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13 animals in danger of extinction in Bolivia

Bolivia is one of the countries with the most biodiversity in the world, which is known as mega- diversity , and in fact it is in seventh place in terms of this parameter. But as it happens in most of the world, many of these species are in danger of extinction due to various activities, most of the problems due to humans.

In this AgroCorrn article we collect 13 animals in danger of extinction in Bolivia .

  1. Bolivian chinchilla rat (Abrocoma boliviensis)
  2. Emperor marmoset (Saguinus imperator)
  3. Falso vampiro (Vampyrum spectrum)
  4. Bolivian dolphin (Inia boliviensis)
  5. Ñandú the Andean ostrich (Pterocnemia pennata)
  6. Satan beetle (Dynastes satanas)
  7. Andean cat (Leopardus jacobita)
  8. Guanaco (Lama guanicoe)
  9. Pecarí quilimero (Catagonus wagneri)
  10. Puma or mountain lion (Puma concolor)
  11. Oso Andino (Tremarctos array)
  12. Green Macaw (Ara militaris)
  13. Andean condor (Vultur gryphus)
  14. How we can help endangered animals in Bolivia

Bolivian chinchilla rat (Abrocoma boliviensis)

To begin with this article in which you will find information about animals in danger of extinction in Bolivia , we mention the Bolivian chinchilla rat . As its name suggests, it is a small rodent endemic to Bolivia, mainly from the cloud forests of the rocky areas. It has a coat that can be grayish or brown in its dorsal area and whitish on the belly. This rodent feeds on herbs and shrubs.

According to the international union for the conservation of nature, the Bolivian chinchilla rat is threatened by the invasion of its habitat for agricultural or livestock purposes. Another threat is hunting for their fur.


Emperor marmoset (Saguinus imperator)

It is a species of monkey that lives in the treetops in both dry and rainy forests. It has a coat between black and gray, with yellow tones on the back. The emperors marmosets are omnivores .

Today, this species of marmoset is threatened by the deforestation of its habitat and the use of its lands for mining and agricultural activities.

Falso vampiro (Vampyrum spectrum)

It is one of the largest bats in the world. It has a dark brown or orange fur and inhabits forests, jungles and savannas, feeding on amphibians, insects, small birds and reptiles.

The false vampire bat is in danger of extinction in Bolivia and also in other countries where it lives. Their main threat is the destruction of their habitat by invasion, which destroys their dens and displaces other species, making it difficult for them to obtain food.

Bolivian dolphin (Inia boliviensis)

It is the only typical Bolivian cetacean that lives in the rivers of the Bolivian Amazon region. It is a solitary species, except during the reproductive season, and it feeds on crustaceans, small fish and other aquatic animals.

The main threats suffered by the Bolivian dolphin are the pollution of rivers and seas and the destruction of their habitats to build dams.

Ñandú the Andean ostrich (Pterocnemia pennata)

It is also called Cordilleran ñandú, Darwin’s ñandú, northern ñandú, suri, choique, petiso ñandú, ñandú of the heights, Andean ñandú. It is a bird that reaches up to 1.20 meters high and up to 25 kg. Despite being a bird, it cannot fly, but it is a great runner, reaching 60 kilometers per hour. It has a gray, whitish or brown plumage.

Their main threats are hunting for their meat or eggs, logging and burning of their habitat.

Satan beetle (Dynastes satanas)

It is a very rare and striking species due to its taxonomic characteristics. Their males are larger than the females and live in humid and wooded areas. What Satan beetles have a short life cycle, only two years.

Its main threats are the alteration of its habitat by agricultural activities and the burning of trees.

Andean cat (Leopardus jacobita)

It is a small feline with silver-gray fur, large and rounded ears, which give it a great sense of hearing. It is carnivorous and feeds on birds, rodents, and reptile eggs.

The main threats to the Andean cat are hunting, the destruction of its habitat and the hunting of its main source of food, the Bolivian chinchilla.


Guanaco (Lama guanicoe)

The guanaco is a mammal similar to the llama, but smaller. This herbivorous animal has a small head with large ears and eyes and lives in arid and semi-arid regions, but also in mountainous areas up to 4,500 meters above sea level.

Their threats are also hunting and destruction of their habitat . In fact, it is currently a protected species.

Pecarí quilimero (Catagonus wagneri)

It is also known as tagua and it is an endemic mammal of Bolivia and several South American countries. It lives in dry areas with thorny vegetation and feeds on cacti and other plants.

Their main threat is hunting for their meat. It was believed to be an extinct animal until its rediscovery in 1975.

Puma or mountain lion (Puma concolor)

It is a feline that lives throughout the entire American continent. In South America it lives mainly in the vicinity of the Andes Mountains . It is one of the largest cats in the world and lives in areas of dense vegetation, where it lurks hidden for its prey.

The main threats to the cougar or mountain lion are commercial or sport hunting and the destruction of their habitats.

Oso Andino (Tremarctos array)

It is a medium-sized bear that lives in Andean areas. It is omnivore, although its diet is mainly of plant origin, so it can also be considered an opportunistic carnivore.

The Andean bear or spectacled bear is one of the most endangered animals . Their main threat is hunting, because they are considered a danger or a pest. Also for sporting reasons.

Green Macaw (Ara militaris)

It is a large macaw with a long tail. In it, green feathers predominate, although it also has yellow, blue and red tones in different parts of the body, but in less quantity. It inhabits trees and deciduous forests in lowlands and streams.

The main threats to the green macaw , both in Bolivia and in other countries, are hunting and modification of its habitat.

Andean condor (Vultur gryphus)

This is a scavenger bird that can fly to great heights and is one of the largest. In fact, it can weigh 15 kg and measure 3 meters with open wings. They are dark plumaged with a white neck area and live in mountainous areas with strong winds that they use to rise. The greatest threats that cause the population status of the Andean condor to be alarming are the destruction of habitat, the inhabitants of the regions in which they live, as they dispute over land and livestock, and hunters .

Here we explain more about why the condor is in danger of extinction .

How we can help endangered animals in Bolivia

Among the actions that we can carry out to help protect endangered animal species in Bolivia we highlight:

  • Do not introduce invasive alien species .
  • Implement protection and conservation measures for the species of these animals that are especially threatened in Bolivia.
  • Do not consume products that have any relationship with the illegal traffic of these species.
  • Report illegal illegal hunting and trafficking activities that we are aware of or find in Bolivia.
  • Be part of associations and projects that work in defense of species that are at risk of extinction in Bolivia.

If you want to read more articles similar to 13 endangered animals in Bolivia , we recommend that you enter our category of Endangered Animals .

Maria Anderson
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