of biodiversity in Argentina

All these problems, and despite the increase in protected natural areas , are generating a notable loss of biodiversity . Several autochthonous species, including the Maned wolf ( Chrysocyon brachyurus ) and the swamp deer ( Blastocerus dichotomus ) are threatened.

In this other AgroCorrn article we explain the causes and consequences of biodiversity loss , with interesting data and a video. And if you want to know more species of threatened Argentinean animals, we recommend you consult this list of 34 endangered animals in Argentina with photos.

If you want to read more articles similar to Main environmental problems in Argentina , we recommend that you enter our Pollution category .

Maria Anderson
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