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Do you want to create a new project or are you going to open your own company? As you know, finding the right name for your business is one of the most important and, at the same time, most difficult aspects to undertake. Finding an original name, that engages and that matches the philosophy of your company can be somewhat complicated, but the effort can be vital for the company to succeed or fail.

From EcologiaVerde we want any project devised from a point of view of respect for the environment to succeed, that is why we want to give you some tips and ideas so that you can find ecological names for projects and companies .

Attractive business names: how they should be

First of all, you have to start at the beginning of everything: What requirements must a good company or project name meet ? Here are the basics:

  • It must be easy to memorize.
  • It cannot be confused with another brand.
  • It should be easy to make a logo.
  • It should sound and read well.
  • It adapts to the values ​​of the business.
  • It is timeless.

Said like this it may seem very easy, however, if you have already started with it you will have realized that reality is a bit more complicated than theory. However, theory is necessary and there are things we must take into account. In addition to the requirements of a good name that we have already explained to you, there are other factors that should be clarified because they are not always true and depend a lot on the context of your company:

It doesn’t have to be descriptive

There are large and very famous companies whose name bears no relation to the sector in which they are dedicated, in fact, most of the large international brands that may come to mind are of this type. So, innovate, be original, do not stay on the margins of the conventional and descriptive.

It doesn’t have to be short

The reality is that it is better to be short than to be long, but a long name, if it is good, does not have to be a problem for the naming of your company. A good way to know what type of name to choose is to do a small study through other companies in the same sector and differentiate what type of names are more common within your field.

Original company names: the types

There are many possibilities when it comes to creating a name, in fact they are endless, however they can all fit into one of the different types of company names:

  • Descriptive : to a greater or lesser extent, explain what your company does, for example, the cosmetic store The Body Shop .
  • Idea association : not exactly descriptive, but based on evocations or puns. For example, the mountaineering clothing brand The North Face (the north face, a mountaineering term).
  • For benefit : that is, they transmit us the benefits that we get from the product. An example would be the Relax mattress brand .
  • Unrelated : names made up or not related to the product: Bershka , Stradivarius, or Fanta .

This is in regards to the meaning of the name, however, there are other typologies when it comes to construction and how to find names for projects :

  • Onomatopoeias, like the one in the Crunch bars .
  • Proper names, either the person’s name, such as Llongueras hairdressers , or another personality, such as the sportswear brand Björn Borg .
  • Acronyms and acronyms, such as the MET museum .
  • Use words from other languages, for example Veritas supermarkets .
  • Compose words with the union of two names, like Facebook .
  • Add prefixes or suffixes to words to add meanings, such as Biofruits .
  • Phrases or union of several words, The house of lamps .
  • Mix numbers and letters, Laser 2000 .

Tips for choosing an ecological name for a company or project

Beyond everything that we have explained to you, it is important to take into account other aspects that have more to do with the values ​​of your company or with more logistical problems. Next, we leave you a series of tips when looking for the name for your ecological company :

  • The name must be consistent with the philosophy of the company.
  • Think about whether it can have double meanings that harm you.
  • Try not to look like any other brand.
  • Don’t use symbols like hyphens, at sign, or hash marks
  • See if there is internet domain available.

Creative eco names for projects and companies – ideas

Thus, in the field of ecology we can find many words and ways to find a correct name for your business. With what we have explained to you, you will surely have some in mind, but here are some ideas that you can take into account:

Prefixes related to ecology and nature

  • Echo-
  • Bio-
  • Natur-

For example, if the company sells bio hair care products it could be called: Bio HairCare .

Words in other languages ​​related to ecology

  • Green
  • Tree
  • Clean
  • Earth
  • Terra
  • Vita

These are good examples of words for green business names . For example, GreenDeco or DecoGreen could be a business case for green or eco-friendly decorations.

Evocative words

In the case of creating green companies or projects related to nature, using evocative words is a great success. These are words to create ecological names for projects and companies that speak to us about nature, animals, a pleasant environment, etc., the ideas can be many.

Ecological name indicating the benefit

What does our product contribute? What differentiates it? Adding that quality to the name can be a good idea.

Although a good idea may also be to invent a name that has nothing to do with it or, for example, take it out of other more unknown languages ​​such as Quechua or Native American language. These cultures were very close to nature and had a relationship with it based on respect. If you want to find an ecological name, a word in that language may be a good option.

In addition to these ideas and tips for creating green names for projects and companies, we recommend that you take a look at these Green Business Ideas and learn about Corporate Social Responsibility with examples .

If you want to read more articles similar to Ecological names for projects and companies , we recommend that you enter our category of Projects, associations and NGOs .

Maria Anderson
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