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How to avoid pollution of the seas and oceans

Pollution of the seas and oceans is one of the environmental problems we are currently facing. Its practice has been carried out over many years, however, due to advances in industry and technology in recent centuries, the amount of waste dumped into aquatic systems has increased to a completely unsustainable point, Therefore, it is increasingly necessary to implement measures to stop and correct this situation. For all this, at AgroCorrn we propose some solutions and explain how to avoid pollution of the seas and oceans .

  1. What is marine pollution
  2. Consequences of marine pollution
  3. Practices to avoid marine pollution

What is marine pollution

Marine and oceanic pollution consists of the introduction of polluting substances into the marine environment directly or indirectly as a result of a myriad of human activities to which is added the mismanagement of the waste we produce.

These activities range from those most relevant of an industrial nature and capable of causing greater impacts, through agricultural practices and spills to the simple neglect of human beings when disposing of our garbage.

Consequences of marine pollution

There are many consequences of the pollution of the seas and oceans:

  • Loss of biodiversity : marine biodiversity is dying five times faster than terrestrial biodiversity due to pollution and the modification or elimination of its habitats. In addition, it must be taken into account that each of the species occupies a specific place in the ecosystem, so if a species is altered or disturbed, those that are related to it will also be affected.
  • Eutrophication : consists of the increase of nutrients in the water which cause a lack of control in the development of algae and bacteria that consume the oxygen in the water, increasing its turbidity and preventing the passage of sunlight and with it the life of numerous species.
  • Increase in water temperature : the increase in temperature causes a decrease in oxygen, preventing the development of numerous species. On the other hand, excess carbon dioxide modifies the pH of the water, increasing its acidity and causing damage to the entire marine ecosystem.

Practices to avoid marine pollution

Reduce the consumption of plastic products

Today an estimated five trillion plastic products are found floating in the oceans or submerged in their depths. The accumulation of this material is a threat to marine fauna, which can mistake it for food or become trapped in it. In addition, plastic can take up to 1000 years to degrade so it is necessary to replace this material, taking into account that, by reducing the use of plastic products, we can in turn reduce the amount of plastics that end up in the sea. In the following article we will talk about the different alternatives to replace plastic bags .

Buy in a sustainable way

Due to illegal and disrespectful fishing with the aquatic environment, every time we find more species in danger of extinction, it is important to inform ourselves and know those brands and certifications that indicate that the products we consume have been obtained through sustainable practices in order to stop and eliminate those practices that are not. It should be noted that we are not only referring to food products but we also have to consider coral jewelry, shells or other accessories made with marine species.

Do not litter on the beaches

This is one of the simplest measurements. However, despite its simplicity, at AgroCorrn we are sure that on more than one occasion you have found garbage, plastics or other debris floating in bathroom locations. To avoid this situation, it is enough to respect the environment, using the appropriate containers and arranged on the beaches to dispose of containers, cigarette butts, and other waste. In the following article you can find the world map of garbage in the oceans .

Reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions

By reducing CO₂ emissions, we contribute to alleviating climate change and with it the effects suffered by marine ecosystems, such as thermal pollution or rising tides . To reduce electricity consumption we can apply very simple measures such as using fluorescent lamps instead of conventional bulbs or turning off electrical appliances when we are not using them.

Support organizations

There are many organizations dedicated to the protection of marine habitats. We can contribute to your cause by volunteering or through financial support.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to avoid pollution of the seas and oceans , we recommend that you enter our Pollution category .

Maria Anderson
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