In the world there are different types of climate and depending on the geographical area, the latitude and altitude at which that area is located, it will present one climate or another. In this AgroCorrn article we will talk about a very curious climate, which makes it possible for a great biodiversity to develop in the areas where it occurs. This climate is called the equatorial climate, a subtype of tropical climate.
If you want to know everything about the equatorial climate, know its characteristics and the vegetation and animals that develop under its climatic conditions, continue reading this interesting article in which you will see a simple summary about what is the equatorial climate, its characteristics, flora and fauna .
What is the equatorial climate
The equatorial climate , or also called humid tropical climate or tropical jungle climate since it is a tropical type climate, is characterized by very high temperatures and by presenting abundant rainfall throughout the year. These precipitations are responsible for the areas that enjoy this climate, have lush forests and jungles full of biodiversity.
We recommend you read this other post about What is the tropical climate and its characteristics to learn more about this topic.
Equatorial climate characteristics
Among the characteristics of the equatorial climate are the following:
- Located in the fringe of low latitude climates, from approximately 10º – 15º north latitude to the same south latitude. It occurs in the Intertropical Convergence zone.
- The territories that are characterized by this climate are the coast of the Gulf of Guinea, the Congo basin and the Amazon basin and Southeast Asia. Other countries with an Equatorial climate are Venezuela, Brazil, the Philippines, Indonesia, Ecuador, among others.
- There are countries that, due to their location, should present this type of climate, but the monsoon winds prevent the rains from developing. These countries are Djibouti, Ethiopia, Somalia, and Kenya.
- It has an average annual temperature that exceeds 18 ºC, having a thermal oscillation of less than 3 ºC between the coldest and the warmest months. This climate is devoid of winter, counting on a practically permanent.
- The rainfall that occurs annually in an area with an equatorial climate is very abundant, reaching figures above 2,000 mm, there is no dry season in it.
- The relative humidity that is reached in this type of climate ranges between 80% and 100%.
Equatorial climate flora
The diversity of plants in the equatorial climate depends, as elsewhere, on factors such as precipitation and temperature. As we have mentioned before, the equatorial climate is very hot, humid and presents abundant rainfall, so its vegetation must be well adapted with its own seasons of leaf fall, seed production or flowering. These conditions cause lush vegetation to develop in the different biomes of the equatorial climate , such as the quatorial forest, the jungle and the mangroves.
In equatorial forests there are a large number of hygrophilous species, that is, species adapted to humid environments. Some of the typical species of the equatorial forest are:
- Eucalyptus.
- The hevea.
- Laurisilva.
- The bamboo.
In the understory, the following vegetation of the equatorial climate stands out:
- The orchids.
- Legumes.
- The lianas.
- Many other very little known species.
On the other hand, there are the jungles , made up of tiny vegetables as well as huge trees, large bushes and lianas. Finally, there are the mangroves , which is a woody plant formation, very dense and can be arboreal or shrubby, in addition to being composed of several species of mangrove. They are located in the areas near the mouth of the rivers, since they are species with great tolerance to salt.
It is important to add that there are also many types of crop species that originate in areas with an equatorial climate, among them are the cocoa plant, cassava, cola or fruit plants, such as pineapple or banana. You can also see species such as the American cedar and the African iroko that are characterized by the thickness of their woods, being species of fine woods.
To learn more about the plants of the equatorial climate, you can consult these other articles about tropical forests: characteristics, flora and fauna , the flora and fauna of the tropical forest and What is a mangrove and its characteristics .
Equatorial climate fauna
The animals of the equatorial climate , like the vegetation of this climate, must be adapted to the current climatic conditions. Feline animals can be found , such as the tiger in Asia, the jaguar in America, and the leopard in Africa. Here you can learn more types of felines .
We can also see other large animals in these areas, such as elephants . Here you can learn about the Asian elephant and the African elephant . In its rivers in the equatorial climate zone there is a great diversity of crocodiles , as well as the vast majority of the primate species existing in the world, such as the spider monkey that coexists in America with the howler monkey. Chimpanzees and gorillas are found in Africa, the orangutan in Asia and lemurs in Madagascar. Other emblematic animals that are part of this climate are:
- The tapir.
- The lazy ones.
- The harpy eagle and other raptors .
In addition, there is a great variety of snakes , such as the American green anaconda or the Asian python, which are constrictors, as well as some that are poisonous, such as the black mamba from the African continent, the Asian cobras or the quaima pineapple from America.
If you want to read more articles similar to Equatorial climate: what is it, characteristics, flora and fauna , we recommend that you enter our category of Other environment .
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