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Deforestation in Argentina: causes and consequences

Argentina, unfortunately, is among the 10 countries that have been most affected by deforestation in the last 30 years, as almost 8 million hectares of forest were lost. In this country indiscriminate logging is being practiced, endangering the great biodiversity, as well as thousands of indigenous communities and the environment in general. According to Argentina’s Greenpeace [1] , deforestation activity is so strong, that despite the activity being suspended in the quarantine period due to Covid-19, more than 35,000 hectares were razed in the north of the country.

If you want to know more about the deforestation of Argentine forests and how it affects deforestation in Argentina in general, continue reading this interesting article by AgroCorrn about the causes and consequences of deforestation in Argentina , which will also talk about the areas more stalked by this problem and possible solutions.

You may also be interested in: Causes of deforestation
  1. Causes of deforestation in Argentina
  2. Deforestation areas in Argentina
  3. Consequences of deforestation in Argentina
  4. Possible solutions to deforestation in Argentina

Causes of deforestation in Argentina

The reasons why this deforestation is taking place in Argentina are: the advance of the agricultural frontier (transgenic soybean crops and intensive livestock) and the increase in intentional fires with the aim of making access to the territory easier.

Most of the agricultural producers are from abroad or from the Pampean region, they benefit from the Chaco region located in the north of the country, due to the low cost of the hectare in this territory. For example, a hectare in the south of the country can be between 10 thousand and 15 thousand dollars, while a hectare in the north can cost between 300 and 500 dollars. So, producers destroy and transform the soil in order to produce to profit economically at the expense of nature, instead of adapting to the possibilities and limitations offered by the ecosystem of the Chaco region. Although there are laws to protect forests, in the end, “made the law, made the trap.” For example, if a company destroys a native forest, it is enough to pay a fine to be able to continue doing so.

Here you can learn more about the Causes of deforestation .

Deforestation areas in Argentina

Regarding the deforestation areas in Argentina , we can indicate that 80% of the deforested hectares in this country are distributed in the following provinces, belonging to the Chaco region located in the north of the country:

  • Chaco.
  • Santiago del Estero Formosa.
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Consequences of deforestation in Argentina

The consequences of the uncontrolled deforestation that Argentina is suffering are many, but these are the main ones:

  • It is important to know that in the jungles and forests there is a great biodiversity, in fact, it is estimated that more than half of all the existing biodiversity can be found in the jungles and forests. If we destroy them, we are also destroying this great biodiversity and causing the extinction of many species.
  • In addition, Argentine forests are not only inhabited by species of plants and animals, but are also home to thousands of indigenous and peasant communities, so deforestation destroys the homes and livelihoods of these communities, as their possibilities are reduced. to obtain wood, medicine and food.
  • Deforestation not only causes a problem to the living beings that inhabit the forests, it also affects the climate, the soil and the bodies of water, since the forests help to regulate all these factors mentioned. Therefore, deforestation of forests translates into increased flooding, soil desertification and acceleration of climate change .
  • Disease transmission is another consequence of deforestation. This allows wildlife populations that carry bacteria, viruses or other microorganisms, to come into contact with people who until now were isolated from these pathogens. Thus, they are diseases to which human beings have not been exposed for many centuries, thus increasing zoonotic-type diseases, that is, those that animals can transmit to us.

In this other article you can learn more about the consequences of deforestation .

Possible solutions to deforestation in Argentina

The indiscriminate felling of trees has had a great impact on the native forests of Argentina , that is why possible solutions to this deforestation are urgently needed.

  • Currently Greenpeace is pushing for the Law of Forest Crimes to be promoted. It is intended that this law considers the destruction of native forests as a criminal offense, without the possibility of it being evaded by paying an economic fine. Large companies have large capital and for them the payment of a fine of this type does not mean anything.
  • In addition, another solution would be to constitute a criminal offense the granting of permits that allow the clearing of areas that are protected.
  • In order to conserve nature, all actions that endanger it (clearing, arson, deforestation …) must be denounced and penalized. These acts have to be considered as a crime, since it is the only way to end the economic power of companies.
  • On the other hand, it would also be convenient to oblige all those companies or individuals to restore all those forests that they illegally damaged.
  • At a more individual level or participating with associations and non-profit organizations, you can choose to help reforest deforested Argentine forests. Here you can learn more about what reforestation is and its importance .

Now that you know all this, we encourage you to discover more about this problem on a global level with this other post on The indiscriminate felling of trees in forests .

If you want to read more articles similar to Deforestation in Argentina: causes and consequences , we recommend that you enter our category of Other environment .

Maria Anderson
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