Located in South America, Chile offers a great diversity of both flora and fauna, which is possible thanks to the variety of its climate and geography. This country has a high number of endemic species conditioned, to a large extent, by its topography. In addition, its long extension gives rise to a variety of climates between several of its regions. All this is responsible, to a great extent, for the existence of some or other Chilean plant and animal species .
If you want to know more about the biodiversity of Chile , we recommend this AgroCorrn article in which we present the flora and fauna of Chile .
- Characteristics of the flora and fauna of Chile
- Flora of Chile
- Chilean fauna
- Animals in danger of extinction in Chile
Characteristics of the flora and fauna of Chile
Chile is not characterized by a great diversity of species compared to other neighboring countries, but its high percentage of endemic species stands out , that is, species that are found only and exclusively in this country. Consequently, this fact means that Chile’s ecosystems are highly vulnerable to any adversity.
The climate of Chile is one of the factors that classifies the flora and fauna of Chile by zones . With its varied temperatures, this country presents seven different climates: the arid or desert climate, the subtropical climate, the Mediterranean climate , the humid temperate climate, the oceanic climate , the cold steppe climate and the polar climate . These varieties of climate, together with a very diverse relief, determine the species present throughout the extension of the country.
Flora of Chile
The vegetation of Chile is especially conditioned by the climatic conditions. In this way, the country can be divided into various regions.
- The northern part of the country is characterized by little rain and wide deserts. Even so, you can find trees such as tamarugo, carob or shrubs such as yareta. In this area the flowering desert occurs when, after abundant rains, species such as the añañuca ( Rhodophiala rhodolirion ) or the guanaco leg ( Cistanthe grandiflora ) grow .
- Regarding the flora of the central zone of Chile , this zone has a Mediterranean climate and abundant rainfall occurs in winter, which allows the growth of trees of considerable height. In this area there are species such as the acorn ( Beilschmiedia miersii ), the molle ( Schinus molle ), the hawthorn ( Crataegus monogyna ), the chagual ( Puya chilensis ) or the guayacán ( Porlieria chilensis ).
- In the south of the country is where the widest diversity of species is found. The copihue ( Lapageria rosea ) stands out, Chile’s national flower characterized by being a creeper and with a flower color that ranges from red to white with a shape that assimilates a very long bell.
- In addition to the aforementioned species, there are many more plants from Chile . Some of the typical Chilean flowers are the monjita ( Scyphanthus elegans ), the butterfly ( Schizanthus pinnatus ), the caballuna nettle ( Loasa triloba ) or the rooster flower ( Alstroemeria ligtu ). Other tree species in Chile are the mañío ( Podocarpus saligna ), the cypress ( Cupressus sp.), The lenga ( Nothofagus pumilio ), the araucaria ( Araucaria araucana ) or the luma ( Amomyrtus luma ).
Chilean fauna
After knowing the flora, now we will focus on talking about Chilean animals :
- In the North of Chile there are two very characteristic ecosystems. First of all, the dry climate of the Atacama desert is a limiting factor in terms of the quantity and variety of species found. Here you can learn about why it doesn’t rain in the Atacama desert . However, when a height of 3,500 meters is reached, we find a climate with abundant rains in summer and abundant vegetation, which facilitate the presence of other species of animals. The most abundant animal in this area are the Andean flamingos ( Phoenicoparrus andinus ).
- The greatest wealth of animals in Chile is found in the center of the country, characterized by a very favorable climate. Here you will find foxes and mice, especially, along with birds such as the Turk ( Pteroptochos megapodius ), the chiricoca ( Ochetorhynchus melanurus ) or the black-fronted sleeper ( Muscisaxicola frontalis ).
- Finally, in the south of this country the climatic conditions are very adverse and, although it may seem surprising, the species of animals that inhabit it are incredible. Among them, the small pudu ( Pudu puda ) and the huemul ( Hippocamelus bisulcus ) stand out. In this area, we must also highlight the fascinating marine fauna that presents, among other animals, the whales that travel to Antarctica to get food.
Other species of animals that live in Chile are:
- Llama ( Lama glama ).
- Puma (Puma concolor).
- Coipo (Myocastor coypus).
- Alpaca (Vicugna pacos).
- Atacama runner lizard ( Microlophus attackamensis ).
- Choroy (Enicognathus leptorhynchus).
In this other post we will tell you about 40 native animals of Chile so you can learn more.
Animals in danger of extinction in Chile
Some of the Chilean animals are in danger of extinction. Some of these species of animals in danger of extinction in Chile are the following:
- The sea cat ( Lontra felina ).
- The short-tailed chinchilla ( Chinchilla chinchilla ).
- The Arica hummingbird (or Arica hummingbird, Chilean star; Eulidia yarrellii ).
- The paposo desert vaquita ( Gyriosomus angustus ).
- The culpeo fox ( Lycalopex culpaeus ).
- The Volcano Growler ( Pristidactylus volcanensis ).
- The Andean cat ( Leopardus jacobita ).
- The huillín ( Otter provocax).
- The Humboldt penguin ( Spheniscus humboldti ).
- El ñandú (Rhea).
- Darwin’s frog ( Rhinoderma darwinii ).
In this other AgroCorrn article you can learn more about the Animals in danger of extinction in Chile .
If you want to read more articles similar to Flora and fauna of Chile , we recommend that you enter our Biodiversity category .
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