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If you are thinking of having a lemon tree in the garden, you have just planted one or have been enjoying it for a long time, you have to have strategies to prevent it from being attacked by pests. The pests in the lemon trees would only spoil their health and you would be left without their beauty and without their lemons, better to prevent this from happening! However, it is not uncommon for a plague to appear on the lemon tree at some point.

Did you wonder how to eliminate a plague on a lemon tree ? Then you have come to the right place. In this AgroCorrn article we give you some tips so that you can protect your lemon trees from damage caused by pests and, thus, know how to have a lemon tree without pests and also how to cure a sick lemon tree, since apart from knowing its care well To avoid getting sick, learning about the treatments and remedies that you will see here will be very useful, as they serve both to prevent and to cure the lemon tree.

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  1. How to get rid of ants from the lemon tree
  2. How to remove aphids from a lemon tree
  3. How to fight the lemon tree caterpillar
  4. How to fight the whitefly in the lemon tree
  5. How to eliminate the scale of the lemon tree
  6. How to remove the lemon tree miner
  7. How to remove spider mites from a lemon tree

How to get rid of ants from the lemon tree

Ants are beneficial insects for nature, but their ability as aphid livestock is a threat that can bring us many headaches in orchards and gardens. By themselves they will not usually be a big problem, but when they transport and protect aphids to take them to the leaves and feed on their sugary secretions, the plant is in danger. If you find ants in the lemon tree , the first thing to do is check if they have brought aphids with them and, if so, treat it with priority.

Afterwards, it will be enough to prevent the ants from continuing to climb the trunk. There are many resources to achieve this, such as sticky traps that are used against other insects or the installation of plastic cones, cotton bands or cardboard covered with children’s glue. Of course, it is necessary to check the status of the traps after the rainy days in case they have deteriorated.

In this other article we tell you how to eliminate ants .

How to remove aphids from a lemon tree

Whether it has appeared on its own or has been brought by ants, this small insect that feeds by sucking nutrients from the leaves can seriously damage your plant and needs to be treated. Sulphating a lemon tree can be common in farms, but in the case of gardens or small orchards it is not necessary to go as far and the homemade lemon insecticide can work very well to eliminate the aphid .

One of the most common home remedies for lemon tree pests is the garlic solution , which works with all types of aphids. Cut five garlic cloves into small pieces, crush them lightly and let them soak for 24 hours, covered with a rag or cotton cloth. After that time, put the water to boil, over low heat, for 20 minutes and, once cold, strain the infusion. You just have to spray it on the affected plant as when spraying a lemon tree, up to once a day for a maximum of 5 days, always in the late afternoon.

In this other post you can learn more Home remedies against plant aphids .

How to fight the lemon tree caterpillar

If you find leaky lemon tree leaves, it is likely that they are caterpillars . These are easy to locate, so, if they are few, you can remove them manually , always with gloves, without the slightest problem. If the problem is greater, you can resort to installing houses for insectivorous birds , which will take care of them in a short time. Another solution is to spray with household insecticides like dish soap or tobacco.

Here we explain more about How to eliminate the presence of caterpillars naturally .

How to fight the whitefly in the lemon tree

With the arrival of autumn, the whitefly is another of the common pests of the lemon tree in some areas. This pest is easily located by the whitish secretions that remain on the underside of the leaves, as well as a kind of black honeydew. To combat it in an ecological way, it is best to use potassium soap and spray the lemon tree with it, paying special attention to the underside of the leaves.

If you want to learn more about how to eliminate whitefly, enter here.

How to eliminate the scale of the lemon tree

The mealybug is another very common pest of the lemon tree , which is also usually located on the underside of the leaves. Against it, it is best to resort to homemade and ecological insecticides , such as neem oil and potassium soap, in a very similar way to how the other pests mentioned are treated.

Here you can find a practical guide on How to make potassium soap and in this other link you will learn more about the Treatment for cottony mealybug on plants .

How to remove the lemon tree miner

The citrus miner is a more difficult pest to treat, since the larva is protected by digging galleries inside the leaves. As with the cochineal, neem oil works very well against the leafminer , which turns the sap of the plant bitter when it absorbs it. Dilute about 5 ml per liter of water and water your lemon tree with the mixture. Another advantage of this ecological insecticide is that it lasts for up to 3 weeks.

In this other article we tell you much more about How to combat the citrus miner .

How to remove spider mites from a lemon tree

The spider mite is another of the most common pests in certain areas, a pest that attacks when the environment is especially dry. Despite its name, it is a mite and not a spider. Fortunately, their treatment is not particularly complicated and most of the remedies listed above work against them.

Green pesticides like neem oil or garlic solution will kill the lemon tree blight if applied properly. Increasing the risks and humidity will also help to fight against the spider mite, although we must be careful not to favor the appearance of fungi. Learn more about How to eliminate the spider mite with this other post .

Finally, here you can see more about the best homemade insecticides for lemon trees .

If you want to read more articles similar to How to eliminate a plague in a lemon tree , we recommend that you enter our category of Growing and caring for plants .

Maria Anderson
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