Jasmines are a whole genus of plants, the Jasminum , which is part of the Oleaceae family, which includes such well-known and different species such as olive, ash or lilac. Jasmine has its origin in tropical Asia, and it is a very numerous genus, with between 300 and 500 species, many of them highly appreciated by fans of gardening and plants thanks to their showy and beautiful flowers, some of them very fragrant.
However, as with all plants, caring for a jasmine to keep it in optimal condition always takes some effort and work. In this AgroCorrn article, we are going to focus on what to do when jasmine leaves turn yellow. If you are interested in discovering the causes of yellow leaves in jasmine and how to cure it , join us.
Yellow leaves in jasmine for its natural cycle
It is not always necessary to be alarmed at some yellowing leaves on jasmine . The yellowish leaves on the plant indicate chlorosis , that is, that the plant does not have enough chlorophyll for all its leaves and some are just like that, yellowish, due to this lack. Here you can learn more about what is chlorosis in plants and how to eliminate it .
If it is only a few leaves of your jasmine that show this coloration and it is spring, it is very possible that nothing bad happens with your plant. Simply, at this time the jasmine concentrates its energies in preparing new shoots and flowering, so that the oldest leaves are left unattended, it is part of its natural renewal process.
If this happens, simply monitor the evolution of your jasmine closely, and as long as there aren’t many leaves affected by discoloration, you don’t need to worry.
Yellow leaves due to excess moisture
Faced with a jasmine with yellow leaves and brown spots , it is most likely that we have a problem of excess humidity . These plants need frequent watering, but if we overdo it with water we will drown the roots, preventing them from absorbing nutrients and causing this effect on the jasmine leaves.
If you are watering your jasmine plant too often, space out the frequency of watering. Typically, a potted jasmine will have enough water with a watering every three days in warm months and a weekly watering in cold months. Always water the substrate without flooding and check before doing so that the top layer of the substrate is dry.
It can also happen that the soil or jasmine pot does not offer adequate drainage and, even if the watering frequency is correct, the substrate retains too much moisture. A poor drainage is an almost guaranteed source of diseases jasmine , so it is very important that ubiques in an area of the garden where the water does not collect or that you prepare a light and substrate slightly sandy, in a pot with drainage holes. Coir is always a good option in these cases, as well as a river gravel bed.
In this other article you can learn more about brown spots on plants .
Yellow leaves due to lack of nutrients
The other major cause of yellow leaves on jasmine is a lack of nutrients , probably nitrogen . Flowering plants need a large amount of nutrients to flourish each year and if we do not provide them in the substrate or in the form of compost, they will not be able to develop well.
Make sure to properly fertilize your jasmine according to its needs, providing it with nitrogen or some organic organic fertilizer such as worm castings, which is always a great option.
In addition, jasmine is an acidophilic plant , which needs slightly acidic soils. If the soil pH is not adequate, the roots will not be able to absorb the nutrients from the soil even if they are there. Adding some sulfur to the substrate is one way to acidify it.
How to cure a jasmine with yellow leaves
Here are some tips on how to cure a jasmine with yellow leaves :
- If your jasmine with yellow and dry or soft and brown or dark leaves is like this due to overwatering or poor drainage , the first thing you should do is stop watering it immediately. If you have overwatered it, it will be enough to space the waterings more, while if the problem is in the drain, a transplant will be necessary. If it is in a pot, wait for the soil to dry out a bit and transplant it into a new container with a substrate with better properties. A mixture of peat moss , worm castings, and coconut coir tends to be very appropriate, and add vermiculite and perlite.will help improve its water retention properties. If it is planted outdoors, also wait for it to dry out a bit and find a suitable area where the soil does not puddle when you water to transplant it there. Here you can learn more about How to transplant a plant .
- If the problem is in the lack of nutrients for the jasmine , you will simply have to apply them. Knowing how to revive a jasmine plant due to lack of nutrients is simple, simply replace the first two centimeters of substrate with a layer of worm humus, which will provide everything it needs. You can also use fertilizer rich in nitrogen, specific for these plants.
In this other post you can learn more about How to revive a plant depending on the problem it has.
How to prevent yellow jasmine leaves
Prevention, in this case, is simply to check that the needs of the jasmine described above are properly met.
A slightly acidic and well-drained soil, enriched with organic matter, and correctly spaced waterings, are the ideal formula for your jasmine to grow strong and beautiful. Thus, your jasmine will not have yellow leaves for anything other than their natural cycle.
Now that you have known all this about yellowish leaves on jasmine, you can learn more about this problem with this other post on Why do yellow leaves appear on plants and solutions .
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