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How to prevent natural disasters

Known worldwide for their devastating effects on societies and ecosystems in different parts of the world, natural disasters play a fundamental role in balancing our well-being and that of our environment. Sometimes, the lack of adequate prevention measures, and poor management of the land by people, leads to huge social, environmental and economic losses, greater than those that the devastating natural phenomenon itself would entail.

If you want to learn more about some actions to prevent natural disasters, as well as the main natural disasters that occur on our planet, continue reading this interesting article by AgroCorrn on how to prevent natural disasters .

You may also be interested in: How to prevent forest fires
  1. What are natural disasters
  2. How to prevent natural disasters – actions
  3. How to act in the event of a natural disaster – steps

What are natural disasters

Commonly known as disasters or natural catastrophes , numerous extreme natural phenomena occur around the world each year that cause damage to societies and the environment.

The negative consequences of these phenomena are due to the force of their destruction . Strong winds, gigantic waves, burning flames and ash and other physical factors are the main destructive elements that characterize the much feared natural disasters. Faced with them, it is essential to create awareness and prevention systems that hold both governments and populations in general responsible.

You can learn more in these other articles on Types of natural disasters that exist and 7 natural disasters caused by man .

How to prevent natural disasters – actions

The main objective of the measures related to the prevention of natural disasters focuses on reducing the negative impact that these entail, both in terms of loss of human life (and other living beings), as well as in relation to material damage and environmental In this section we will detail the most appropriate actions to prevent one or another type of specific natural disaster, depending on whether it is fires, floods and tsunamis, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions or earthquakes.

Prevent fires

  • Follow the exit signs until you reach a meeting point indicated for this in case of fire.
  • If we are in a building near a fire and, above all, if it has also caught fire, do not use the elevators.
  • Stay away from large trees and buildings that could collapse from the fire.
  • Cover up to prevent the skin from coming into direct contact with the flames, as well as wear masks to avoid inhaling the polluting gases resulting from the combustion of the fire.

In this other article we talk in more depth about How to prevent forest fires .

Prevent floods

  • Faced with floods, the main prevention measure is to stand somewhere high, if possible, more than 30 meters above sea level on natural terrain.
  • It is important to avoid coastal areas and river beds, as well as to be aware of the possible rise in the water level in areas susceptible to being stagnant and flooded (sewers, holes in roads, etc.)
  • In case the flooding is due to the devastating action of a tsunami, the main thing is to stay away from the coast, since this is its main area of ​​devastation. Due to the frequency of devastating waves that the action of the tsunami can generate (around 10 waves in 12 hours), preventive measures must be maintained during this period. Learn more about this phenomenon here: How tsunamis form .

In addition, you can consult this link where you will see information about the Causes and consequences of floods .


  • Having a shelter and reserves of water and food to face the arrival of the hurricane, since the devastating consequences of the natural phenomenon will probably force them to remain isolated for a time.
  • Use protective structures on windows, doors and areas susceptible to flooding and / or damage due to the strong winds and storms of the hurricane, avoiding being close to them during the passage of the same.

Find out more here: What is a hurricane and how it is formed .

Volcanic eruptions

  • Depending on the force and pressure with which the volcanic eruption has occurred, as well as the types of materials that have been emitted (lava, ash, gases), the actions must be more or less intensive.
  • It is important to stay out of the range of the volcanic eruption, closing doors and windows to avoid having respiratory problems due to the emission of gases and ashes.
  • Likewise, stay away from areas susceptible to a landslide or landslide, since the force of the eruption can lead to an avalanche of materials that displace the earth, as well as earthquakes.

To learn more about this natural phenomenon, do not hesitate to read this other post about the Types of volcanic eruptions .

Earthquakes or earthquakes

  • The main action in an earthquake is to remain calm and follow the evacuation instructions if we are inside a building.
  • It will always be advantageous to stand under a table or furniture that protects us from falling lamps and any other object, as well as from breaking windows and glass.
  • It is advisable not to use the elevators, as well as to stop the vehicle if we are driving and go to places without buildings or large trees that could collapse due to the force of the earthquake.

From AgroCorrn we recommend reading these other articles about Why earthquakes occur and What are the main seismic and volcanic areas in the world .

Actions to prevent natural disasters

In the previous points, we have summarized the most important things to do in each type of natural disaster situation, such as prevention measures for major disasters and loss of life. Now as a summary, we explain some measures to prevent natural disasters to prevent them from happening or to make them as small as possible:

  • Construction of shelters or bunkers to use in an emergency.
  • Prepare fire breaks in fields and forests.
  • Report situations that we see that could lead to a natural disaster (for example, bonfires in non-authorized places).
  • Carry out control studies of this type of phenomenon to be able to know when and where the disaster is most likely to happen and with what force. With this knowledge, timely evacuations can be performed when necessary.
  • Make constructions in places as safe as possible (avoid buildings attached to the beds of large rivers, on the side of a volcano, etc.).
  • Try to reduce pollution (both by governments and large organizations and by citizens).

How to act in the event of a natural disaster – steps

The development of action strategies in the event of natural disasters must cover, in an essential way, both the implementation of short-term, medium and long-term strategies. Thus, within the short-term actions, those that we must carry out more immediately during the natural disaster occurrence are included in the following four stages , ordered from highest to lowest order of priority. Take note of what to do during a natural disaster :

  1. Keep calm.
  2. Follow the directions of any person with civil liability (police, firefighters, security forces …).
  3. Do not push or run over other people when trying to get out.
  4. Find the most suitable hiding place or shelter (high places in case of floods, under tables during earthquakes, etc.).

On the other hand, action measures focused on prevention in the medium and long term will also be necessary to try to act in the most optimal and responsible way possible in the face of natural disasters. Said measures for the prevention of natural disasters are based on regulations, laws, projects and strategies that allow, on the one hand, to protect and make responsible use of the areas susceptible to natural disasters and, on the other hand, to directly prohibit the occupation of those areas with high risk of impact.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to prevent natural disasters , we recommend that you enter our Other environment category .

Maria Anderson
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