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Plants in danger of extinction in Mexico

Mexico falls within the countries considered megadiverse with more than 108,500 varieties of plants. However, agricultural activities, the deterioration and destruction of ecosystems, pollution or the presence of invasive species are factors that are threatening and endangering them. It is estimated that approximately 1,000 species of plants are at the highest risk of disappearing.

In this interesting article, AgroCorrn article will show 20 plants in danger of extinction in Mexico , their names, location and photos.

  1. Yarn Ball Biznaga or Mammillaria Herrerae
  2. Golden barrel or Echinocactus grusonii
  3. Cocolmeca o Dioscorea mexicana
  4. Palma de Guadeloupe or Brahea edulis
  5. Lennea viridiflora
  6. La mandragora the Turbinicarpus mandragora
  7. Maguey de Nizanda or Agave nizandensis
  8. King Fernando’s Maguey or Agave nickelsiae
  9. Orchid of the clouds or Rossioglossum williamsianum
  10. Peyote meco or Pelecyphora aselliformis
  11. False peyote or Astrophytum asterias
  12. Vainilla o Vanilla planifolia
  13. Palm of All Saints or Mexican Ceratozamia
  14. Gomez-stamping Gaussia
  15. Hickel Fir the Abies alba
  16. Other plants in danger of extinction in Mexico

Yarn Ball Biznaga or Mammillaria Herrerae

Among the Mexican plants in danger of extinction we find a biznaga, one of the species most related to this country. It is the Biznaga ball of thread or M ammillaria Herrerae , which is an endemic species, belonging to the Cactaceae family and is found distributed in a small area of ​​Querétaro, its natural habitat being the desert. It is in critical danger of extinction due to its illegal extraction and trade, as it is used as an ornamental plant. It is characterized by being an almost spherical cactus, with a diameter that can reach 3.5 m and present whitish fruits.

Here you can learn more Desert Plants .

Golden barrel or Echinocactus grusonii

The golden barrel or Echinocactus grusonii is an endemic species of central Mexico belonging to the Cactaceae family. It is listed in danger of extinction in its natural habitat , although it is cultivated worldwide, after having been illegally extracted from its natural environment, for ornamental purposes.

Cocolmeca o Dioscorea mexicana

The Cocolmeca or Dioscorea mexicana belongs to the family Dioscoraceae found in secondary forests at altitudes between 100-1300 meters in the territory of Oaxaca and Veracruz. The illegal extraction and sale of this species, due to the interest in its medicinal and nutritional properties, has made it currently in danger of extinction.

Palma de Guadeloupe or Brahea edulis

The Guadalupe palm or Brahea edulis belongs to the Arecaceae family and is endemic to the island of Guadalupe . In its natural habitat it is in danger of extinction due to grazing and, in addition, there are also mice and rats that eat its fruits. However, although it is endangered in its natural habitat, it is a species cultivated for ornamental use outdoors.

Lennea viridiflora

The lennea viridiflora is a legume belonging to the family Fabaceae and their distribution ranges from Colombia to Mexico border and spread throughout Central America. This species is currently threatened by deforestation , with the aim of allocating the territory to agriculture and urbanization.

Image: Boldsystems

La mandragora the Turbinicarpus mandragora

The mandrake, biznaguita palito or Turbinicarpus mandragora is a phanerogam species, endemic to Mexico of the Cactaceae family. It is critically endangered for its illegal collection. The populations of this species are very small, since in general they are solitary plants that are pollinated by different insects and ants.

Maguey de Nizanda or Agave nizandensis

The Nizanda maguey or Agave nizandensis is an endemic species of Oaxaca , which grows in the low deciduous forest. It has a great ecological importance in carbon fixation and also prevents soil erosion. It is in danger of extinction as it faces changes in the use of land by humans.

King Fernando’s Maguey or Agave nickelsiae

The maguey of King Ferdinand or Agave nickelsiae is a perennial succulent that grows in thickets of Coahuila, between 1,500 and 1,750 meters. The population of this species is decreasing , since its habitat is being destroyed, to use the land for commercial and residential development.

Image: Pinterest

Orchid of the clouds or Rossioglossum williamsianum

It is a species of the Orchidaceae family , it is found inhabiting mountain areas between 1,200 and 2,000 meters above sea level, for its development it needs cool temperatures, humidity and a large amount of sunlight, that is why it grows in the high branches of the trees. The orchid tigrillo de las rosas or Rossioglossum williamsianum is an endemic species of Mexico, it is classified in danger of extinction and the fact that its growth is slow, becomes a problem for it to thrive.

Image: Pinterest

Peyote meco or Pelecyphora aselliformis

The meco peyote or Pelecyphora aselliformis is a native species of San Luis Potosí, it develops in areas between 1,800 and 2,400 meters above sea level, not extending more than 500 km 2 . It is actually classified on the red list as a least concern, although the species is kept under protection due to its great ornamental value and its population in nature is decreasing.

False peyote or Astrophytum asterias

The false peyote or Astrophytum asterias is a species native to Nuevo León and Tamaulipas, which belongs to the Cactaceae family. It is a cactus that has no thorns and is slow growing. It is in danger of extinction due to its uncontrolled harvesting for various purposes.

If you like cacti, here you can discover much more types of cacti .

Vainilla o Vanilla planifolia

The Vanilla or Vanilla planifolia is a plant representing cultures within Mexico one of the most important, since it is grown and exported to the rest of the world, thus generating a great economic benefit. However, in its natural habitat, this species is listed as endangered due to illegal collection and export.

Palm of All Saints or Mexican Ceratozamia

Another example of Mexican plant species in danger of extinction is the Palma de Todos los Santos or Ceratozamia mexicana . It is a species that belongs to the Zamiaceae family and is endemic to Mexican territory . It is in danger of extinction , since its habitat has undergone a change in the use of the land to be used for banana and coffee crops.

Gomez-stamping Gaussia

The aussia gomez-pompae is a species of palm endemic to Mexico , it grows on the rocks of the states of Tabasco, Veracruz and Oaxaca. The degradation of its habitat means that this species is on the red list classified as vulnerable.

Imagen: Monaco Nature Encyclopedia

Hickel Fir the Abies alba

The Hickel fir or Abies alba is a conifer endemic to Mexico and can only be found in Oaxaca, Veracurz, Chiapas and Puebla. The red list has classified this coniferous tree as a vulnerable species for 20 years, luckily it is still being conserved today.

Other plants in danger of extinction in Mexico

Finally, these are other species of Mexican plants in danger of extinction :

  • The moss of the Sierra de Juárez or Acritodon nephophilus.
  • Guatemala Fir or Abies guatemalensis.
  • Mexican pistachio or Mexican Pistacia.
  • Hesperalbizia or Albizia plurijuga.
  • Oh star cactus Aloe network.

In addition to knowing all these plants in danger of extinction in Mexico, we advise you to discover more species in similar situations with these other articles on 20 plants in danger of extinction and their causes and 17 plants in danger of extinction in Peru .

If you want to read more articles similar to Plants in danger of extinction in Mexico , we recommend that you enter our Biology category .

Maria Anderson
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