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When the warm months approach, there are many gardens, balconies and terraces that are embellished by the spectacular blooming of hydrangeas. These plants, so widespread and valued for their beautiful flowers, are much easier to care for than many people think.

To prove it, in this AgroCorrn article we have compiled what is the care of hydrangeas in a practical guide to gardening. Join us and do not hesitate to get one of these plants, beautiful as very few.

Characteristics of hydrangeas

Hydrangeas are a whole genus of plants called Hydrangea . They are plants commonly used ornamentally, which have their origin in some areas of Asia and America, although almost all of them come from Japan, Korea or China.

These are bushy plants up to 3 meters high, but generally much lower, although there are also some that are small trees or lianas. They are both deciduous and perennial and bloom from spring to fall.

The flowers of hydrangeas form large inflorescences of bright and very striking colors, whose tones depend on the pH of the soil in which they are, although there are fertilizers rich in certain elements that help to achieve the desired coloration.

Hydrangea care – practical guide

In summary, these are the basic hydrangea care :

  • Light: hydrangeas are not picky about the light they receive.
  • Irrigation: they require a soil with a constant level of humidity.
  • Climate: they appreciate temperate climates, they do not support frost.
  • Soil: it is important that the pH is between 4.5 and 6.5.

Light and temperature

As we have already mentioned above, hydrangeas are not demanding when it comes to light and sun. You can have them indoors or in shady gardens without any problem, and the plants will develop properly while they are not in total darkness. In fact, it is preferable to place them in semi-shady areas , especially in climates with a very intense sun, since the direct incidence of this can harm them.

Regarding temperature, they are plants that appreciate temperate climates , above 15 ºC from spring. In winter they can not bear frost , so if the temperature falls below 0 ºC, you will have to move them indoors.

Soil for hydrangeas

This is the most important point of hydrangea care , or at least one of the two most relevant. Hydrangeas need a soil with a pH between 4.5 and 6.5 . A midpoint of around 5.5 will always be the safest bet, but since the color of the flowers depends on the acidity of the soil, many play with this to achieve the desired blue or pink tones.

With a pH below 5.5 the flowers will tend to be blue, while above this they will tend to pink. In addition, you can use specific fertilizers or contributions to help in this process, but be very careful not to make the soil too alkaline, or your hydrangeas could suffer from iron chlorosis. In any case, prepare soils with good drainage , which will help you avoid waterlogging problems.

As those in blue tones are the most sought after, here is an article about blue hydrangeas: care and how to grow them .

Watering the hydrangeas

Along with the pH of the soil, this is the other key point in the care of these plants. Hydrangeas need a large amount of water and humidity , requiring constant watering that keeps the soil moist at all times.

However, exceeding this point and flooding the soil will be fatal for our plants, which may not survive. For this reason, it is necessary to water them very often and in not too abundant quantities, in order to keep the soil moist but without waterlogging . Logically, a soil with good drainage will help us a lot in this regard. Also, avoid wetting the aerial part of the plant when watering it, focusing only on the soil.

This other post can be very useful to know when to water the plants .

Hydrangea pruning

Pruning hydrangeas is quite important to enhance the flowering of the plant in the spring . Prune clumps of flowers that wilt as soon as they do to keep the plant vital and active.

In this other gardening guide we explain everything about Pruning hydrangeas: how and when to do it .

Hydrangea fertilizer

Finally, adding a suitable fertilizer to your hydrangeas in spring will help them produce their flowers with more force. Opt for natural organic fertilizers , or specific fertilizers for hydrangeas. In any case, be careful about altering the pH of the soil.

Here you can learn how to make homemade organic compost for plants . In addition, here below you will see our video on the care of hydrangeas.

Maria Anderson

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