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Surely you have ever considered, after enjoying one of the most consumed tropical fruits internationally, to grow it by yourself, and it is true, it is quite easy to learn how to grow a pineapple from its crown. Yes, what you read, you will only need to preserve the upper part of the fruit to be able to grow it in your garden or in a pot.

The pineapple, also known as pineapple , is a plant of tropical origin that belongs to the bromeliad family and comes from South America. In this area of ​​our planet, pineapple cultivation is one of the bases of its economy, since it, as we have mentioned before, has a great international demand.

So, if today you feel like continuing to learn more tricks to grow your own pineapple, at AgroCorrn we will answer you not only the most basic questions about how long does it take to grow a pineapple or how many times it bears fruit, but we also add a guide on how to plant pineapple so that you can go step by step learning more about this fruit so magnificent for the health of the whole family.

How long does a pineapple take to grow?

The time it takes for a pineapple to grow is usually between 10 and 14 months at least for the fruit to be edible. This means that if we decide to try to grow them we must be very patient.

In addition, depending on the species and the growing method, it can take more than 28 months to grow , that is, almost 3 years. Hence, it is an expensive fruit for some but, of course, for all that it offers, it is well worth it. With this we want to raise awareness that the fruit we buy is used to the maximum and one of the best ways to do it is by growing it after consuming it.

How many times does a pineapple plant bear fruit?

The pineapple plant produces a single fruit per stem . This does not mean that each plant bears a single fruit, but rather that for each stem we will have a pineapple. Normally, the plant usually produces about three cuttings or stems throughout its life , although this can also vary slightly depending on the species or variety.

The most common is that the first fruit that your plant produces is the largest, although this does not mean that it is the one that tastes the best. In addition, if the pineapple is grown in a pot, it will surely only produce one fruit. Only pineapples grown outdoors and in the ground are capable of creating suckers from which other pineapples sprout.

From what we can say that, the pineapples that we grow in pots will surely give us a single fruit after approximately 2 years and the pineapples that we can grow outdoors planted by suckers will give more fruit and will take half the time, this is equivalent to about 16 months.

As we have already commented, patience is the most important ingredient for growing pineapple, but, once you start, you can start growing each of those that come out to you to gradually increase production and apart from consuming them in house, who knows, you may have enough to end up giving some to your relatives.

Finally, do not worry if you see that your pineapples are smaller than the ones you usually see in greengrocers, it is normal. In fact, not because of this, they will taste worse, but on the contrary. Nothing tastes richer than what has been achieved with your own effort.

How to plant a pineapple step by step

The first thing you should know to plant a pineapple is that you only need to buy one in your usual supermarket or greengrocer. Enjoy this fruit so juicy and rich in vitamins and keep the crown of the pineapple with its leaves . Follow these steps to plant the pineapple :

  1. With the crown ready, where very possibly some fruit still remains, you should remove the leaves that are closest to the base and let it dry for approximately 7 days. I advise you to turn it upside down to help her wounds heal.
  2. Once a week has passed, you should place the crown of the pineapple, already dry, in a container with water, and stick about 3 or 4 toothpicks in the base to help you hold it so that the crown is not totally submerged.
  3. The container is then placed near a place with plenty of light but not in direct sunlight.
  4. After several weeks, you should start to see white roots begin to appear at the base of the stem. From this moment it is very important that you change the water every 48 or 72 hours.
  5. Once the roots are well developed, prepare a container or pot with a light, well-draining substrate. We recommend that you use coconut fiber , worm castings, or peat .
  6. From this point, use a sprayer to water it and try to keep them in a place with a stable temperature and make sure that the substrate dries.
  7. Finally, you may very well need to change the container as it grows to help it develop.
Maria Anderson
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