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The importance of biodiversity in grasslands

For nature lovers, the meadows are enclaves of dreams. In the collective imagination they identify with the symbol of freedom, of the open air. They are that place where we can breathe fully, take a fabulous walk or, of course, lie down on the fluffy green or multicolored carpet to daydream, while watching the clouds … Beyond these beautiful dreams, when they are in all their splendor, grasslands are ecosystems rich in biodiversity, specifically biomes, whose main vegetation is made up of grasses or grasses.

As a terrestrial biome, the prairie is a large geographic area, the habitat of a certain type of flora and fauna that have been able to adapt to it. Its characteristics will depend on different local factors, such as the climate (including climate change) and its biodiversity, whose richness does not usually mean a great variety of species. In this AgroCorrn article, we talk about the importance of biodiversity in grasslands.

You may also be interested in: The importance of biodiversity and its care
  1. Changes, a threat
  2. Survive climate change
  3. Why preserve grassland biodiversity?
  4. Take care of the meadows

Changes, a threat

In fact, as changes occur in a biome , its biodiversity is threatened. Some of the living things in their ecosystems may suffer the consequences more than others.

Not all will be able to adapt to the changes, and they die. That is, they disappear, which in turn this disappearance causes new changes that affect the flora and fauna. In some cases for good and in others for bad, depending on each case, but as a biome or set of interdependent ecosystems, only the balance will be desirable.

Survive climate change

Obviously, extreme events brought about by climate change are a serious threat to grassland biodiversity. Curiously, however, biodiversity is a weapon to better resist this type of phenomenon.

According to a study published in the Naure magazine in the October 14, 2015 issue, grasslands characterized by high biodiversity are more resistant to droughts and torrential rains. That is, they are not only capable of recovering but also of resisting it, which is why we find in their preservation a valuable tool to combat the effects of climate change.

Why preserve grassland biodiversity?

Caring for the biodiversity of the grasslands means ensuring its balance and preserving wonderful areas where life bustles, and which we can enjoy for their scenic value and the atmosphere of peace that they exude. But not only that. In addition to being beautiful, they fulfill essential functions for the health of the planet and, therefore, also for the human being. Just a couple of facts to make us think about its importance: Grasslands cover between one-fifth and two-fifths of the earth’s surface and are home to more than one-tenth of humanity.

From a utilitarian point of view, they are places with high forage value, ideal environments to practice organic farming. In turn, they help preserve biodiversity in agricultural settings.

Both in those adjoining fields where organic farming is practiced and in those where the conventional modus operandi kills it with chemical pesticides.

In this case, natural grasslands are pockets of biodiversity that serve as a refuge for pollinators , increasingly threatened, to the point of endangering their survival. And with it, ours.

Caring for the grasslands is also giving endangered animals such as bison a chance to live in the wild , while helping their balance.

In North America, for example, bison find unbeatable habitat, helping grasslands regain their old-time biodiversity.

Likewise, non-invasive grazing is enriching, both due to the natural fertilizer that it implies and to the contrary, since through their voracity they are capable of tempering the alteration caused by overfertilization caused by man. They do this by eating crop plants, which acts as a destabilizing factor, especially because of the height it reaches. It is by eating it that they achieve that the light reaches the native species, improving the balance of the ecosystem, according to a study published on March 9, 2014 in the digital edition of the Naure magazine.

Take care of the meadows

The accessibility and goodness of the climate make prairies very vulnerable natural spaces. Although there are warm and cold grasslands, they tend to abound in the temperate zones of the planet.

Preserving it through concrete actions that seek this objective is great, no doubt, but the simple fact of not harming them is already an achievement. This is what we do when they become productive units, generally industrial livestock, taking advantage of the enclave for food, although nomadic shepherds also use them as pasture.

Their beauty also contributes to making them places of tourist attraction and precisely for this reason it is essential to be aware of the importance of maintaining their balance. The Tioga Road route that leads to Yosemite National Park, in California, is one of those alternative plans that allows you to enjoy Tuolumne Meadows, a large meadow that, without being as well known as the park, does receive massive visits every year. As a meadow it is spectacular, both for its extension and for the Tuolumme River that crosses it. In addition, it is surrounded by large peaks of more than 4,000 meters, which visitors like to admire and where they also ski in winter.

A whole tourist attraction that, on the one hand, has an environmental impact, and on the other, a reason to conserve it, since it is a great business for the local economy. The ideal is to find that reasonable point where making money and enjoying an incomparable environment does not punish the area excessively.

For its part, the use of grasslands for pasture also requires seeking formulas that find the balance between productivity and biodiversity. If necessary, intervening on a regular basis for its maintenance or recovery.

If you want to read more articles similar to The importance of biodiversity in grasslands , we recommend that you enter our Biodiversity category .

Maria Anderson

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