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Non-vascular plants: what are they, characteristics and examples

There are many ways to classify plants and one of them is according to whether they have a vascular system or not. Thus, we can speak of vascular plants (tracheophytes) and non-vascular plants (bryophytes or bryophytes).

In this AgroCorrn article we want to teach you everything you need to know about the so-called bryophytes or non-vascular plants. Learn a little more about these types of plants with this summary about what non-vascular plants are, their characteristics and examples of these, as well as what are their main differences with vascular plants.

  1. What are non-vascular plants
  2. Characteristics of non-vascular plants
  3. Examples of non-vascular plants
  4. What is the difference between non-vascular and vascular plants

What are non-vascular plants

It is known as bryophytes or non-vascular plants, in general, those that lack roots, stems and leaves . To this is added that they do not have tubular or conductive vessels either. Therefore, in the absence of a vascular system, xylem and phloem , the question always arises: what is the form of transport in non-vascular plants?

The answer is simple, non-vascular plants have other simpler structures for transporting water, also called poikilohydrics . With these they absorb water directly from the environment itself and move it through its structure.

Due to their small size and primitive composition, they are one of the most complex botanical groups when studying them. However, we can find them all over the world, in deserts, jungles, mountains and even at sea level.

Characteristics of non-vascular plants

These are the characteristics of non-vascular or bryophyte plants :

  • The main characteristic of non-vascular plants is that they do not have conductive tissues, that is, they have neither xylem nor phloem. Here you can learn more about the types of plant tissues , such as xylem and phloem.
  • Non-vascular plants also do not have what are known as true organs: roots, stems, and leaves. However, they do have less developed structures to fulfill the functions necessary for their development.
  • Due to the absence of specialized tissues, these types of plants always grow and develop in humid environments. Thus, thanks to their own regulation system, called poikilohydric, they are able to regulate the loss of vital fluid
  • Despite the above, non-vascular plants tolerate fluctuations in both humidity and temperature quite easily. This is because many species have the ability to go into torpor until favorable conditions for their survival appear.
  • Although to a lesser extent than vascular plants, we can find non-vascular plants throughout our planet. From desert areas, acid soils and even the arctic tundra.
  • Non-vascular plants fail to reach large dimensions. They also do not have flowers or fruits, making it difficult to identify and differentiate between species. In fact, they usually do not reach more than 5 cm in height and their coloration is always quite a striking green.

Examples of non-vascular plants

The first thing to know is that non-vascular plants, also known as bryophytes, are divided into three groups:

  • Mosses
  • Antocerotes
  • Hepatic

Phylum Bryophyta o musgos

Mosses are anchored to the ground through rhizoids, primitive structures that are used as a method of anchoring to the surface. They are usually found in highlands and can develop both in the shade and in sunlight. In addition, they fulfill a very important function such as preventing erosion, facilitating the retention of water in the land and favoring the growth of other plant species.

Learn more about them in this other post about Mosses: what they are, characteristics and examples .

Phylum Hepatophyta or hepatica

Liver plants, unlike mosses, do not have structures that characterize them or help them improve their grip on the ground. They absorb water and nutrients directly from the place where they grow. They can reach up to 20 cm in diameter and have more than 8,500 species within their division, which include more than 60 families that are well differentiated from each other. They are also typical of humid climates, although there are also species that can develop in more arid areas.

Here you can read more about liver plants: what they are, characteristics, types and examples .

Phylum Anthocerophyta o antocerotes

The anthocerotes, also known as hornworts, are named in this way for their characteristic sporophytes, structures that rise to the surface and have a shape similar to that of a horn. As with mosses and liverworts, they prefer humid areas for their growth and development. They usually grow in humid areas.

To further expand your knowledge about the Anthocerophyta phylum, we advise you to read this other article about Anthoceros : what they are, characteristics and examples .

After knowing the different groups, here are some examples of non-vascular plants :

  • H. nobilis var pirenaica
  • H. transsilvanica
  • H. marchantía polymorpha
  • Lunularia cruciata
  • Floating Riccia
  • Polytrichum commune
  • Vesicularia dubyana

What is the difference between non-vascular and vascular plants

These are the differences between non-vascular plants and vascular plants :

  • The biggest difference between these two types of plants is that bryophytes or non-vascular ones are more primitive life forms that do not have the presence of stem, leaves, flowers and fruits.
  • Non-vascular plants have the main function of maintaining and regulating environmental humidity, while vascular plants are one of the main sources of food for other living beings.
  • Another of the great differences is how reproduction is carried out in non-vascular plants , since, since they do not have seeds as happens with vascular plants, they reproduce by spores and only under favorable conditions.
  • Bryophytes are easily recognized due to their small size and intense coloration , almost always deep green, as is the case with moss. On the contrary, vascular plants have endless differentiations between much clearer species such as leaves, stem, flowers and fruits.
  • Finally, the percentage of non-vascular plants that exist throughout the planet is considerably lower than in the case of vascular plants. In addition, they are much more complex to distinguish due to their similarities and similarities between the different species.

To further expand your knowledge of these types of vegetation, we advise you to take a look at this other article on Vascular Plants: what they are, characteristics and examples .

If you want to read more articles similar to Non-vascular plants: what they are, characteristics and examples , we recommend that you enter our Biology category .

Maria Anderson
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