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Find out which are the most toxic countries on the planet

Air pollution is a problem glo b on which affect unevenly the different regions of the planet. Which countries occupy the highest positions in the ranking, being especially toxic? A new map from The Eco Experts sheds light on this.

The images that accompany this post belong to this study, from which maps have been made that indicate which are the most toxic countries in the world . If you want to discover what you breathe, look for your country on the first map, it may surprise you, or the opposite may happen.

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  1. The most toxic countries
  2. The countries with the lowest toxicity
  3. Goal: to shame the most toxic countries
  4. Millions of deaths every year
  5. Conclusions

The most toxic countries

The study has included 135 countries in the list, leaving more than fifty left out, since in the world there are 198 countries distributed in the five continents, but even so it offers tremendously representative data of the problem that humanity suffers.

Of those 135 countries that top the list are Powers oil and production of gas , usually with little investment in renewables. Basically those richest in oil. Indeed, some of them are also among the richest countries in the world.

Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Tukmekinstan, Libya, Kazakhstan or Trinidad and Tobago have the dubious honor of leading the list. Although it is surprising, the scales used in this study attribute greater environmental toxicity to these countries than to countries such as China or India , which logically do not go away either.

The countries with the lowest toxicity

Africa is a low-smoke continent, at least in comparative terms . This is the conclusion of the study, since Kenya is the country with the lowest environmental toxicity, followed by Tanzania, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Cameroon, Zambia, Indonesia, Zimbabwe, Brazil and Congo.

All of them developing countries that, as they progress, will foreseeably also increase their level of atmospheric combination. Unless when this occurs globally, sufficient progress has been made in establishing low-carbon development models. Dreaming is free…

To give an example of a developed country that was the cradle of the industrial revolution, it must be said that the United Kingdom is in 81st place in relation to pollution and 37th in emissions.

Finally, in Europe the nations with the worst data are Luxembourg, Bosnia Herzegovina and Bulgaria. Curiously, even with numerous eco-friendly policies, the Nordic countries have obtained high scores in toxicity, a position in which the large amount of energy they consume to combat their cold winters has been decisive.

And what about Spain? It is among the best-unemployed countries in Europe, in the same band as France or the United Kingdom, which does not mean in any way that they should not meet the objectives established in the Paris Agreement, which entered into force last November.

Nor of course, does it serve as an orientation at the local level, since in all countries without exception there are countless contaminating points that constitute a risk to the health of the population.

Goal: to shame the most toxic countries

The objective with which this map has been prepared is to put a mirror in front of the countries that are doing the worst in environmental policy . “We want to name and shame the worst offenders in the world”, as well as raise awareness about the dangers that this entails, they explain from The Eco Experts.

Millions of deaths every year

In the European environment, according to the latest report from the European Environment Agency (EEA), air pollution causes hundreds of thousands of premature deaths . Around 85 per cent of Europeans living in cities breathe in toxic substances that pose a health risk and can even cost them their lives.

This same report, “Air quality in Europe 2016”, whose analysis covers from 2000 to 2014, the toxicity we inhale through the air is responsible for the death of 467,000 people a year in community space. In the world, according to the WHO, the figure shoots up to 12.6 million people in 2012, the last year for which data is available.

In other words, air pollution caused the death of around a quarter of the deaths. But, in addition to being a major public health problem, air pollution is an environmental drama with regard to its environmental impact in general and, in particular, on climate change.

Not surprisingly, one of the great global challenges at the environmental level, perhaps the most important, is precisely fighting the effects of climate change effectively.

To do this, in addition to reducing air pollution that poses health problems due to environmental pollution, it is also essential to work on many other fronts . The great challenge, in short, is none other than making the transition to a low-carbon society : the only way to also achieve a planet that remains habitable.


For its realization, we have worked with external data related to mortality caused by air pollution and CO2 emissions. Specifically, the research data comes from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Energy Agency (IEA).

Going to technical aspects, as well as the pollution of the air , for classification other factors came into play. It is their sum that acts as a sieve to offer the results that are seen on the map.

Among others, it took into account what data had each country on key issues such as green energy production, energy consumption and emissions of CO2 by combustion of fuel , both factors according to their figures per capita, as well as deaths from pollution of air that are produced per 100.00 inhabitants.

If you want to read more articles similar to Discover which are the most toxic countries on the planet , we recommend that you enter our Globalization category .

Maria Anderson
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